Here is a really easy recipe that I had semi-ready there for some time and proved useful to me today that I was not ready to post on Monday ...
this weekend because I was away in Rome, where, like many of you know, I held my courses on chocolate before returning to Florence at night.
'll post a more extensive course guide with the recipe the next post, for now I can only tell you that satisfaction has far exceeded the effort and that the latter was little ... ;-)
To make this bread, I was inspired by "Baker", text 4 hands of Maestro Pierre and Elena Giorilli Lipetskaia, adapting the recipe to the use of yeast ... the original recipe provides for the use of yeast.
Spelt is a grain that has a lower amount of gluten than wheat, baker's is therefore often mixed together a quest'ultimo.
Il risultato รจ un pane dalla mollica compatta, molto profumato e con un vago sapore di noce... ragion per cui l'ho subito voluto provare a colazione spalmato col miele... ;-)
Per la biga
Farina forte 120 gr (ho usato la Caputo rossa)
Acqua 55 gr
Lievito di birra 1 gr
Per l'impasto
Farina 0 150 gr
Farina integrale di farro 200 gr
Acqua 200 gr
Lievito 4 gr
Malto 3 gr (la punta di un cucchiaino)
Sale 6 gr
Sera: preparare la biga a lenta maturazione.
Sciogliere il lievito nell'acqua intiepidita e aggiungerlo alla farina.
Impastare brevemente e lasciar rest covered in the dark for 8-10h at 18-20 °
Morning: Dissolve the yeast with malt in 180 grams of lukewarm water.
add it to flour mix and knead a few minutes, the dough also incorporating the cart to slow aging.
Finally add the last 20 grams of water in which you dissolved the salt and whisk until mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
Let stand covered at 28 ° 40 'and then form a loaf about and put to rise by closing above 28 ° for 3-4h covered with a cloth.
After that time, turn the oven to 220 ° with a baking pan upside down in lower middle position and if you want a softer crust with a baking filled with hot water at the bottom.
Turn the loaf on a floured paddle (or covered with parchment paper), sketch the shape of a horseshoe and affect the length.
Move the bread in the oven with a scoop on the hot plate.
After 5-10 'remove the pan of water and lower the temperature to 180 degrees to finish cooking (15-20' about)
Cool on a wire rack.

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