Thursday, June 24, 2010

Peircing Lower Back Pain

MISSONI Giveaway Winner is ...

I know, I know I'm a bit 'fugitive from justice and anti-social at this time ....
forgive me ??!??

But now that

1. school for my daughters is officially over;

2. My Alice has successfully passed the examination of middle school and can rightly gloat (so it is already out with her friends the \u0026lt; 3);

3. Chiara spend all my afternoon to take care of her beloved horses and will not return home because it is not even a guest for the night from a girlfriend;

4. My husband is at work and yet I work non ci penso neanche, dato che alla tv stanno trasmettendo la partita Slovacchia-Italia di pallone e quindi io non mi schiodo dal divano;

5. ho ricevuto poco fa la bella notizia che Varesecorsi ospiterà nella prossima stagione autunno-inverno il Corso di Cucito Creativo "Le Bambole di Stoffa" che terrò per il Comune di Varese;
6. il mio computer nuovo di zecca funziona alla perfezione (quello vecchio era davvero in uno stato vergognoso e quanti files e foto ho perso, mamma mia), niente di speciale ma almeno è funzionante!

So I think its the right day to draw the WINNER
My First Little Giveaway!

To all the participants ( No. 10):
you were really cute to see me on my blog

and you're also really well-versed in the hunt Giveaway since I had not publicized the fact I had hidden inside of my post.
He had an expiration date, thus giving away today!

all deserve to win, but the prize is just a !
For those who have won .... come on, it will be for next time!

is extraction:
1. I transcribed the names of all participants on a sheet ...

2. I cut out all your names and I got 10 candies;
not having the holy hands of my daughters available
have taken at random:
(.... drum roll ...)


Corro a recuperare i tuoi recapiti
per darti in anteprima la bellissima notizia!!
Ti spedirò al più presto il premio:
la Bellissima Collana della Linea Orphange pro Africa di MISSONI,
sono lunghe file di per le (Lovebeads)che le donne africane knotted to wear life, directly on the skin under clothing,
to be loooong sexy (we have to learn ...)
I have the knotted to form a long necklace, to which I applied of roses in orange satin ribbon (the ones I did).
I really hope you like!

A big hug to all of you who attended (despite the problems of inserting comments that the blog has given) as well as all of you who follow my simple little blog: Hugs to all!