Sunday, October 25, 2009

Generał Nil Online

On a warm October afternoon in the great hall of the Cultural Center of the Great House was packed to capacity to hear Rozzano Songs and Tales a show starring Andrea Vitali, famous medical writer Bellano one of five finalists for the recent Campiello Prize, and the complex SULUTUMANa (a tiny end, not a typo, translated from dialect Lombard in Italian "On the couch").
Four stories read by the author accompanied by music composed and performed by the quintet "VALASSINA" who bewitched the audience who reciprocated with long thunderous applause and sincere.
Andrea Vitali, we say to those who still had not read anything about him (ouch ouch!), Has written a remarkably dry, essential, but effective shots are razor foil or as appropriate, written as two words he knows, have a better descriptive power of two pages of some other authors. The stories are set to the beautiful and the surroundings, on the eastern shore of Lake Como and almost always has the habit (say, the best quality) to conclude with a joke or a situation of irony, when using double meanings are never coarse and smile rises without hurting the feelings of the reader.
After more applause and congratulations with autographs on books and CD covers of sympathetic protagonists.

By Lucy and Albert

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Is Cancer More Condition_symptoms


Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Garbage Clip Art

DIRECTLY from the pen of Francis ...

Paul Maurensig
variant LUNEBURG
Publisher Adelphi

Checker can not conceive of life without the battlefield of the board. The game is bloody and legend has it that it cost the life of its own inventor. Who has got the passion remains inextricably tied to it so all-encompassing if not destructive. Who is the jew said
Tabori trying for decades without success that the perpetrator in the Nazi concentration camp forced him to play chess, putting the lives of his post as fellow sufferers. For every defeat they were executed Tabori increasing numbers in geometric progression. In this way, the Nazi officer made sure that the 'opponent plays not please him but to the best of his ability to play great, was what was before his internment.
The chance to discover it offers it to a teenage boy to whom he teaches gifted the whole art of the game, including an original version that "requires the sacrifice of a horse, after plunging into chaos, but knowing the consequences can be expected to come out victorious eight times out of ten. " This variation will be taken by the time of internment Tabori and now the young Mayer in international tournaments to serve as a bait.
The former Nazi officer, who became wealthy businessman under the name of Frisch, but remained avid fan Chess, will talk about chess in his magazine, thus allowing to identify Tabori. It will be delivered to the young Mayer to Frisch as a sign of recognition in the form of a sheet of board time of internment. Frisch It commit suicide after having played in solitude "his last game: one with death."
E 'as a novel involving a murder mystery, which I think has the structure, with clues and meanings considerations are fully appreciated only with a second reading, at least the first part. This is what happened to me.
important, timely and compelling historical setting of the story in great and fascinating world of chess which brings back business extraordinary and historical characters. Of those able to grasp in his characters and infuse the great genius, passions, psychological fragility, the nightmares and terrible loneliness. Tabori is only in search of his stubborn taskmaster and designing the plan to track him down. Mayer is reduced to a solitary wanderer and degraded after the death of his master. Frisch alone cultivates a passion for chess, buried in his golden world under a false identity.
And there are often dire, those who speak hatred upright involving entire nations in the thirties, the fatalism of the Jews of Nazi ferocity in demolishing the personalities of the victims to see reduced in the torturers of the deity per il loro potere di vita e di morte . Parlano del calvario del recluso fino alla insensibilità al dolore come condizione per la sopravvivenza. E’ sempre con stupefatta partecipazione che leggo pagine così coinvolgenti della ricostruzione storica ed ambientale di quella immensa tragedia dell’umanità. Ed a questo proposito per capire e sapere di più vorrei raccomandare due romanzi dal preponderante contenuto autobiografico: Helga Schneider “Lasciami andare madre”; Imre Kertész (premio nobel) “Essere senza destino”. La prima ha avuto una madre fanatica nazista , che tale è rimasta anche dopo tanti anni . Il secondo racconta la sua shoah attraversata con la sua vita ed i suoi occhi di adolescente.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

''i-catcher Console-webmonitor

Mercoledì 23 settembre 2009

variant of Luneburg
Paul Maurensig - Adelphi

The book, a little less than one hundred and fifty pages, not only as leitmotif the game of chess, but all the peculiarities connected with it.
started as a good yellow presenting a corpse and disbelief of those around the victim.
The story is cleverly constructed between present, past, information and hints that the author has scattered throughout the book, philosophy of life and death, the psychology of the characters involved.
The reason for triggering the death Frisch's is to be found in a concentration camp at Bergen Belsen where a young teacher, a very promising young enough to be considered a master despite his young age, is confined to forced labor, the fasting and the daily struggle for survival , not to the young man takes refuge in the mad chess playing countless games figurandosele in mind. One day, the young teacher was asked to play a real one, is given a better location, decent meals: the apparent good fortune has paid a heavy price: the pledge for each game lost is the death of prisoners killed by a geometric progression ( first one then two and then four ...), the same progression of legend had cost the life of the inventor of chess.
The enormous psychological burden forces him to fight with all his strength until the camp is liberated by the Allies.
life resumes until one day one of gaming tables ...

A book that has enthralled all those present, a dry writing, an intriguing storyline, clues cleverly scattered throughout history. Each player was able to find enlightening phrases of this or that theory. Frisch's death was caused by another human being? It 'a murder, suicide, is guilty of chess?
chess enthusiasts have found old friends, the tragedy of the Holocaust has brought to light within your family, injuries never closed, questions that no one has yet responded.
The beauty of this novel has prompted some readers to read another text by the same author: "Canon reverse": the story of a violin bought at auction. Ricky Tognazzi has made into a film.

Next meeting
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sore stones Milena Agus

by Lucy and Albert

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Card Messages Funny

Poesia Narrativa e Scrittura Creativa

Registration is open to the sixth edition:


sabato 17 ottobre 2009 - sabato 7 novembre 2009 - sabato 12 dicembre 2009
sabato 9 gennaio 2010 - sabato 6 febbraio 2010 - sabato 6 marzo 2010
sabato 10 aprile 2010 - sabato 8 maggio 2010

I corsi si terranno presso il: Centro Culturale Cascina Grande
Via Togliatti - 20089 Rozzano (Mi)

Course 900 Italian Narrative Poetry
Saturday morning from 11.00 to 0re 13.00 - € 100.00
Poetry must necessarily be regarded as a medium separate from prose?
A poem can produce narrative can convey to the reader a story, a story, while respecting the inherent stylistic codes to make poetry? To answer these and other issues related to regulations and the enjoyment of poetry, it is proposed that a path through the twentieth century, particularly the second half of the century, comes to the present day, a journey in which some selected texts of eight major poets will offer a line of poetic production that largely abandoned the idea due to the Orphic poetic gesture to move closer instead to a form of experiential poetry, both in content and in form, a practice in which contamination with the spoken language and with many stylistic elements borrowed from the prose has given away at poems that border, as well as trespass, in what we call conventional narrative.
you read and discuss texts by Guido Gozzano, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio Caproni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, is provided an overview of contemporary Italian poetry by women, with texts by Patrick Valduga, Antonella Anedda, Silvia Bre, Elisa Biagini, Roberta Dapunt.

Creative Writing Workshop
Saturday afternoon from 14.00 to 17.00 - € 160.00
Based on the guidance and suggestions of the teacher, you give the body a work in progress, through a series of stages where you touch different narrative techniques and expressive, it will lead to writing a narrative text. At each meeting will be read and commented on the work of each participant, conducted in the time between an appointment and the next, so that will have the opportunity to compare the outcome of their work with the evaluation of the teacher and with the advice of the companions of the path. The workshop is geared toward those who cultivate a passion for writing, who have the pleasure to share it and who live a cone voltage constant learning.

Docente: Francesco Pettinari. Laureato in Filosofia, ha frequentato il Master in Tecniche della Narrazione della Scuola Holden di Torino. Conduce gruppi di lettura presso il Circolo dei Lettori di Torino, collabora con la casa editrice Einaudi, con la rivista L'Indice dei Libri del Mese, con la scuola Holden e, dal 2004, con l'Associazione Culturale Amici della Biblioteca di Rozzano.

Contatti per informazioni e prenotazioni
Lucia 347 8700437
biblioteca di Rozzano tel. 02 8925931

By Lucy and Albert

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Physical Therapy, Cover Letters Necessary




Guest House of the Great Library of Rozzano, the Friends of the Library Wednesday, July 1, two scholars have called for the presentation of their recent works devoted to the human mind.

ANDREA LAVAZZA , journalist, editor and columnist for the daily central "Future" published by Addison- the publisher : "The man with two dimensions - the mind-body dualism today "

According to the American philosopher John Searle," Materialism is the religion of our time, at least for the majority of those who study the mind. And it is accepted without question, "actually would make the wealth of our inner life only by the brain collides with common sense and raises serious philosophical problems. The alternative to this is the duality, that the autonomy of the mind. This position, expressed in modern form by Descartes, however, is often overlooked in Italy (but not in the Anglo-Saxon world, where the debate takes place openly). It is therefore proposed to the first collection in our language the most important contemporary exponents of dualism. Among the authors, we highlight David Chalmers, Richard Swinburne, Jonathan Lowe, Charles Taliaferro. The book fills a gap in the philosophical literature, is destined to become a landmark, but also is a candidate to "move the cultural waters" for its theme and its arguments. Is somehow a 'heresy' for science, although sia un testo rigoroso, equilibrato e ben incardinato nella metodologia della filosofia analitica. L'ampia introduzione di Andrea Lavazza ne permette comunque l'accessibilità a un pubblico ampio e la prefazione di Michele Di Francesco illustra il valore scientifico e l'utilità didattica dell'opera.

RICCARDO MANZOTTI , ingegnere elettronico, laureato in filosofia, dottorato in robotica, attualmente docente IULM a Milano, ha scritto, con Vincenzo Tagliasco, "L'esperienza, perchè i neuroni non spiegano tutto" editore Codice.

Che cos'è l'esperienza? Come può un organismo fare esperienza? Si tratta di uno dei problemi scientifici fondamentali: le neuroscienze stanno indagando i meccanismi che trasformano l'attività neurale in esperienza. Nei libri di testo si racconta che il cervello riceve segnali che vengono decodificati come esperienze: un odore, un colore, un gusto. Tuttavia nessuno sa come avvenga questa trasformazione. La risposta, come la lettera rubata dell'omonimo racconto di E.A. Poe, potrebbe essere sotto gli occhi di tutti. Un ubriaco cerca le chiavi di casa sotto la luce di un lampione. Quando passa un amico e gli chiede: "Perché le cerchi sotto il lampione? Le hai perse lì?", l'ubriaco risponde: "No, ma almeno qui ci vedo". Cercare l'esperienza solo dentro l'attività Neural may be similar to only look for the keys under the street light. To understand what the experience we need a new point of view. The authors then embark on a journey along the paths of philosophy, psychology and neuroscience, to review the experimental results according to a different experience, mental images, perception, optical illusions, dreams and hallucinations, and thus help to provide the reader a comprehensive picture of one of the most current scientific frontiers and fascinating.

themes among the least easy for a non-specialist audience, but the approach of the speakers was magical, the two hours are fly, because the present, fascinated by the argument, presented in a simple way, with the help of slides and adding a few anecdotes, was accompanied with a sure hand to the final questions posed with appropriate knowledge, a sign that the argument difficult it was expertly made up by the speakers.
next Wednesday, July 8, also in the reading room of the Great House, at 20.45, is replicated.
Dr. Elena Crude will talk about his recent work:
"All right" or 100 practical solutions to get organized and live happily.
Sperling & Kupfer publisher

by Lucy and Albert

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Does A Period Look Like

Francis and "The Gate"
Magda Szabó

The book tells the story of a friendship difficult and conflict that gradually grows between two people: the writer and narrator, "the old" Emerencia, two people who are the opposite of the other. The novel is a continuing fragility of the counterpoint between the writer and the enormous strength of character Emerencia.
Emerencia is a caretaker and family collaboration, which looms tireless worker for his great dignity: are you looking for information on his prospective employer, saying "I do not wash my clothes in the first that happens." Dignity does not depend on the work you do or social rank, but it builds and defends itself.
The world of ideas - the values \u200b\u200band opinions - not to Emerencia by family education, school culture and religion, but from the terrible school of life that has marked. And 'anti-intellectual, it is against all institutions, is Manichean: distinguishes between those who held the broom in hand and those who do get laid.
Love, as understood by Emerencia, but there is no intrusion, empathy, compassion (Pot of friendship), even to the risk of life (hides German, Russian, lawyer) or extreme impairment of himself (masquerading as his daughter Evy Grossman). Love that transcends humans and animals almost witchcraft captivates her neighbors, who reciprocate (anthropology): the heifer Viola, Viola dogs, cats.
custody of her world behind a door that no one is allowed to cross. Reveals her story to the writer as a growing mutual affection. And the writer will be the one asked to cross that door, as the supreme demonstration of affection, Emerencia when he realizes that his life is nearing its conclusion.
But Schopenhauer says that the love relationship is an aggression which created potential hazards. So a great love match a great betrayal: Emerencia, sick, is betrayed by its writer, which will force the door forcing her to continue living against his will and design.
At the end of the novel seems to me that it requires a strongly basic question: to accept the suicide of Poletti, after having given the old lady all the loving care and friendship humanly possible? Let Emerencia die in excrement? Or the opposite prevent the suicide of Poletti and force Emerencia to live?
On the one hand there is a fragile and anxious writer who seems to me represents all human weaknesses and contradictions, and secondly there Emerencia that despite the harshness of nature knows wrap di autentico e compassionevole amore la anziana Polett di cui rispetta la scelta suprema che aiuta a compiere con dignità . Quella stessa Emerenc fa per sé una altrettanto netta scelta di vita che gli altri non rispettano calpestando la sua dignità.
Ognuno ha da fare le sue scelte. Da parte mia non ho dubbi da che parte schierarmi: con la affascinante Emerenc.
a cura di Lucia e Alberto

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cover Letter Examples Dental Hygiene


L'ultimo incontro - prima della pausa estiva - ha visto assoluta protagonista la brava scrittrice Ungherese Magda Szabò con due fra i suoi più beautiful and now deservedly famous novels.

"The Ballad of Iza" - publisher Einaudi

When her husband dies Vince, a judge during the years of Hungarian fascism had suffered serious injuries, the old lady is Szocs finds himself completely alone in the modest family home in the Hungarian countryside. It is then that the daughter Iza, a successful doctor who lives alone in the rigor of Budapest, he decided to bring her mother to live with it. But in the new house, a perfect and comfortable as it wants to place Iza, Mrs. Szocs is not at all comfortable, everything is too cold and lifeless, just like Iza. And so, little by little, fragile woman in a closed impenetrable silence, fading inexorably until the day he decides to return to his village to make an unexpected gesture, and liberating.

"Port" - publisher Einaudi

Two women separated, two different lives that collide. Magda Szabó describes the strange relationship for twenty years had elapsed between her and her maid. A rough woman, ageless, with its principles and bizarre, reserved, and the secrets jealously hidden behind the "door" closed forever. If, between the husband and the woman Magda There is sympathy immediately, otherwise the relationship between the two women is unpredictable, made up of quarrels, reconciliations, not said. Gradually their relationship is stretched, the narrator Emerencia to vote, their bond becomes exclusive, demanding ...

The drafting of the two works came after many years: first in 1963 and the second in 1987. The reader can not escape attention that MS has evolved and refined writing is that the definition of the characters, and indeed that Emerencia his mistress, writer (hint autobiographical) are at the absolute center of the story, while in the first Iza and her mom stand out, yes, but it is more collective, there are other figures and other stories that could have been developed in part to be able to give the plot to other documents.

The two novels have a common denominator represented by the tragic relationship that turns into a conflict between two women: Iza and her mom in the first and Emerencia and his mistress, in the second. In both there is a strong character (and Emerencia Iza) that rises over the other woman on the other hand more fragile character (respectively the writer = housewife and mother of Iza). The fact remains that there are feelings of love and / or close friends.
Iza has been likened to a soldier who fought / a as a child / in order to defend herself and her family from attacks in the world. Everything has achieved is the result of his stubbornness, not least the beautiful and prestigious achievement of the spa built in the hometown of Antal, her husband. E 'in the relationship with his loved ones but on the contrary fail. Antal leaves her and her mother, once a widow will be deeply disappointed and astonished at the pragmatism with which Iza has shaped a new life in Buda, which also wants to comply with his elderly mother, uprooted from a quiet provincial life.
In "The door there is a more mature MS and the figures of the writer and Emerencia are improved and if the epilogue in the first novel has an aura of fatality in the accident mortal stumbles in which the mother of Iza, but in this there is the certainty that the old home, sentitasi betrayed by the person in whom he had found a port of refuge after the storms of its troubled existence, leaves voluntarily to die. Magda was to defend from foreign eyes as the door had for years taken away from foreign eyes the secret world of Emerencia? at the cost of giving up the formal consecration ceremony that proclaimed the writer to fame?
With this rich material, the discussion was lively even been reduced to the ranks due to the first outward toward the sea and mountains. As is customary each formed two fronts for or against women defined strong of each novel, considered the primary cause of the bitter end of both stories.
We will meet after the holidays Wednesday, September 23 after reading, written by Paul

"variant LUNEBURG"
publisher Adelphi

to edited by Lucia and Alberto

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dirt Bike Birthday Cake

"Embers" by ... FRANCESCO

's the story of an intense friendship youth degraded into its opposite with onset of maturity. In a "'felix Austria", but already on the brink of its dissolution, the young Henrich belongs by birth to the wealthy nobility, and it lives as a natural vocation to its role as a military officer in the glittering world of the imperial court. The family of the young Konrad has instead sacrificed everything to ensure that the child can become part of that world. Konrad has natural talent but not suited to a soldier's sensitivity and musical inclinations, he loves the culture and reading. But this inner wealth rather than existential give depth to his life, secretly envy turns to hate the kindness which his friend Heinrich has always surrounded the beautiful world of high society, where he moves, however, with rigid where is coldness and formality and distance. The situation is worsening with the emergence of a secret understanding with the loving wife of his friend Krisztina Henrich has elected its own inclinations. In the semi-darkness of dawn to hunt Konrad point the gun into the neck of the friend who is on the trajectory of a deer, but did not dare to shoot because he is a coward. " The tragic romantic whirlpool sucks the rest of the existence of the three characters in a romantic fate of solitude. Konrad disappears going to sink, into voluntary exile, tropical hell of Malaysia. Henrich retires to the hunting lodge of his estate. Krisztina has remained in the castle, is allowed to die in a few years after the disappointment of no return of Konrad and the silence of Henrich. Forty years later Konrad old reappeared at the castle one last time to see the places and people where and with whom he lived that one season of passion whose embers continued to flare in his long exile. Henrich, old, has waited a lifetime to get answers to the betrayal of his friend and his wife on which, in solitude, has long pondered.
whole novel is a long sequence of defeats. Henrich fail because he pours his emotional charge about people (Konrad, Krisztina) with which it can strike the spark of mutual devotion, friendship or love, because they lack the affinity with them. Choose them and attracts the world with its profusion of its assets, but other than him and he will not be able to penetrate into their secret and lose both. Konrad fails because it undergoes choices of others that require a role that he lives as a profession and not as a vocation. And once formed his character suffers from a desire to be different from what it is. The emotional tension drags him with envy and hatred which he reaches on his friend, at least intentionally, the extreme act of murder. It autopunisce of his treachery, for forty years living in an environment that removes all intellectual and artistic substance.
The book is dense with philosophical considerations about the substance of friendship, the meaning of the killing, on the inevitability of his fate, on belonging to its own history, land, society and culture. The autobiographical reflections of a prolific writer who has suffered the 'exclusion and even physical separation from his land and his cultural world are obvious. That's intense nostalgia inspired the sublime pages of the environment in places, in the castle and the enchantment of nature, that shine like the embers never soothed vivid in the minds of its protagonists.

by Lucy and Albert

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Multiple Scerosis More Condition_symptoms



recurs in These days, the tenth anniversary of the opening of the headquarters of the Public Library of Rozzano, to celebrate the anniversary all employees with dignity, Director in head, are organized and each has spared no effort or resources to set up a series of appointments in the House involving all players and not.

29 has run began Friday with the performance of the company Bread and Mate, while Saturday saw 30 player in the note and good Italian writer Dacia Maraini by Valeria Palumbo, editor in chief European Championship.

Despite the unusual time, a conference room packed to hear the views of Dacia Maraini on the themes of his recently published book "The train last night" - Rizzoli Editore - triggered by questions raised by Valeria Palumbo, and at term, some members of the public, mostly women.

Dalla Shoa alla rivoluzione ungherese del '56, dal Nazismo al Comunismo, dalle deportazioni nei campi di sterminio, alla mafia. Tantissima materia e pochissimo tempo, nonostante le due ore piene dedicate dalle Signore ospiti.

Valeria Palumbo ha letto, con la consueta valente interpretazione, alcuni brani del libro e un paio di poesie - tratte dal volume "Io sono la vostra voce" - scritte da una fra i più importanti poeti del '900: la russa Anna Achmatova.

Al termine autografi e dediche poi tutti a festeggiare con stuzzichini e aperitivi.

a cura di Lucia e Alberto

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Genetal Warts More Condition_symptoms

"Embers" by Sandor Marai
publisher ADELPHI

Though published and probably written in 1942, is a book can be placed, for the air we breathe, that for the characters of the characters and their stories, traditional literature in the nineteenth-century romantic. A story with inflation - not the first nor last ever - love triangle, cut short by escaping to the tropics of the lover of the wife of a senior officer in the Habsburg Empire.

The story: after forty years, two men, that young people have been inseparable (one of those male friends no less intense relationship between two identical twins), they return to meet in a castle at the foot of the Carpathians. One has spent those decades in the Far East, the other has not moved from his property. But both have lived up to this moment. Nothing else mattered to them. Why? Because they share a secret that has a singular force, "" a force that burns the fabric of life as a malignant radiation, but at the same time gives warmth to life and keeps it in tension ". Everything converges on a 'duel swords' - and far more cruel. Among them, the shadow, the ghost of a woman.

The Author captivated the reader with a clear prose, pressing and sliding at the same time, capturing attention with a measured dose of suspense: it looks like a landscape invisible because all protected by a thick fog that slowly, with the passage of the pages, weakens and thins to dissolve and eventually uncover the truth. He discovers the past as it relates to the present. Magic chapter climax when the two are both hunting in thick woods, since before dawn, when Henrik perceived to have the barrel of Konrad bet on himself.
E 'work has suggested that everyone present in a series of questions which hath been tried, during the debate, to find objective answers, senza però raggiungere un'unità nell'esito, cosicchè ognuno ha conservato i rispettivi punti interrogativi suggeriti dalla lettura.
Eccone alcuni. Perchè mai Konrad ritorna dopo 41 anni dal giorno della sua fuga improvvisa e inaspettata? Perchè non risponde alle domande che gli vengono rivolte? Perchè non parla e non interviene nel lungo monologo del Generale? Ha davvero puntato il fucile contro l'amico? Erano d'accordo lui e Krisztina?
E il diario di quest'ultima, conservato per anni, rinvenuto alla sua morte e mai aperto dal marito nel momento in cui finalmente avrebbero potuto entrambi leggerlo e scoprire i pensieri della donna amata da entrambi, viene gettato nel fuoco del camino in cui viene lasciato burn up to become ashes.
's view that the General is the "bad" because he abandoned his wife, not forgive, retiring two hours by horse from the villa-castle where Krisztina let alone die without ever seeing her again, knowing of his illness . Krisztina has been left to die because she felt abandoned by both? Konrad is a coward, as in the indictment handed down by her as she was made aware that K. fled? But is not it - in his supposed cowardice - a man who wanted to - at the crucial moment - saving the life of one who had devoted friendship shown? Konrad himself lived with a difficult situation to the General when an adult, he realized that to him was not the most noble sentiments of friendship and affinity when the adolescent was transformed into the exact opposite, too many minds and ideals between the two. E 'Krisztina the only real victim? Be abandoned by the lover, escaped in the tropics, both by her husband? And yet Henrik is not at the same time he also a victim of circumstances as they had always had feelings of deep and sincere friendship for K. Krisztina and married for love and finds himself without a wife / love and no friends? Konrad fleeing the tropics does not renounce the pleasure of not only his intellectual aspirations (music, readings), but also the love of the beloved? They are prisoners of Henrik and Konrad, in their own way, the first prisoner of the memories (41 years of dark musings and reflections) and the second suite from his greatest aspirations (the presence of the lover and the possibility of making music and reading) this prevented the climate of the Tropics adverse and unhealthy for a European?
So many questions and a thousand doubts, all subjective, suggested by its sensitivity and mediated by their personal experiences of life and culture and agreed by all, with one exception, which is a great novel since it has aroused so many emotions .
The next June 25 - at 20.45 - we will find ourselves for the evening before the summer break to comment on two novels of another great exponent of Hungarian literature.
Magda Szabó: " THE DOOR" and " THE BALLAD OF IZA"
both published in Italy by EINAUDI
by Lucy and Albert

Friday, May 1, 2009

I-cather Console-street Monitor

The Curious Incident of Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon - Einaudi
approach to the novel, because the title and the fact that the protagonist is a fifteen year leads us to believe belongs to the genre of children's literature. Nothing further. It 's a story with a serious subject, told with an air of light striking delicacy and humor - but we know how to shine MH this quality - with the counterpoint of some scientific and philosophical reflections.
All this and more hath been heatedly discussed between the increasingly large representation of WG rozzanese. As
are far from each other by gender and form of expression, jumped to the eye of many as the last read - "The Road" - even in this we can find a parallel in the behavior of mothers. Both defeatist and defeats, but for Christopher's mother, however, there is redemption in the end because they fail to regain its role, doing away with herself, finding a balance in relations with the very difficult emotional manifestations caused by the syndrome suffered by the child. The mother had collapsed from too much love that had prevented her from accepting the disease and its consequences. The father, more pragmatic, it was riuscito a sopportare e a mantenere un discreto vantaggio fino a quando, confessando di avere ucciso lui il cane, si aliena del tutto la fiducia di C. La situazione si capovolge al punto che diventa il nemico pericoloso da cui guardarsi e fuggire. Le lettere scritte al figlio e lette da questi in condizioni fortuite sono il salvagente che lo porteranno alla madre.
Ci si è chiesto se il libro sia politicamente scorretto: non è indelicato divulgare al mondo dei lettori le intime sensazioni di una persona malata? Non è sconveniente conoscere attraverso la penna dell’A. e i pensieri di C. come si relaziona con il mondo chi è colpito dalla sindrome di Asperger? Chi ci assicura che non sia solo fantasia di M. H. ?
Se queste e altre domande arise after reading a book means that the A. was able to involve, not a banal story told, has reached at least one of the goals that we imagine the writers put it: to awaken an interest that continues even after leaving the reader with a trace of his work.
Next meeting May 21, 2009
protagonist Sandor Marai, "Embers"

by Lucy and Albert

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Put On A Wedding Card

"The Curious Incident of Dog in the Night"
of Mark Haddon
publisher Einaudi

At the conclusion of the reading done almost in one breath of this "strange case," I realized that Mark Haddon is able to evaporate my age of seventy cumbersome for me to put herself in restless and very sensitive personality of Christopher Boone, a fifteen autistic lives and sees his world with all the complexities, idiosyncrasies and fears that the Asperger's put on him. Bella
the idea of \u200b\u200bliving near the incident of the dog killed with a pitchfork like a detective story with a murder and a dead man, even if this is just a dog. The murderess is davvero ed il ragazzo investigatore lo percepisce come tale: malfattore terribile e pericoloso, da cui bisogna difendersi, magari impugnando un coltellino svizzero. Ma costui è suo padre, per cui non gli resta che fuggire di casa ed in un viaggio avventuroso affrontare un mondo che la sua malattia gli aveva precluso, fatto di strade e luoghi sconosciuti, un treno sconosciuto, una Londra con la sua metropolitana sconosciuta, e con la forza della sua intelligenza acutissima raggiungere con successo la madre che lo aveva lasciato due anni prima.
Calati nell’esistenza del ragazzo vediamo ed interagiamo con la realtà in modo straordinariamente più intenso delle persone cosiddette normali. Le quali in confronto sono generalmente banali, spesso rozze if not trivial with very few exceptions.
not heal the boy but his parents are individually, acknowledging their mistakes, taking a healing finding a relationship with him genuinely and deeply true. There is a thread of hope for the boy who found protection in the family, he was able to capitalize on his extraordinary intellectual gifts to go to university. Here will be his revenge, because studying and working well with adults older than he will earn this recognition and the equality of human relationships which had prevented the disease.
One can not feel gratitude to the author with his seriousness , Depth and delicacy has found a way to get us into existence in the scenario of this disability. And let us understand the richness of life in many ways superior to what we, the so-called normal, we believe that they have presumptuously.
It does this with a writing style capable of determining a successful counterpoint adventure, humor and gentle sensitivity that ultimately make us feel deep sympathy for this kid that the routines of normal social life makes us feel like a different unknown.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sayings For Teeth Whitening

Sabato 21 marzo 2009

Daughters of Lilith
Valeria Palumbo ed. Odradek

Valeria Palumbo e Walter Colombo hanno animato il sabato pomeriggio alternandosi alla lettura di brani, alcuni tratti da vecchi manuali di bon ton, per aspiranti fidanzati e intraprendenti cavalieri altri dal testo: Le figlie di Lilith di Valeria Palumbo. Un fiume in piena di storie di donne che hanno sconvolto abitudini consolidate dando scandalo fino a che i loro modi sono diventati costume. Prostitute d’alto bordo, con tanto di salotto letterario, artiste, attrici, scrittrici, giornaliste che hanno trasformato i costumi dell’epoca dando nuova forza all’emancipazione femminile mentre venivano proiettate sullo schermo le loro immagini.

Ora un giochino per voi, cari lettori, Who wrote this sentence?

forgive him for giving me exploited, ruined and humiliated. I forgive him because I loved everything. Do not defend son because I did not accuse you. Do not talk to the empire of reason, the flesh of your life, your thirst for life joyful. I'm tired of these words. For years, I hear you say ... I start from here tomorrow.

In my there is no answer.

E 'dead woman who does not deserve.

A little help can be found in the book. The daughters of Lilith.

By Lucy and Albert

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cheapestcancun Vacations

Straight from the pen of Francis
The Road by Cormac McCarthy Cormac McCarthy

man and writer of the border has designed this book to go beyond the extreme limit: the apocalyptic beyond which plunged the earth and its civilization for unspecified reasons. Livid days without sun alternating with impenetrable darkness, rain, cold, fire and ash that chokes are the symbols of a nature that languishes lifeless and animals long since disappeared or been devoured by the few human survivors who are degraded by the imperative of survival to hunt their own kind of ferocity and cannibalism. In this environment awesome, walking with difficulty on a road that goes south from ghost towns and houses looted, a father and his little boy, pointing toward the coast, to escape the cold, food shortages and danger of their fellow "bad" . A supermarket trolley, a sheet of plastic, cans of food, a lighter, a gun with two cartridges are the wretched remains of an entire civilization and ironic, a few things that they should be picking up and dragging behind to survive in their transhumance to a place and time of a hoped-for rebirth. Because they both have the fire of life within, which jealously guard with the love of the parental relationship, which means that, despite insecurity, there is no room in the cart for a book of stories to read to the child and his toy truck. The desolation of that existence precarious and dangerous has emptied even the memory of life as it was. Only the glow of their inner flame lights up the memory of the boy's mother and wife of the man who abandoned them by suicide, not to lose hope with the substance of existence in person. He left the decision to repeat the same step with his son. But he does not give up and consumes his life undermined by the disease in a desperate struggle to bring the child to salvation. He died before he could, without even the awareness of this fragile thread of hope that l’autore ci lascia sotto forma di incontro del ragazzino con una comunità di uomini “buoni” che avviene poco dopo.
La scrittura di CMC è qui ancora più asciutta del solito, con dialoghi scarnificati fino all’essenzialità che la penuria delle forze esige. Ma la muta tenerezza e la sollecitudine dei gesti paterni aleggia nella desolazione ambientale, ben ripagata dalla tranquilla fiducia nel padre da parte del bambino . La poesia di quelle sommesse parole scambiate la si percepisce durante tutto l’incerto e pericoloso procedere, come un potente invisibile involucro che li avvolge e li rende capaci di sopportare l’interminabile sequela di sofferenze e tribolazioni, tenacemente determinati a non smarrirsi nella despair.
places have no name. The man has no name and likeness. The child has no name, only know him through the thin look of the distressed father. There is only one name: that of the old Ely. You could then look for keys to understanding this book without chapters.
With a key to philosophical one could say that the unnamed man, the eternal dualism, the principle of good struggling with an uncertain outcome against the principle of evil, because human life, the child without a name, do not subside of the enormous dark ages.
If the key is meant to be metaphysical one can see a biblical vision with the advent after the apocalypse a messiah, the child, who build his kingdom on the ruins of civilization on earth.
The third key would be to simply lay and evolutionist who reads this book as a visionary work that catapults the imagination in a scene from history that goes in cycles, with the selective force of the genes which allocates a generation to die after fulfilled its task is to try to bring the child to survive with its precious human genome (the fire inside). But if he has not been successful, perhaps a new cycle will restart if hidden in the depths of the gorge some survivors will be drawn on the char that bring back the code of life, older that of man.

What Is A Heart Murmur More Condition_symptoms

A superficial reading could classify this novel between those of science fiction. The world described by C. McC. is only desolation and destruction, no sun, cold, submerged by the ashes of an extinguished fire caused by an unknown planetary disaster.
A man and a child traveling through the ruins of a world reduced to ashes in the direction of the ocean, where maybe a mirage of a cool pale sun now will give a bit 'of warmth and some glimmers of life. carrying with it the way everything in the new balance of things have value: a shopping cart with the little bit 'of food they make up a plastic sheet for shelter from the freezing rain and a gun with which to defend themselves from gangs of robbers who beat the streets determined to survive at all costs. And then the most valuable asset: themselves and their love for each other.
"We'll get through, right, Dad?
Yes we'll get.
And there's nothing bad will happen.
Because we bring the fire.
Yes Why we bring the fire "

The road is a book written. Because it is within us. The author has done as Michelangelo, has eliminated the superfluous material to extract the original one. The prose is lean and dry. Gives the reader the emotions aroused by the desolate landscape, the essential dialogue between father and son who became a symbol of the continuity of life seemingly came to extinction according to the human parameters.
is a book to interpret the symbols that the author has scattered on every page.
The child is helpless, the hungry cold requires protection, knowing that his father assures him of being close to death, to assure the survival and continuity of life. The child is the Messiah, the bearer of the fire symbol of hope that despite everything does not go off. Through nature's ability to move forward, to continue to survive in whatever form, to regenerate themselves indefinitely, McCarthy shows us a way not to succumb even when all around is death and desolation. Along the road heading south towards the sea (another symbol: water generator of life) each time left without food or blankets, every ounce of energy that sustains them in the imagination makes them find new resources and the journey continues. These events are comparable to the vicissitudes of daily ups and downs of us all.

Next meeting April 22, 2009 20:45
comment on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon - Einaudi
A cura di Lucia e Alberto

Monday, March 16, 2009

Panic Attack More Condition_symptoms

Mercoledì, 11 marzo 2009 ore 21,00
A Rozzano il mese di marzo non porta solo la primavera, ma anche una serie piuttosto nutrita di appuntamenti culturali in biblioteca e in Cascina.
"Incanti - musica e versi d'amore"
La fisarmonica suonava con passione e le note si spandevano nell'aria; la voce di Carlo Mega recitava brani di poesia di autori del Novecento italiano: Antonio Porta, Mario Luzi, Cesare Pavese, Giorgio Caproni, Lalla Romano and many others. The public
Rozzano had already had the pleasure of spending an evening with them last October with readings taken from the works of Cesare Pavese.

"Now that you're coming
dance step that you came into my life

almost gust in a closed room -
to celebrate, good long-awaited
words I miss the voice and
tacerti already close enough for me.
Camillo Sbarbaro - Now that you're coming - Inventory 1955 "

" Love burning life and make time fly - Vincenzo Cardarelli.

By Lucy and Albert

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Row Boat Sale North Carolina


heated discussion on:

" A Hat Full of Cherries "
Oriana Fallaci published by Rizzoli.

many conflicting opinions on the work's posthumous Oriana Fallaci that belongs to the genre of family saga, as she wrote on the cover of the folder of the original manuscript came to the heirs, where has planted a lot of imagination on a towel arrivatole oral tradition from their parents, uncles, grandparents, and she turned into a novel with the help of a long, difficult and painstaking search of accurate biographical data on his ancestors to enable it to reconstruct the family tree all the way up to about mid-1700.
The result is there to see, indeed to read: in spite of eight hundred pages to get to the last page in one go. Any moments of pause or decline are sidelined because the pace and ability to captivate the reader prevail.
Fallaci is not classified among historians, but we must recognize that events in personal grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, arcavoli of OF have the right to tell almost three centuries of history, Italic, and not just so captivating, making them easy to remember and difficult parts less than when we were forced to study at school.
His books have always been discussed and this is no exception. Have often been inspired by personal experiences or news stories from its intimate, as was the case with "A man " and " Letter to a Child Never Born .
great journalist, one of the few women in this profession in years of absolute male monopoly, he was admired throughout the world. The event of September 11 2001 that shocked the U.S. and the West, gave it to OF a position of absolute intransigence against the Islamic culture, the last of his writings caused controversy and debate, including processes, so much so that some of his unconditional admirers lined up on opposite sides . How can we forget the exchange of letters with Tiziano Terzani?
disease that made her suffer in recent years - died in 2006 - and the attack on the Twin Towers have certainly prevented the conclusion of the immense personal work begun in 1990 (and perhaps earlier).
Oriana Fallaci invites us to reflect: we must be able to live with death, because we live knowing that we must die, without death there would be - paradoxically - their lives.
The shape and style, not always uniformly affected by the lack of a final draft that, for the most careful readers, seemed fairly obvious, but not to an unacceptable degree.
voices in dissonance talked about commercial publishing operation, display of confusion: the group is reading this too. Everyone says their own, while respecting dell'opinone of others, collective harmony, each time with the desire and conviction to find himself going a month later for a new stimulating debate, as will occur in:

next meeting of March 17

when we read: "THE ROAD" by Cormac McCarthy - publisher Einaudi

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Lord Of The Rings Henti


Dear friends,
pending the usual post for the last meeting of February 19, we anticipate in this regard, the thought of Francis.

E 'Cathy Zani, "sharp and brilliant," who in 1785 married Charles Fallaci, "sweet and mediocre," the condition that he would teach her to read and write, the figure that looms in the story Fallaci branch. It 's you, a descendant of an ancestor, Hildebrand, burned as a heretic in 500, to bring an outrageous hat full of cherries to market Reschen to be recognized by the future husband. The admiration for this country intolerant of the constraints of class (sumptuary laws), the taxation of the Church, abuses reflected in Napoleonic watermark through the story of Fallaci. For Oriana, girl, there's a chest in the testimonies of the yearning for knowledge as the only means to escape from ignorance nailing the lower classes and the condition of subjection to 'social immobility. Nell'excursus time between the marriage in 1785 and the death of two arcavoli in the neighborhood of 1840 pass before us the Tuscan countryside, the social life of the peasants, the story of the Grand Duchy, but also the atrocities of the Inquisition and the meanness of civilian institutions, religious bigotry . And in the enjoyment of the story takes, in my opinion, the author believes that the certainty of Catherine geniuses have been transmitted until you get to be part of his DNA.
The sea is the protagonist of fate and tragedy of the second branch, that of graduates, of which Francis eyes "shiny, funds, beaten and charged with a terrible sadness is the figure of reference. Because the sea has lost his father, held in slavery in Barbary. Goes to sea to appease his desire for revenge twenty years, going to cut the throats of 20 died on the beaches of Algiers. E 'for the sea that meets the beautiful Montserrat, and secret illegitimate daughter of a English grandee. E 'on the sea as lucky as boatswain slave trader. Finally, it is the sea that lost her four children in a shipwreck. Oriana speaks with awe of this branch, as by this unfortunate and unhappy couples were derived all that has happened to the evil in life. But this class also allows you to show us the shame and tribulations of the Nazarenes, the slaves on which thriving cities of North Africa, and later on black slavery to the Americas. And we live with this branch Finally, the story of a normal social injustice, with the complicity of the Church, deprived of the rights of social recognition and love from the fruits of unlawful noble caste.
E 'poverty to mark the third branch, that of Cantini, gardeners, stored in a hovel in Livorno. John tries to get out of doing the replacement soldier to eat meat, have a uniform with shoes and sleep in a bed with sheets. Wellness pays the risk of life passing massacre massacre in the Napoleonic wars. Oriana admits that companies with Napoleon, however, are the new ideas circulating daughters of the revolution. I happened to visit the tomb of Nappa in Paris, grand and celebratory, and I could not help but wonder if these ideas were really needed to spread a megalomaniac murderer of millions of young lives taken by the conscription in all occupied countries. But this is another long speech. Meanwhile, the Risorgimento ideas of freedom, progress, unity, independence, social redemption spread strongly in Italy and Europe and won both his son John, who later Giobatta. More violence from wars and massacres which both come out losers and disappointed. The review of our history of the Risorgimento is formidable, with the advantage of them out of scholarly discourse in which we learned at school, worried about bad grades unless remember the dates. Here you hear the bubbling ideas, people move and shake, bullets whistling and the characters act, suffer and sometimes laugh, maybe for a wedding or a secret club Carbonaro, but also degrade the brutal actions of which she , a descendant, he is ashamed.
At this point it is half of the book, because the whole second part is occupied by the Fourth Branch: The Ferrier. But I think this is also a point of break between the chorus and the protagonist of the first part of Anastasia, in the second Part, which will tell the story to its tragic end at the end of the book. Here the family legends become more novel, where psychology, adventures, passions and tragedy surround the plot to "Life" of M. Mazzucco and "A. Karenina "by Tolstoy.
Oriana has decided to write this book, long thought, when the "bad sore" began to mark the inexorable countdown of his life. Pulling wires Arianna has unraveled four games of fate and chance that led to his coming to the world. He rummaged in personality and in the lives of its arcavoli to understand itself in light of their stories and pass the witness. We have seen from the mouth of the proscenium compelling representations of places, times, facts and ideas where even our arcavoli of moving, perhaps crossing or sharing the fate of his own.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anxiety And Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

the late 50's, soldier's military service, I saw for the first time, the windows of circumvesuviana the tin sheds the outskirts of Naples. It was an unknown world for a young student of the Venetian city. Also from us was poverty, especially in the countryside, and Gian Antonio Stella's got masterfully described in "Master Magro." But nothing to do with the infinitesimally small reduction in the levels of human insecurity in the cabin is a symbol.
PPP has dropped its fringe in this existential popolata di ragazzi che anno dopo anno srotolano e consumano la loro esistenza canagliesca al di fuori di qualsiasi progetto di vita che l’esempio degli adulti, la famiglia , la scuola e l’ambiente hanno fatto di ognuno di noi delle persone normali.
Confesso di aver fatto fatica a leggere le prime cento pagine di questo romanzo che, se non fosse stato proposto da Giacomina, difficilmente, da me, avrei scelto di leggere. Ma abbandonare un libro che ti è stato indicato è un po’una sconfitta. Così sono arrivato in fondo, e non lo rimpiango.
PPP usa il dialetto, ma non quello colorito, ironico, divertente che il Belli mette in bocca ai suoi popolani. Il suo e un dialetto povero, ripetitivo, noioso, come la quotidianità of these children, who trooped and divide continuously looking for excuses to escape the boredom of life without purpose. There is so much crime, but without dignity: you steal scrap metal, the portfolio of a passer-by for alms for the blind, to grab a bit 'dollars for a few days or just to get up at night. The novel proceeds
all fragmented, with no plot, no real stars. It was with this style the author wanted, I think, literally reflect the existence of these young people. Remains low even when news is about death, because life here is not worth much. So he closes the book with a boy who disappears sucked by eddies of a river disgusting and insidious, allegorical image of the living and the existence of these kids.

posted by Francesco