Durante le feste natalizie If I remember correctly, I gave a lot to do with recurrence and increased from family and work so we could celebrate and enjoy all of panettone, pandori, Gubana is spongy brioche ...
Well ... its really not all all ... as you will remember my little chef can not eat the egg problem for allergy and so she saw all that kneading and churning out good things (which might vaguely remember the taste, tasted before it got the allergy test) and poor could not taste ... :-(
Naturally sweet for him in one way or another are never missed, even my birthday cake was strictly "egg-free," but the ban has made the need for he soared all the more fascinating!
And so I quite frequently and emphatically made the request for a cake senz'uovo ...
While I was there that I pondered on what corner banging his head, the lady tells me that for years she was a little of her relatives who lived in Genoa to send them a good Christmas pudding, quite different from that of Milan, as it is very rich and pasta with a much more dense and compact, as if he had a specific weight is not comparable with other leavened ... but above all, if I remember correctly, senz'uovo!
Ironically I would say: "It would be" egg "of" Colombo ".... "" DDD-
I start to research the recipe and a well-known board will find nothing less than the recipe Papum (thanks Papum, you're a legend!) which is precisely the Genoese, but above all is a mess!
said than done I copy the recipe, the right a bit 'in my usual way of working, loving preparation of the dough by hand, watches all anxious and baked, and finally present the result to the whole triumphant little chef ...... . And he said:
"Daddy, now I do the 'Pandora Genovese ??"........
As mentioned above I have a little 'adapted ingredients and method, first doses: I reduced everything in proportion to get a cake from a kilo. Secondly
per me usare tutta Manitoba per un impasto così poco idratato mi sembrava un po' esagerato e così ho fatto circa metà e metà.
Farina Manitoba 150 gr
Farina 0 da pizza 175 gr
Acqua 145 gr
Lievito 10 gr
Zucchero 80 gr
Burro 80 gr
Sale 1/2 cucchiaino
Uveta 190 gr
Canditi 160 gr
Pinoli 35 gr
La sera prima preparare una biga a lenta maturazione: sciogliere 1 gr di lievito in 75 gr di acqua tiepida e mescolarla a 150 gr di Manitoba.
Lasciar maturare 18h circa a 18°.
Al giorno dopo preparare tutti gli ingredienti: tagliare i candti a cubetti, ammollare l'uvetta e sgocciolarla. Prepare a
lievitino dissolving 9 grams of residual yeast in 70 g of water then mix with 75 grams of the remaining flour (the 0)
Let inflate covered 40 'between 25 and 30 degrees.
After the interval, place in bowl with lievitino: the chariot, the remaining 100 grams of flour, sugar and salt.
Turn on the pastry then continue to knead until the dough is well blended.
Now add the butter one third at a time doing it well absorbed before each addition, the mixture will eventually be quite smooth and elastic. At this point
incorporate all the fruit taking care not to break the dough. Butter a large bowl
format and put the dough into a ball, cover and put in half an hour in the refrigerator at 5 ° for about 12h (overnight in my case).
After the interval put at room temperature and after 1 hour and 30 ', turn the dough on a pastry, wrap it carefully with the ball in the end.
Put it on the plate for cooking and then covered with parchment paper

and set to rise to 30 ° for 3-4h or until doubled, covered with a clean cloth.
Al doubling says, with a sharp blade, cut a triangle on top of the cake.

Place in preheated oven at 180 degrees and bake for 45 'around.
If necessary, cover with aluminum halfway through cooking.
stored in a plastic bag keeps well for a week.

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