Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Emt Courses In Colorado

O my dear!

I've been very busy lately on several fronts, but now ... Here I am!
(actually I have the hot iron and a pile of clothes to iron that looks like the K2 ...)
Allora, partiamo dal principio....
il 18 aprile la mia bimba Chiara ha ricevuto la
Santa Cresima
e sapete che io ci tengo tanto, ma proprio tanto, a queste cose
ho preparato tutto affinché fosse per lei un giorno stupendo...
Le ho confezionato il dolcissimo Pony che vedete
e una custodia imbottita per riporre il nuovissimo DS XL che aveva chiesto...
Questo Pony non cè più in casa nostra, Chiara lo ha voluto regalare
alla sua amatissima istruttrice di monta western e compagna d'avventure
che è ritornata nel suo paese lasciando in Chiara un bellissimo ricordo...
Quindi ho un altro PONY da fare!!
Prometto che caricherò il modello, che ho ricavato dalla piccola e carinissima
Non ho resistito alla tentazione di partecipare al mio primo
abbinata: Fabrizia!
Oggetto: Puntaspilli!
Siccome io AMO i PUNTASPILLI ed era ora che imparassi a fare gli Swap, ma soprattutto a farmi qualche nuova amica blogghina...
I made this pincushion
I hope you will find useful, sometimes the small little things you never know where to put them ...
I have hidden, between the buttons, a small red hearts ...
I forced my daughters (12 and 14 years) to swallow for dessert a whole jar head
Homogenized Plasmon to beef
just to have the powder to use!
You know, creative ideas must be seized at the time .....

Then I made this necklace for the contest's Facebook Manidifata
actually I did only the roses, the strands of pearls are the
Africa's pro line Orphange MISSONI
are long rows of pearls that African women wear in life, under the clothes, skin,
to be loooong sexy.
never win, I know, so ...
why not invent a Giveaway among us?
So, a little thing in small ....
know me and know I will not do advertising,
but if you have arrived here, it is worthwhile to participate, right?
Usual rules: a comment on this post
(those your so delicious)
and links to photos on your blog.
The successful will receive this beautiful necklace
at home, with a little surprise ....

Ah, MISS MATILDA wanted to greet you .....


Friday, April 16, 2010

Arterial Fibrillation More Condition_symptoms

Lourdes 1999: Outstanding Eucharistic miracle

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jessica Simpson Uncensored

only wanted to tell you that, because of "restructuring" of my little blog, failure has created some new template with the elements that already exist (ie creative links are gone ....).
soon as I have a moment to settle down promise you everything!

I take this opportunity, as the Easter season is not over yet and it is still full of spiritual fruit, to make this wonderful gift (I will I offer only the gift is made by Boss and by the excellent painter Ernesto Bergagna ). A great big hug to all of you, my dear friends!

" I AM

the ALPHA and OMEGA,

The First and the Last,




(Jesus Blessing Child, detail)

Come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sailboat Diagrams To Scale

New Dolls

My sweet babes ...
stracoccolo me ... as long as I can ...

That sweet and chilly ....
that all pepper ....
a monellin ...
and finally ... the fashion show!
(I will not be an exaggeration to mica with pictures ...)

My Waldorf type dolls are 44 cm high, the filling is hypoallergenic polyester, the body is covered with knitted cotton and woolen hair.
are special dolls for children, adapted to stimulate the imagination of the child. I love dolls smiling, but also typically Waldorf, with facial features just mentioned, are really sweet.
for all concerned (but solo se abitate in provincia di Varese!)
sono a disposizione per divertirci insieme.
Per conoscere quanto è importante che i nostri bambini crescano amando la propria bambola
visita (ne vale la pena):

“(…) Morbide, calde, ben proporzionate, with facial features just mentioned to provide more leeway for the imagination, ideals of early childhood playmates, these dolls stuffed with wool are a joy for children who receive them, and adults that are running a time of creative relaxation . (...) "From 'Children and dolls', Karin Neuschütz, ed. Philadelphia 2002 The site is always available to complete the Tutorial Photo Pattern of the body, instructions for creating the head and Pattern apparel fabric to easily create their own doll.
This tutorial is given in tribute to the courses I registered in Varese province.
On the site you'll find the Tutorial Doll Pillow, important in the early months of a child's life and suitable to be used as transitional objects (as well as a very welcome gift in the case of births!).
You will also find Patterns, kits and tutorials for many other models of cloth dolls and all the material necessary to achieve them!

soon, with my next work!

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Time Auditions Jocalynn

What the Light of the Risen Jesus
always enlighten our hearts
and our lives.