Today's recipe is great news for me, thanks to having attended two weekends ago, during the baking of Hadrian and Paoletta in which, among many things, I was initiated into the joys of management of the yeast ...
One week it took me all to familiarize yourself with refreshments, maturation, etc. ... Then after some attempts at normal bread I have tried in the creation of a yeast cake that I had left in the middle only to read the description and photos as soon as she already published it.
Then I happened to taste a slice from this other that she had made beautifully-time record ... long enough to make me decide that I have to do at all costs!
The recipe I copy and paste directly from the Blog Paoletta who had described it as:
"a brioche p er those who were late for those who ... the cake ... or scare them pandoro in this brioche dough directed by do in a day, if you skip the night in the fridge, looks incredibly panettone, also spun the same dough, moist and fragrant. "
In fact, the recipe is not pure but mixed with yeast to yeast which is a way to have a "development" and a guaranteed result and reasonable working hours, coupled with the aromatic properties and made antiraffermanti from yeast.
Nella ricetta ci sono anche le indicazioni per una realizzazione che non prevede l'utilizzo di lievito madre, bensì una "biga" ovvero un preimpasto a lenta maturazione, che è un ottima alternativa per chi ancora teme la gestione del lievito madre.
Le indicazioni sono per l'impastamento a macchina, vista infatti la complessità ed il grado di idratazione della ricetta, una realizzazione manuale è ai limiti della fattibilità.
Le parti in rosso sono annotazioni aggiunte da me:
150 gr di lievito madre ( in sostituzione fate una biga 12 ore prima con 100 gr of Manitoba, 50 grams of water and 1.5 grams of fresh yeast, allowed to ferment at 18 °)
380 grams of flour W330/350 ( alternative manitoba supermarket ) (I used the Red Caputo)
125 grams of milk
65 grams of water
120 grams of sugar
100 g butter 1 egg
1 egg
8 g fresh yeast
5 grams of salt 1 tablespoon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract home-made ( alternatively the seeds of a berry )
grated orange peel
200 grams of raisins
pine nuts 1 egg white
Soak the raisins in warm water with a tablespoon of rum.
Dissolve the yeast in the planetary ( refreshed twice ) (I made two receptions for four hours apart) or biga in pieces, water and milk, using the leaf.
Add the crumbled yeast, and a lot of flour taken from the total, enough to make a soft dough, mix.
Combine egg yolk, 30 grams of sugar and after a little 'flour than they used to give a soft dough.
Combine egg yolk, 30 grams of sugar and after a little 'flour than they used to give a soft dough.
absorption of yolk and sugar, continue with the other egg, 40 grams of sugar and a little 'flour.
Continue with the remaining egg, 50 grams of sugar and salt adding a little at a time all the flour reserving a spoon.
string the dough with the leaf.
Divide butter into three pieces and add it three times in the second part of the first absorption and so on (I added the zest of orange butter spread on here already ...) .
Add the rum a little at a time, the grated rind and vanilla.
absorption combine the remaining flour and the dough string.
absorption combine the remaining flour and the dough string.
Remove the leaf and use the hook to place the drained raisins and dried.
When this is well distributed, you have two options:
1. form a ball with the dough, put it in a container, cover with plastic wrap and leave in refrigerator about 8 hours. In this case, pull it out in the morning and leave at room temperature about 1 hour and a half before continuing (I followed this path and I think we do not earn as little flavor) .
2. let it point the mixture 1 hour in a covered container with foil, then break into two equal pieces ( weigh! ) wrap (once) with your thumbs without tightening too much, the Master explains here ,

wait 10 'stretch two-piece

wrap them together to form a large cable.

Butter a nonstick mold plumcake 30 x 10.5 cm. lay the large cable and cover with plastic wrap.
Wait for more than two fingers around the edge, brush with egg white and decorate with pine nuts
and bake at 200 ° (185 my) for the first 15 ', cover with aluminum foil if the surface is golden brown and cook at 170 degrees (160 my) for 35' / 40 ' (25' in my heart) .

Wait for more than two fingers around the edge, brush with egg white and decorate with pine nuts

and bake at 200 ° (185 my) for the first 15 ', cover with aluminum foil if the surface is golden brown and cook at 170 degrees (160 my) for 35' / 40 ' (25' in my heart) .
Do the toothpick test center should come out dry and should not find resistance when it slips.
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you add some pictures during baking Paoletta of Hadrian and the second was for me and I really hope there can be third, fourth and so on ... wonderful event, a bit 'tiring indeed to me for the quantity and density of ideas to be had, but for which I swear on the spot again ... :-D
If you feel like you should go here to read by Gaia the beautiful story about the course as she has lived ... This
the battlefield before the start ...

Stencils for baba! I must have
absolutely! ;-)

possible that 'this stuff is strung??

conclude by saying that I can finally say that I have an excellent yardstick for the baba! ;-))

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Last but not least, we mark the collection of recipes organized by Caris in order to focus attention on a problem that is affecting his vita privata che ha radici nella gestione del pubblico e che quindi un giorno potrebbe riguardare chiunque di noi... per chiarezza comunque andate a leggere direttamente da lei di cosa si tratta e se la cosa vi tocca il cuore per favore diffondete.
Per la ricetta c'è tempo fino al 29 Marzo, auguro a Caris di festeggiare la scadenza della raccolta (che coincide col suo compleanno) con la notizia della risoluzione del problema in via definitiva.

Per la ricetta c'è tempo fino al 29 Marzo, auguro a Caris di festeggiare la scadenza della raccolta (che coincide col suo compleanno) con la notizia della risoluzione del problema in via definitiva.
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