Incontro di Mercoledì 14 gennaio 2009
Pier Paolo Pasolini - Ragazzi di vita - Garzanti
Pasolini In eight chapters, with mastery of journalistic complaint the status of the most deprived suburbs of Rome and the lives of its inhabitants: drunken fathers, mothers, enslaved and abused children on the streets or in jail, schools used as housing for displaced persons and no educational purpose. Raw novel that does not go unnoticed, the words strike like daggers. Pasolini became famous with this novel bitter, violent, very strong. The Italian misery, the slums, the smell of dirt and old clothes, the squalid suburbs, hot summers that raised almost bestial appetites, they found a descriptor and lyrical emotion, held firmly to the ground by a severe political faith.
With these arguments have no doubt that the discussion of the book has obstacle to flow and develop? Of course not.
We begin with that if it were a constant astronomical, the group is divided between those who have managed to read all, maybe with some effort, and all others who have chosen the other way, either to the lexicon and the abundant use of Roman dialect, either because of the theme itself. Too much bitterness, cruelty and anguish to endure and reach the last page to see the tragic death of Genesis, in the waters of the drowned, the second largest river in Rome on the banks of which took place many of the adventures (often tragicomic) of the protagonists and Here you can find the metaphor: the river is like life that flows as well as the flowing waters (polluted since then!). Some people can be free to cross and reach the other side in order and who unfortunately dies, like the events human.
Those who read it agree the timeliness of topics, especially the emotional issues related to minors. They are teenagers who have not had children, screened helpless in a world where they must survive the cruelty, malice, oppression not only adults but also their peers. Where the parents - when you live - are often large, and the courageous mother and frustrated by the tragedy, or are victims of violent and lazy husbands. The children do not receive the positive examples in the bitter family story - not novel - PPP: This book can not classify it among the novels, as there is no plot, but only a trickle that unites the eight chapters, almost a documentary chronicles a journalist's report, a complaint at that time caused a sensation and scandal. The author was charged and tried for obscenity and bad language, but acquitted - with full formula (!) - For not having committed the act, we know how in those years the company was not yet ready to recognize and metabolize certain truths. In "Boys Life" you will hear the first expression of talented film director who became in the years to come, and his writing - when he leaves the dialogue, mostly consisting of invective and insults, so poor and barren is the soul of those adolescents - to go to settings, allows us to see glimpses of postwar Rome attacked and choked construction sites producing housing - needed - a feeling feverish pace and social conflict between those who live in the "center", the good life, and others who live in the suburbs in misery not only material but also moral.
Finally a musical note. As in the book occur several times a couple of words taken from the verses of a song popular then ... sandals, clogs ... someone is curious and asked the question: how will the melody and the rest of the text? Well, our group has no limits and as with Google is the answer to everything. Teresa is readily performed in a solo singing - to applause - thus response to an odd question.
For those who want the whole text here it is transcribed below.
clogs clogs / that you gave every morning / good day, along with Nina. Clogs clogs / that only the noise and were doing the happy heart. Do not rejoice over my house / and only a sparrow chirps. / Why. who loved me left me / why did not understand my love / and I am left alone and in love. Account and recount, / tears cried over, / the world singing and listening more. I consumed one thousand handkerchiefs / and my tears I All wet / dreaming of you my face and zoccoletti.Ma where you are / what you do, for they do not return to my love più.Zoccoletti clogs / like a queen on a throne / flow every mattina.Zoccoletti clogs / I sang, she sang / and kiss me now donava.E not make more noise, / I still walk on the heart. / Perchè.Ho consumed one thousand handkerchiefs / and my tears I have bathed / dreaming of you my face and zoccoletti.Ma where you are / what you do, for they do not return to my love più.Zoccoletti clogs / that you gave every morning / good day, along with Nina.
The next meeting Feb. 19 2009 comment on the posthumous work of Oriana Fallaci
A hat full of cherries
Rizzoli Editore
by Lucia and Alberto