Il futuro delle vignette: "lo spazio bianco" tra il presente e l'anno che verrà.
Di questo e altro hanno discusso Mario Gomboli (sceneggiatore ed editore di Diabolik), Pasquale Del Vecchio (Designer Tex), Tito Faraci (writer of "Mickey Mouse", "Lupo Alberto", "Brad Barron," "Tex" and "Diabolik"), Michele Geneva (Centre director Andrea Comics Patience of Cremona) moderator Loris Cantarelli .
The interesting question posed to some of the protagonists of Italian comic, but not limited to (remember that the history of the band in the world come to Disney published more than seventy percent from pencils and pens from the Italian authors, in other words the 'Italy is an exporter of cheerfulness and good humor dedicated to small and large) could not have a single unique response, the recipe is not unique.
All agree, however, in saying that the same as Disney, so Bonelli and then the Giussani sisters (creators of Tex and Diabolik, respectively), when they launched their characters were inspired by others who had preceded them, were innovators, and that innovators! The validity of their creations is palpable, given the decades of seniority that all have. Then, agree on the modern graphic novel (unique numbers, stories that do not expand on multiple periodical issues, real graphic novels), but also need to innovate.
market: in Italy are now open about more than 35,000 retail stores or kiosks for newspapers and magazines, 3,000 libraries, 300 "comics" (specialized libraries, reserved for comic books, where there are issues that are not distributed on newsstands as well as back issues of publications and publishers now been missing for years) where you can buy comics and find out where its shop window and then access the consolidated edition but also new ones. The more than 3000 libraries are not points of "market" but equally important because they contribute to transparency, we invite you, once discovered a character or series, to purchase your personal copy to be retained, perhaps for the eventual collection.
Upstream is the supply chain, companies specializing in the distribution of publishing products in print, a sort of gauntlet attraverso cui passa, una volta che gli autori hanno trovato, quasi sempre con fatica, l'editore, il frutto del loro lavoro. Se si migliorasse la fase di distribuzione autori ed editori trarrebbero indubbi vantaggi di cui beneficerebbero alla fine i lettori, considerazione che si può estendere tranquillamente ai film e ai libri pubblicati dagli editori cosiddetti minori.
In certi casi (in USA soprattutto) vi sono stati travasi in altre forme mediatiche dove i vari Batman e Spider-Man - per esempio - hanno avuto picchi di successo sul grande schermo, anche con sequel, al punto che qualcuno tra i meno informati è portato a credere che i citati supereroi non abbiano natali con le nuvolette, ma siano originali hollywoodiani.
So the transfer could have a cartoon on TV, in fashion merchandising.
The question as to what may be the future of comics is comparable to that which occurs periodically, for example, on modern music in its various artistic expressions. The experts gathered around the round tables, organized several years later, they ask: what will become of the rock over the next decade? Here is that everyone fears expressed in bursts and / or certainty. But it's still comforting (for comics) note that, regardless of the weather, it continues to listen to rock (and read comics).
final consideration: the desire to be told storie disegnate, in un mondo immerso nell'onnipresente società dell'immagine, consente al fumetto di vedere un futuro, magari di nicchia, ma assicurato!
Al termine applausi calorosi a tutti e un ringraziamento alla Biblioteca Cascina Grande per l'organizzazione e l'ospitalità.
Buon Natale e Felice 2009 a tutti !!
a cura di Lucia e Alberto
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