For sweet now I have taken inspiration from one of those little books on chocolate unknown author and affordable price that everyone at least once in our lives we had to comb through the shelf of a supermarket while you shop ...
I then of course the book I bought, even sending it in mind or write down a recipe so far is a great undertaking! ;-)
Compared to the original recipe I made a few changes, namely the quantities of certain ingredients and something about the process ...
fact I had to make a cake to be presented at a dinner party and had run out of ingredients: fresh cream, sour cream and hazelnut flour ... to exhaust all the chocolate in my house instead it would take much more ...
Even the eggs I had at home were detailed to make it a 6-8 persons, which amounts to a mold of a liter of capacity and so I decided ... that "alleNocciole Dome" is!
As you may recall I have always had a soft spot for the semi-spherical shaped cakes and sometimes I like to propose them to you.
In this case it is a mousse with a strong taste of cocoa, supported by the presence of nuts and pleasant notes of tangy frosting with sour cream icing in some ways reminiscent of certain American as the Mississippi Mud cakes or cake Devil's Food.
The presence of a base of pasta
GENOISE hazelnut and cocoa just helps to reinforce the structure of a cake in which a rich mousse and scioglievole is the main component.
The frosting is then balanced in the right consistency to get sliced \u200b\u200bby the cut and still remain fairly bright.
doses of GENOISE you sounded like a doll cake for a bit and make you 'smile, but made the necessary calculations that was the result.
I will not bring back the opinions of friends that have tasted, but since all the fans of the chocolate was a unanimous chorus of moans .... ;-)
Ingredients for a mold base of the dome of 17-18 cm (6-8 servings)
Genois to nocciole (Stampo a cerniera di 17-18 cm di diametro)
Farina 17 gr
Maizena 14 gr
Cacao 14 gr
Farina di nocciole 20 gr
Uova 2 (grandi)
Zucchero 66 gr
Burro 26 gr
Per la mousse
Cioccolato fondente 64% cacao 200 gr
Tuorli 3
Albumi 1
Zucchero 40 gr
Gelatina in fogli 5 gr
Panna fresca 270 gr
Farina di nocciole 33 gr
Per lo sciroppo
Acqua 120 gr Zucchero 20 gr
Cacao 30 gr
Per la glassa
Cioccolato fondente 64%
Panna caida 110 ml
Preparare la torta: setaccaiare in una ciotola farina, maizena e cacao, successivamente anche la farina di nocciole.
Mount turoli with half the sugar and incorporate the melted butter and cool.
Whip the egg whites with remaining sugar and incorporate it lightly with a rubber mounted to the yolks.
Pour the mixture into the buttered and floured and bake at 170 degrees for 15-20 'around.
Cool well and cut the cake into two disks of equal thickness.
Prepare the syrup by mixing sugar and cocoa, pour flush water, bring to boil, remove from heat and allow to cool.
Prepare the mousse: Chop chocolate and melt in a double boiler, place the gelatine in cold water.
Fit i tuorli con lo zucchero ed aggiungerli poi al cioccolato fuso, amalgamare ed infine aggiungere la gelatina strizzata rimettendo sul bagnomaria finché scioglie.
Lasciar raffreddare ed aggiungere le noccioel in farina.
Montare la panna ed incorporarla, montare poi l'albume ed incorporarlo con delicatezza.
Prendere uno stampo a cupola bagnarlo con acqua fredda e rivestirlo di pellicola trasparente.
Riempire con metà della mousse ben fredda e livellare con una spatola corta.
Ritagliare uno dei dischi di pasta ad una misura di poco inferiore alla sezione della cupola in quel punto, posizionarla premendo sulla mousse e bagnarla di abbondante sciroppo al cacao.
Coprire con la restante mousse, then wet the disc with plenty of syrup and overthrow it by pressing on the soft foam to seal well.
Cover with foil, sealing the container and place in refrigerator for at least 6-8h.
After the interval in a double boiler melt the chocolate with sour cream, mixing well to emulsify.
Turn out the cake from the mold, remove the plastic wrap and place cake on a rack in turn resting on a sheet of parchment paper.
Pour the icing on the cake is still warm from the grill on the floor and pouring evenly over the surface of a spatula to avoid completely, so facendo si distribuirà uniformemente mantenendosi ben lucida.
Prima che sia totalmente rappresa spostare sul piatto di portata (sceglietene preferibilmente uno più piccolo di quello che ho dovuto usare io... ;-) ) e decorare a piacimento (anche se il dolce è già d'effetto anche così).
Io ad esempio ho preferito un tema minimale con 3 nocciole alla sommità e con della granella grossolana per il perimetro alla base, togliendone poi con un pennello l'eccesso.
Conservare in frigo e togliere mezz'ora prima di servire.
Tagliare le fette con una lama lunga e liscia da ripulire poi ad ogni taglio.
Ecco come si presenta internamente:
This cake took part in the contest "
and the Chocolate Factory" of the blog Crysania
lot of my meal.
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Finally, as you will remember this weekend I kept one of my courses
Granarolo on chocolate in the province of Bologna ... the weather was not the best, before the fog, then rain ... and you know that chocolate and moist not get along very well ... in spite of everything a company participating warm, enthusiastic and willing predictably got the better of even the adverse climate. :-D
Here are some pictures of me shooting a fleetingly between tempering and more ...
I want to thank:
-Roberto and his wife Adriana Forlimpopoli come from the birthplace of Artusi with whom they certainly share a passion for good kitchen ... ;-)
very kind person and delicious (I forgot: salty delicious strudel and cake!)
Acquolina author of the blog, we had already met in another time in Florence and was pleasant in riincontrarsi such a juncture. Authentic
sorceress of Macarons, has brought a couple of bake ... very impressive!
Here you will find a guide of course as she lived.
-Elena: friends, very nice and very fond of cooking, to participate had to organize themselves to accommodate the three young children and we really do not find adequate words to thank you ...
-Elenuccia: author of the blog "
fried " with whom I share another passion: for walking.
happy to finally have it known after about a year to exchange comments, (as I suggested long ago) I hope one day to run with her a half marathon or even a whole talking about all the time pastry ... ;-PPP
Here his account of the course.
-Ida: Imola very nice girl, extremely interested in every stage of the course, led us to taste a salty yeast origins of bells which unfortunately can not remember the name but it was amazing!
-Simon: thanks for your participation, commitment and concentration that you put in every part of the course.
And finally:
-Mirka, a dear friend from Modena who had already attended one of my courses in Florence and that when he heard of my course in Emilia Romagna rose to greet me, taking me a tart FA-VO- LO-SA, which kept me company the next morning at breakfast ... ;-)
(by Monday I wrote an email, you've received?)
heart :-) Thanks again
Federica del-blog "Notes of chocolate
" she ex-student who took advantage of beautiful friendship that has come up with Elenuccia in Emilia to do a "ripassino" and spend a day with her that made the course for the first time.
Keep an eye on because the chocolates are blending of ideas ... the other a more delicious!