Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anxiety And Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

the late 50's, soldier's military service, I saw for the first time, the windows of circumvesuviana the tin sheds the outskirts of Naples. It was an unknown world for a young student of the Venetian city. Also from us was poverty, especially in the countryside, and Gian Antonio Stella's got masterfully described in "Master Magro." But nothing to do with the infinitesimally small reduction in the levels of human insecurity in the cabin is a symbol.
PPP has dropped its fringe in this existential popolata di ragazzi che anno dopo anno srotolano e consumano la loro esistenza canagliesca al di fuori di qualsiasi progetto di vita che l’esempio degli adulti, la famiglia , la scuola e l’ambiente hanno fatto di ognuno di noi delle persone normali.
Confesso di aver fatto fatica a leggere le prime cento pagine di questo romanzo che, se non fosse stato proposto da Giacomina, difficilmente, da me, avrei scelto di leggere. Ma abbandonare un libro che ti è stato indicato è un po’una sconfitta. Così sono arrivato in fondo, e non lo rimpiango.
PPP usa il dialetto, ma non quello colorito, ironico, divertente che il Belli mette in bocca ai suoi popolani. Il suo e un dialetto povero, ripetitivo, noioso, come la quotidianità of these children, who trooped and divide continuously looking for excuses to escape the boredom of life without purpose. There is so much crime, but without dignity: you steal scrap metal, the portfolio of a passer-by for alms for the blind, to grab a bit 'dollars for a few days or just to get up at night. The novel proceeds
all fragmented, with no plot, no real stars. It was with this style the author wanted, I think, literally reflect the existence of these young people. Remains low even when news is about death, because life here is not worth much. So he closes the book with a boy who disappears sucked by eddies of a river disgusting and insidious, allegorical image of the living and the existence of these kids.

posted by Francesco


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