recurs in These days, the tenth anniversary of the opening of the headquarters of the Public Library of Rozzano, to celebrate the anniversary all employees with dignity, Director in head, are organized and each has spared no effort or resources to set up a series of appointments in the House involving all players and not.
29 has run began Friday with the performance of the company Bread and Mate, while Saturday saw 30 player in the note and good Italian writer Dacia Maraini by Valeria Palumbo, editor in chief European Championship.
Despite the unusual time, a conference room packed to hear the views of Dacia Maraini on the themes of his recently published book "The train last night" - Rizzoli Editore - triggered by questions raised by Valeria Palumbo, and at term, some members of the public, mostly women.
Dalla Shoa alla rivoluzione ungherese del '56, dal Nazismo al Comunismo, dalle deportazioni nei campi di sterminio, alla mafia. Tantissima materia e pochissimo tempo, nonostante le due ore piene dedicate dalle Signore ospiti.
Valeria Palumbo ha letto, con la consueta valente interpretazione, alcuni brani del libro e un paio di poesie - tratte dal volume "Io sono la vostra voce" - scritte da una fra i piĆ¹ importanti poeti del '900: la russa Anna Achmatova.
Al termine autografi e dediche poi tutti a festeggiare con stuzzichini e aperitivi.
a cura di Lucia e Alberto
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