Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cheapestcancun Vacations
Straight from the pen of Francis
The Road by Cormac McCarthy Cormac McCarthy
man and writer of the border has designed this book to go beyond the extreme limit: the apocalyptic beyond which plunged the earth and its civilization for unspecified reasons. Livid days without sun alternating with impenetrable darkness, rain, cold, fire and ash that chokes are the symbols of a nature that languishes lifeless and animals long since disappeared or been devoured by the few human survivors who are degraded by the imperative of survival to hunt their own kind of ferocity and cannibalism. In this environment awesome, walking with difficulty on a road that goes south from ghost towns and houses looted, a father and his little boy, pointing toward the coast, to escape the cold, food shortages and danger of their fellow "bad" . A supermarket trolley, a sheet of plastic, cans of food, a lighter, a gun with two cartridges are the wretched remains of an entire civilization and ironic, a few things that they should be picking up and dragging behind to survive in their transhumance to a place and time of a hoped-for rebirth. Because they both have the fire of life within, which jealously guard with the love of the parental relationship, which means that, despite insecurity, there is no room in the cart for a book of stories to read to the child and his toy truck. The desolation of that existence precarious and dangerous has emptied even the memory of life as it was. Only the glow of their inner flame lights up the memory of the boy's mother and wife of the man who abandoned them by suicide, not to lose hope with the substance of existence in person. He left the decision to repeat the same step with his son. But he does not give up and consumes his life undermined by the disease in a desperate struggle to bring the child to salvation. He died before he could, without even the awareness of this fragile thread of hope that l’autore ci lascia sotto forma di incontro del ragazzino con una comunità di uomini “buoni” che avviene poco dopo.
La scrittura di CMC è qui ancora più asciutta del solito, con dialoghi scarnificati fino all’essenzialità che la penuria delle forze esige. Ma la muta tenerezza e la sollecitudine dei gesti paterni aleggia nella desolazione ambientale, ben ripagata dalla tranquilla fiducia nel padre da parte del bambino . La poesia di quelle sommesse parole scambiate la si percepisce durante tutto l’incerto e pericoloso procedere, come un potente invisibile involucro che li avvolge e li rende capaci di sopportare l’interminabile sequela di sofferenze e tribolazioni, tenacemente determinati a non smarrirsi nella despair.
places have no name. The man has no name and likeness. The child has no name, only know him through the thin look of the distressed father. There is only one name: that of the old Ely. You could then look for keys to understanding this book without chapters.
With a key to philosophical one could say that the unnamed man, the eternal dualism, the principle of good struggling with an uncertain outcome against the principle of evil, because human life, the child without a name, do not subside of the enormous dark ages.
If the key is meant to be metaphysical one can see a biblical vision with the advent after the apocalypse a messiah, the child, who build his kingdom on the ruins of civilization on earth.
The third key would be to simply lay and evolutionist who reads this book as a visionary work that catapults the imagination in a scene from history that goes in cycles, with the selective force of the genes which allocates a generation to die after fulfilled its task is to try to bring the child to survive with its precious human genome (the fire inside). But if he has not been successful, perhaps a new cycle will restart if hidden in the depths of the gorge some survivors will be drawn on the char that bring back the code of life, older that of man.
What Is A Heart Murmur More Condition_symptoms

A man and a child traveling through the ruins of a world reduced to ashes in the direction of the ocean, where maybe a mirage of a cool pale sun now will give a bit 'of warmth and some glimmers of life. carrying with it the way everything in the new balance of things have value: a shopping cart with the little bit 'of food they make up a plastic sheet for shelter from the freezing rain and a gun with which to defend themselves from gangs of robbers who beat the streets determined to survive at all costs. And then the most valuable asset: themselves and their love for each other.
Yes we'll get.
And there's nothing bad will happen.
Because we bring the fire.
Yes Why we bring the fire "
The road is a book written. Because it is within us. The author has done as Michelangelo, has eliminated the superfluous material to extract the original one. The prose is lean and dry. Gives the reader the emotions aroused by the desolate landscape, the essential dialogue between father and son who became a symbol of the continuity of life seemingly came to extinction according to the human parameters.
is a book to interpret the symbols that the author has scattered on every page.
The child is helpless, the hungry cold requires protection, knowing that his father assures him of being close to death, to assure the survival and continuity of life. The child is the Messiah, the bearer of the fire symbol of hope that despite everything does not go off. Through nature's ability to move forward, to continue to survive in whatever form, to regenerate themselves indefinitely, McCarthy shows us a way not to succumb even when all around is death and desolation. Along the road heading south towards the sea (another symbol: water generator of life) each time left without food or blankets, every ounce of energy that sustains them in the imagination makes them find new resources and the journey continues. These events are comparable to the vicissitudes of daily ups and downs of us all.
Next meeting April 22, 2009 20:45
comment on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon - Einaudi
A cura di Lucia e Alberto
Monday, March 16, 2009
Panic Attack More Condition_symptoms
Mercoledì, 11 marzo 2009 ore 21,00
A Rozzano il mese di marzo non porta solo la primavera, ma anche una serie piuttosto nutrita di appuntamenti culturali in biblioteca e in Cascina.
Rozzano had already had the pleasure of spending an evening with them last October with readings taken from the works of Cesare Pavese.
"Now that you're coming
dance step that you came into my life
almost gust in a closed room -
to celebrate, good long-awaited
words I miss the voice and
tacerti already close enough for me.
Camillo Sbarbaro - Now that you're coming - Inventory 1955 "
" Love burning life and make time fly - Vincenzo Cardarelli.
By Lucy and Albert

A Rozzano il mese di marzo non porta solo la primavera, ma anche una serie piuttosto nutrita di appuntamenti culturali in biblioteca e in Cascina.
"Incanti - musica e versi d'amore"
La fisarmonica suonava con passione e le note si spandevano nell'aria; la voce di Carlo Mega recitava brani di poesia di autori del Novecento italiano: Antonio Porta, Mario Luzi, Cesare Pavese, Giorgio Caproni, Lalla Romano and many others. The public Rozzano had already had the pleasure of spending an evening with them last October with readings taken from the works of Cesare Pavese.
"Now that you're coming
dance step that you came into my life
almost gust in a closed room -
to celebrate, good long-awaited
words I miss the voice and
tacerti already close enough for me.
Camillo Sbarbaro - Now that you're coming - Inventory 1955 "
" Love burning life and make time fly - Vincenzo Cardarelli.
By Lucy and Albert
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