Questa ricetta proviene da uno dei mitici ricettari Bertolini che transitavano a casa di mia madre e dei quali mia madre stessa e le mie sorelle a grande richiesta rifacevano più o meno sempre le solite 3-4 torte.
Quando una decina di anni fa cominciai a pasticciare un po' coi dolci, questo fu forse The first cake I ever had fun to do.
If for no other spirit of revenge against a family from which I wanted to break free and become independent, so I chose to challenge myself with a recipe for us new and complex-looking.
However, apart from the difficulty of handling it and roll out the pastry recipe is quite simple and lends itself well, making some variation depending on the case, as a recipe for recovery for small inventories of fruit that taken alone would not make a whole recipe but put together give a filling particularly rich in taste and variety.
With this recipe I intend to participate in the collection of recipes organized by Caris to Cooking Planner in order to focus attention on the closure of Saint Lucia in Rome, at the forefront of hospital treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Go read about the post of Caris will explain the reasons for that decision, or otherwise you can see here recorded the episode of "live" two days ago in which of the other things we talk about that as well.
Ingredients (for 16 dumplings)
For the pastry flour
00 300 g sugar 75 g butter 150 g
Eggs 2 (+1 x egg brushed on top end)
Yeast sweet half a bag (8 oz) For the filling
Dried figs 150 grams (half me and half the figs apricots)
Nuts (kernels) 50 gr
Almonds (blanched and roasted) 50 g 50 g
Raisins Pistachios (shelled) 50 g Egg 1
Dark Chocolate 50 grams
jam (cherry I) 100 gr
Put raisins and dried figs to soak in warm water to soften them.
Prepare the dough: make a fountain of flour, sugar and baking powder mixed, add the butter cubes in the center, working with flour to soak the fingertips and then add the lightly beaten egg, work the dough as little as possible and to form una palla da mettere poi a riposare un oretta in frigo.
Nel frattempo tritare assieme nel mixer tutti gli ingredienti del ripieno ad esclusione dell'uovo che andrà mescolato alla fine con un cucchiaio.
Stendere la pasta col mattarello in un rettangolo di spessore sottile, aiutandosi possibilmente con due fogli di carta forno appena infarinati.
Con una rotellina dentata ricavare tanti quadrati di 10-12 cm circa di lato

al centro dei quali posare poi un cucchiaio di ripieno (perdonate le foto oscene ma servono per avere un idea del procedimento).

Chiudere i 4 lati del fagottino al centro sigillando la pasta possibilmente leaving intact the "crests" of the edges.

Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, brush with egg yolk and bake at 160-170 degrees for 20 'or until golden brown.
the oven, let cool about 10 'on the plate and then move on a grid.

As for my courses instead I took a few weeks of rest, taking advantage of a number of incidents, fortunately not serious, but I took away the freedom to travel in recent weeks.
So for now I only set a date convenient: March 27 in Florence, or rather to Montespertoli ' Bellavista Farm, my favorite location.
Then presumably the rains come and the spring temperatures make it harder and then I'll probably have to suspend then resume next fall, despite a high this year Easter with chocolate eggs and everything else, there wait for later ... Who really wants to book
hasten to write to me privately, because the course is already booked for half ...
That said I still wish you good day!
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