Registration is open to the sixth edition:
sabato 17 ottobre 2009 - sabato 7 novembre 2009 - sabato 12 dicembre 2009
sabato 9 gennaio 2010 - sabato 6 febbraio 2010 - sabato 6 marzo 2010
sabato 10 aprile 2010 - sabato 8 maggio 2010
sabato 9 gennaio 2010 - sabato 6 febbraio 2010 - sabato 6 marzo 2010
sabato 10 aprile 2010 - sabato 8 maggio 2010
I corsi si terranno presso il: Centro Culturale Cascina Grande
Via Togliatti - 20089 Rozzano (Mi)
Via Togliatti - 20089 Rozzano (Mi)
Course 900 Italian Narrative Poetry
Saturday morning from 11.00 to 0re 13.00 - € 100.00
Poetry must necessarily be regarded as a medium separate from prose?
A poem can produce narrative can convey to the reader a story, a story, while respecting the inherent stylistic codes to make poetry? To answer these and other issues related to regulations and the enjoyment of poetry, it is proposed that a path through the twentieth century, particularly the second half of the century, comes to the present day, a journey in which some selected texts of eight major poets will offer a line of poetic production that largely abandoned the idea due to the Orphic poetic gesture to move closer instead to a form of experiential poetry, both in content and in form, a practice in which contamination with the spoken language and with many stylistic elements borrowed from the prose has given away at poems that border, as well as trespass, in what we call conventional narrative.
you read and discuss texts by Guido Gozzano, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio Caproni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, is provided an overview of contemporary Italian poetry by women, with texts by Patrick Valduga, Antonella Anedda, Silvia Bre, Elisa Biagini, Roberta Dapunt.
Creative Writing Workshop
Saturday afternoon from 14.00 to 17.00 - € 160.00
Based on the guidance and suggestions of the teacher, you give the body a work in progress, through a series of stages where you touch different narrative techniques and expressive, it will lead to writing a narrative text. At each meeting will be read and commented on the work of each participant, conducted in the time between an appointment and the next, so that will have the opportunity to compare the outcome of their work with the evaluation of the teacher and with the advice of the companions of the path. The workshop is geared toward those who cultivate a passion for writing, who have the pleasure to share it and who live a cone voltage constant learning.
Docente: Francesco Pettinari. Laureato in Filosofia, ha frequentato il Master in Tecniche della Narrazione della Scuola Holden di Torino. Conduce gruppi di lettura presso il Circolo dei Lettori di Torino, collabora con la casa editrice Einaudi, con la rivista L'Indice dei Libri del Mese, con la scuola Holden e, dal 2004, con l'Associazione Culturale Amici della Biblioteca di Rozzano.
By Lucy and Albert
A poem can produce narrative can convey to the reader a story, a story, while respecting the inherent stylistic codes to make poetry? To answer these and other issues related to regulations and the enjoyment of poetry, it is proposed that a path through the twentieth century, particularly the second half of the century, comes to the present day, a journey in which some selected texts of eight major poets will offer a line of poetic production that largely abandoned the idea due to the Orphic poetic gesture to move closer instead to a form of experiential poetry, both in content and in form, a practice in which contamination with the spoken language and with many stylistic elements borrowed from the prose has given away at poems that border, as well as trespass, in what we call conventional narrative.
you read and discuss texts by Guido Gozzano, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio Caproni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, is provided an overview of contemporary Italian poetry by women, with texts by Patrick Valduga, Antonella Anedda, Silvia Bre, Elisa Biagini, Roberta Dapunt.
Creative Writing Workshop
Saturday afternoon from 14.00 to 17.00 - € 160.00
Based on the guidance and suggestions of the teacher, you give the body a work in progress, through a series of stages where you touch different narrative techniques and expressive, it will lead to writing a narrative text. At each meeting will be read and commented on the work of each participant, conducted in the time between an appointment and the next, so that will have the opportunity to compare the outcome of their work with the evaluation of the teacher and with the advice of the companions of the path. The workshop is geared toward those who cultivate a passion for writing, who have the pleasure to share it and who live a cone voltage constant learning.
Docente: Francesco Pettinari. Laureato in Filosofia, ha frequentato il Master in Tecniche della Narrazione della Scuola Holden di Torino. Conduce gruppi di lettura presso il Circolo dei Lettori di Torino, collabora con la casa editrice Einaudi, con la rivista L'Indice dei Libri del Mese, con la scuola Holden e, dal 2004, con l'Associazione Culturale Amici della Biblioteca di Rozzano.
Contatti per informazioni e prenotazioni
Lucia 347 8700437
biblioteca di Rozzano tel. 02 8925931
Lucia 347 8700437
biblioteca di Rozzano tel. 02 8925931
By Lucy and Albert
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