As you will remember for the sweets at home I often use recipes that do not contain egg as an ingredient.
But when I do not find the recipe already made a few dishes that do not provide them at the start as in the case of this panettone Genoa, I try to fend for himself.
If you remember the little at the sight of this luscious cake formulated innocently asking for a pandoro Genovese making me a good laugh for the logical mechanism that had generated this unusual request ...
The challenge at this point was to make the recipe for a yeast that was soft, buttery, soft, fragrant and slow staling but that did not contain traces of any component of the egg ... and certainly not necessarily using the form or the technique of peeling of pandoro ... I would say that content with a brioche dough soft and rich.
The recipe that I developed in my opinion certainly responds to several of the above requirements, but basically the thing that interested me was to do with the small center, which in addition to egg allergy has also tastes very selective .. . and fortunately, it was! :-DDDD
First for safety of the result, I hope you will forgive me, I chose a mixed LIVIT ... In fact at the time with the yeast I feel a bit 'like a trapeze artist and beginners for these exercises and then keep the network under test ... ;-)))
flavoring As I have chosen the lemon-hazelnut combination, using the bark of the first and the second added to the flour mixture.
The decision to add them to the end of the dough is not in my opinion the best ever, by introducing these ingredients already in Preimpastato would produce a stronger aroma .... will be for another time.
forming last week I tried to mold the box but I had fully convinced the end result, so I opted for the mold with a central hole, the one used here and here for Kugelhupf and which established what was then the beginning of the name of this post.
senz'uova A recipe like this also has the advantage that it can be adapted to obtain a final size of any weight without resorting to fractions and uncertain calculations (by means of egg yolks or quarters) as is the case even though the same are provided ... ;-)))
* 100 gr flour 230 grams of force (I used the red Caputo)
Whole milk 200 g fresh yeast 5 g
barley 1 teaspoon white chocolate 100 g sugar 50 g
Salt 4 oz butter 75 gr grated
end of a lemon hazelnut flour 40 g
* If you are not available to the yeast, the recipe can also be performed preparing to replace a chariot to slow aging, thus proceeding:
Dissolve 0.7 g of yeast in 35 g of water, add 70 grams of strong flour (extra or not to be taken from the total of the recipe!) and panettino knead until a smooth and homogeneous.
Then put in a cup, a plate covered with foil, and keep to mature at 18 ° to about 12-18h
Then use the recipe below as yeast was already doubly refreshed and under.
Refresh yeast for two consecutive times at room temperature with an interval of 4 hours between refreshments and more.
An hour before the yeast is ready to prepare the melting lievitino malt and yeast in a bowl with 50 grams of warm milk. A dissolution occurred
add 50 grams of flour and mix until a thick batter.
Cover bowl with plastic and allow to inflate possibly 1h at 26 °.
spent the time to put in the bowl 50 grams of milk, yeast chopped (or chariot always chopped) and 50 grams of flour.
Install a leaf and let it run at low speed to mix the dough.
then add the left lievitino inflate and mix the dough.
Meanwhile prepare an emulsion breaking up the white chocolate in a cup with 50 grams of milk and then stirring frequently to dissolve quickly in water bath or microwave in small doses always turning between a good start and the other to eliminate any lumps remaining.
Once melted white chocolate well is important to cool down a bit 'of the emulsion at room temperature before adding the rest, then to avoid having a mix with a final temperature is too high ... Add
emulsione e zucchero un terzo alla volta aggiungendo dopo ogni assorbimento uno spolvero di farina.
Dopo il terzo passaggio emulsione/zucchero aggiungere infine il sale e l'ultima manciata di farina, aumentare di poco la velocità ed incordare con la foglia ribaltando alcune volte.
Nel frattempo ammorbidire il burro freddo con le mani, grattarci sopra la scorza di limone ed incorporarla poi al burro stropicciando leggermente coi polpastrelli.
Montare il gancio, riportare in corda ed aggiungere il burro aromatizzato un terzo alla volta ribaltando ancora tra un aggiunta e l'altra.
Dopo l'ultima aggiunta verificare l'avvenuta incordatura ed aggiungere infine la farina di nocciole curando che un eventuale granulosità due to a coarse grind the dough does not tear himself ruined.
Butter a large bowl and his hands and then put the dough into a ball picked up by closing down.
Close the bowl with plastic wrap and cover ... At this point you will have 20 'to ponder and decide which of the usual two paths to follow:
1 - give a couple of rounds folds of type2 (thanks Adrian), then wait another 10' minutes, train directly put into the mold to rise etc ...
2 - put in the fridge at the bottom (4-5 °) to point to the next day trying to recover between 12 and 18h \u200b\u200b... I still had to wait 24 and the mixture was still alive and well scented!
Following the second road course the taste will gain significantly, however, remove the dough from the refrigerator about 2 hours before reworked.
Flour the work surface, give a couple of laps of the folds of type 2, then turn down and cover the closing bell for about 10 '.
for forming a mold with a central hole to take a rolling pin and gently push the tip exactly in the center of the dough to puncture it from side to side.

Finish hole with your fingers and gently enlarge the hole size and then place it into the mold has been buttered (I also have the distraction flour but it is not necessary ... ;-))))

Develop LIVIT for 2-3h at 30 degrees covered with foil. Remove
then of course the film in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 15 'and then lower to 160 degrees and finish cooking in my case other 25'.
If necessary, cover with aluminum foil for a while 'before half-cooked.
cooked (check by piercing thoroughly dry out if a piece of spaghetti), remove from oven and cool in the mold for 10 'then invert on a rack and let cool completely.
Sprinkle, if desired, with little sugar veil.

Store in a sealed plastic bag.
And finally some news that made me doubly happy! I won first prize in the contest Saretta of the blog " appetite comes reading" in collaboration with Lucia " Ticucinocosì "!

I say twice because the award ceremony will take place in a very special day ... We are in fact all the Lombardi Store (fine sponsors of the contest as well-stocked shop in that home in Viareggio), cooking assieme!!
Per chi cucineremo? Per noi e per chiunque di voi che ci legge e voglia passare a salutarci ed assaggiare quello che prepareremo e perché no anche visitare un negozio di casalinghi fornito di ogni ben di dio!!
Per i dettagli su come e quando restate sintonizzati sul blog di Saretta.
Vi aspettiamo allora! :-)
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