Today's recipe is a dutiful act of sharing, waiting to be published imminently.
That's because this recipe here I started to make my courses run by a few lessons so that it is not even printed on the brochure issued to participants whose running directly under my dictation.
To make it known to participants in previous courses directly to the public so that they too can catch up with others and enjoy another recipe of chocolates, very classic agree but still valid.
The recipe for these chocolate itself then had his baptism with the exception of two godmothers: Arabafelice Marble and, in fact, during a memorable meeting, I made them taste my breath, knowing that I had to do with two bloggers scafatissime who have cooked and tasted all sorts of ... Fortunately, I was somewhat comforted by their reactions!
The process for the chocolate is usually explained in my post of datatissimo chocolates black cherry juice, it changes the filling which is a milk chocolate ganache flavored with cream and whiskey ... :-PPP
Ingredients for a mold cavity 24
Dark chocolate Milk chocolate 400 gr
Fresh cream 100 gr 25 gr 30 gr
Cream Whiskey
Method Melt the chocolate and
temper. Fill
entirely a mold cavity (advisable to use one of polycarbonate), beat him repeatedly to go back to the air bubbles, then spilled into the marble on the water bath to drain the excess chocolate, the fact must remain attached to the walls of single cavity.
Ricapovolgere the mold with a spatula to quickly remove the excess chocolate by scraping the surface.
Place upside down again a rapprendere su un foglio di carta forno.
Dopo 5-10' verificare che la carta forno tenda a distaccarsi dallo stampo e mettere lo stampo per 15' circa con le cavità aperte verso l'alto ma coperto di carta forno.
Preparare il ripieno tritando finemente il cioccolato al latte.
Portare ad ebollizione la panna, gettarla d'un colpo sul cioccolato tritato e mescolare rapidamente.
Se dovessero permanere dei grumi rimettere pochi secondi sul bagnomaria o nel microonde per alzare leggermente la temperatura e mescolare di nuovo fino a scioglimento di tutto il cioccolato.
Lasciar raffreddare un po' e successivamente aggiungere il liquore poco alla volta mescolando a partire dal centro e facendo le aggiunte successive solo quando absorbed the previous year.
Place the cold cream in a pastry bag with nozzle-to-few smooth round and fill each cavity up to 2mm from the edge.
Allow to cool and solidify, if you're in a hurry, set the mold for 20 'in the fridge and remove it after waiting for 10' before continuing on to the bottoms.
Melt chocolate advanced earlier, temper again and colarne small amounts on each cavity to fill in, repeatedly beat the mold to remove air bubbles with a spatula and remove the excess chocolate with a few strokes and cleaning out the spatula same at every step.
After 15 'about the chocolates are ready to be smodellati.
Take the template for the ends, twist it and fold it in both directions with a bang on a hard surface. Lift the mold
e. .. cover all the chocolates and shiny aligned :-)))

Record of courses Roman
As you know last weekend I am expecting a pretty good test case: my classes away in Rome!
I do not say ankle lived forward, but with some trepidation, that is.
I knew it would be very difficult: two courses in two days with the participants full, the seats were far from where I was staying in one place and that, paradoxically, it was too cold and too hot in the back and the amount of things that take me back I seemed to move about more than carrying around a teaching.
Want to know what happened?
I tell you just that ...:
... it will be that every time I go to that city I feel like I arrived at my house ...
will be that who my host was a welcome and uncommon care
... will have brought all the participants, without exception, a major contribution in terms of enthusiasm, friendliness and warmth
... in those moments that will do a What I really like to do
... well, it will be for the whole of the right or reason to any of these and perhaps many more, but from my point of view of Rome, these were two of my best courses ever.
Saturday 29
Unfortunately I eat my hands to re-think of not having a group photo at the end because there were those who had run away and no one came to mind, too bad really ... :-( My thanks to all my heart:
- Roberto Potito the blog Tzatziky breakfast : In addition to having participated, for making me an intermediary with the community to Valdese avessi a disposizione una cucina ambitissima per un intero giorno nel pieno centro di Roma e per il prezioso aiuto nell'arco della giornata.
-Giusy: cugina di Roberto: per la simpatia, la partecipazione e l'aiuto prezioso fin dal primo mattino.
-Paolo e sua figlia Francesca: non trovo parole per esprimere la mia riconoscenza a chi come voi per partecipare al mio corso, ha addirittura preso l'aereo ed ha passato tutto un fine settimana lontano da casa :-)
-Alessandra e Vera: si sono conosciute al corso ed hanno scoperto di provenire dalla stessa provincia del Lazio. Per la simpatia, l'entusiasmo e la curiosità per il cioccolato.
-Adriana: mia sorella, che a causa di una defezione dell'ultimo When I asked another participant with great pleasure to participate.
for being the indispensable support and caring to my stay in Rome.
Some pictures of the day: The battlefield
uncut ...

tests demoulding ...

An investor grappling with the tempering of 1 / 2 kg of coverage ...

The legendary infrared thermometer with laser pointer Roberto ...

The Remains of the day ...

Sunday 30
First of all thank you with all my heart Cristina de la Bottega small Sugar for lending me his usual location of the course (of course thank you to Mr.K ;-)) and for helping me actively and tirelessly before, during and after the course. I also thank the
Zio Piero for coming to visit me and then have contributed to a memorable dinner with two desserts!
Gambit thank for the interesting article which I was honored by rolling Uncle Piero ... ;-) Thank
Dadamilla intervened for dinner for the suggestions on this school / courses.
thanks from the heart then to the participants:
-Silvia e Paola: coautrici del blog amichecuoche , due ragazze legatissime tra loro, simpatiche, carine e curiose e ovviamente appassionate di cucina. Si può desiderare di più da delle allieve?? ;-)))
Quì il racconto del corso visto coi loro occhi.
-Raffaella, Donatella e Rosetta: amiche e (mi pare) colleghe tra loro, lettrici del mio blog, coinvolgente il loro entusiasmo, curiosità e simpatia.
-Alessandra, Paola: forse un po più riservate delle altre partecipanti ma ugualmente curiose ed entusiaste di quello che hanno imparato.
-Luisa: anch'ella entusiasta della giornata, mi ha addirittura suggerito di organizzare a course on the cake ... you know it's a very good idea?
To all: thanks for helping to settle at the end of the course was invaluable.
The questions that I have done during the day were really a lot if I had not been exhaustive replies please email me and I'll be happy to answer them :-)))
Here are some pictures (a little 'dark unfortunately) but nevertheless give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful atmosphere and aroma of chocolate that you breathed that day ...
pralinatura testing and distribution of chocolates ...

Immortalize proudly fruits of his labor ...

And here I am blessed among women!! Ahahahahahahah;-DDD

heartfelt thanks to all who are in the two days we worked to help me clean up, sort and transport the large amount of material.
A big hug to everyone! :-DDD
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