Guest House of the Great Library of Rozzano, the Friends of the Library Wednesday, July 1, two scholars have called for the presentation of their recent works devoted to the human mind.
ANDREA LAVAZZA , journalist, editor and columnist for the daily central "Future" published by Addison- the publisher : "The man with two dimensions - the mind-body dualism today "
According to the American philosopher John Searle," Materialism is the religion of our time, at least for the majority of those who study the mind. And it is accepted without question, "actually would make the wealth of our inner life only by the brain collides with common sense and raises serious philosophical problems. The alternative to this is the duality, that the autonomy of the mind. This position, expressed in modern form by Descartes, however, is often overlooked in Italy (but not in the Anglo-Saxon world, where the debate takes place openly). It is therefore proposed to the first collection in our language the most important contemporary exponents of dualism. Among the authors, we highlight David Chalmers, Richard Swinburne, Jonathan Lowe, Charles Taliaferro. The book fills a gap in the philosophical literature, is destined to become a landmark, but also is a candidate to "move the cultural waters" for its theme and its arguments. Is somehow a 'heresy' for science, although sia un testo rigoroso, equilibrato e ben incardinato nella metodologia della filosofia analitica. L'ampia introduzione di Andrea Lavazza ne permette comunque l'accessibilità a un pubblico ampio e la prefazione di Michele Di Francesco illustra il valore scientifico e l'utilità didattica dell'opera.
RICCARDO MANZOTTI , ingegnere elettronico, laureato in filosofia, dottorato in robotica, attualmente docente IULM a Milano, ha scritto, con Vincenzo Tagliasco, "L'esperienza, perchè i neuroni non spiegano tutto" editore Codice.
Che cos'è l'esperienza? Come può un organismo fare esperienza? Si tratta di uno dei problemi scientifici fondamentali: le neuroscienze stanno indagando i meccanismi che trasformano l'attività neurale in esperienza. Nei libri di testo si racconta che il cervello riceve segnali che vengono decodificati come esperienze: un odore, un colore, un gusto. Tuttavia nessuno sa come avvenga questa trasformazione. La risposta, come la lettera rubata dell'omonimo racconto di E.A. Poe, potrebbe essere sotto gli occhi di tutti. Un ubriaco cerca le chiavi di casa sotto la luce di un lampione. Quando passa un amico e gli chiede: "Perché le cerchi sotto il lampione? Le hai perse lì?", l'ubriaco risponde: "No, ma almeno qui ci vedo". Cercare l'esperienza solo dentro l'attività Neural may be similar to only look for the keys under the street light. To understand what the experience we need a new point of view. The authors then embark on a journey along the paths of philosophy, psychology and neuroscience, to review the experimental results according to a different experience, mental images, perception, optical illusions, dreams and hallucinations, and thus help to provide the reader a comprehensive picture of one of the most current scientific frontiers and fascinating.
themes among the least easy for a non-specialist audience, but the approach of the speakers was magical, the two hours are fly, because the present, fascinated by the argument, presented in a simple way, with the help of slides and adding a few anecdotes, was accompanied with a sure hand to the final questions posed with appropriate knowledge, a sign that the argument difficult it was expertly made up by the speakers.
next Wednesday, July 8, also in the reading room of the Great House, at 20.45, is replicated.
Dr. Elena Crude will talk about his recent work:
"All right" or 100 practical solutions to get organized and live happily.
Sperling & Kupfer publisher
by Lucy and Albert
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