Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anxiety And Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

the late 50's, soldier's military service, I saw for the first time, the windows of circumvesuviana the tin sheds the outskirts of Naples. It was an unknown world for a young student of the Venetian city. Also from us was poverty, especially in the countryside, and Gian Antonio Stella's got masterfully described in "Master Magro." But nothing to do with the infinitesimally small reduction in the levels of human insecurity in the cabin is a symbol.
PPP has dropped its fringe in this existential popolata di ragazzi che anno dopo anno srotolano e consumano la loro esistenza canagliesca al di fuori di qualsiasi progetto di vita che l’esempio degli adulti, la famiglia , la scuola e l’ambiente hanno fatto di ognuno di noi delle persone normali.
Confesso di aver fatto fatica a leggere le prime cento pagine di questo romanzo che, se non fosse stato proposto da Giacomina, difficilmente, da me, avrei scelto di leggere. Ma abbandonare un libro che ti è stato indicato è un po’una sconfitta. Così sono arrivato in fondo, e non lo rimpiango.
PPP usa il dialetto, ma non quello colorito, ironico, divertente che il Belli mette in bocca ai suoi popolani. Il suo e un dialetto povero, ripetitivo, noioso, come la quotidianità of these children, who trooped and divide continuously looking for excuses to escape the boredom of life without purpose. There is so much crime, but without dignity: you steal scrap metal, the portfolio of a passer-by for alms for the blind, to grab a bit 'dollars for a few days or just to get up at night. The novel proceeds
all fragmented, with no plot, no real stars. It was with this style the author wanted, I think, literally reflect the existence of these young people. Remains low even when news is about death, because life here is not worth much. So he closes the book with a boy who disappears sucked by eddies of a river disgusting and insidious, allegorical image of the living and the existence of these kids.

posted by Francesco

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sample Confidentiality Clause Financial

Incontro di Mercoledì 14 gennaio 2009

Pier Paolo Pasolini - Ragazzi di vita - Garzanti

Pasolini In eight chapters, with mastery of journalistic complaint the status of the most deprived suburbs of Rome and the lives of its inhabitants: drunken fathers, mothers, enslaved and abused children on the streets or in jail, schools used as housing for displaced persons and no educational purpose. Raw novel that does not go unnoticed, the words strike like daggers. Pasolini became famous with this novel bitter, violent, very strong. The Italian misery, the slums, the smell of dirt and old clothes, the squalid suburbs, hot summers that raised almost bestial appetites, they found a descriptor and lyrical emotion, held firmly to the ground by a severe political faith.

With these arguments have no doubt that the discussion of the book has obstacle to flow and develop? Of course not.

We begin with that if it were a constant astronomical, the group is divided between those who have managed to read all, maybe with some effort, and all others who have chosen the other way, either to the lexicon and the abundant use of Roman dialect, either because of the theme itself. Too much bitterness, cruelty and anguish to endure and reach the last page to see the tragic death of Genesis, in the waters of the drowned, the second largest river in Rome on the banks of which took place many of the adventures (often tragicomic) of the protagonists and Here you can find the metaphor: the river is like life that flows as well as the flowing waters (polluted since then!). Some people can be free to cross and reach the other side in order and who unfortunately dies, like the events human.

Those who read it agree the timeliness of topics, especially the emotional issues related to minors. They are teenagers who have not had children, screened helpless in a world where they must survive the cruelty, malice, oppression not only adults but also their peers. Where the parents - when you live - are often large, and the courageous mother and frustrated by the tragedy, or are victims of violent and lazy husbands. The children do not receive the positive examples in the bitter family story - not novel - PPP: This book can not classify it among the novels, as there is no plot, but only a trickle that unites the eight chapters, almost a documentary chronicles a journalist's report, a complaint at that time caused a sensation and scandal. The author was charged and tried for obscenity and bad language, but acquitted - with full formula (!) - For not having committed the act, we know how in those years the company was not yet ready to recognize and metabolize certain truths. In "Boys Life" you will hear the first expression of talented film director who became in the years to come, and his writing - when he leaves the dialogue, mostly consisting of invective and insults, so poor and barren is the soul of those adolescents - to go to settings, allows us to see glimpses of postwar Rome attacked and choked construction sites producing housing - needed - a feeling feverish pace and social conflict between those who live in the "center", the good life, and others who live in the suburbs in misery not only material but also moral.

Finally a musical note. As in the book occur several times a couple of words taken from the verses of a song popular then ... sandals, clogs ... someone is curious and asked the question: how will the melody and the rest of the text? Well, our group has no limits and as with Google is the answer to everything. Teresa is readily performed in a solo singing - to applause - thus response to an odd question.

For those who want the whole text here it is transcribed below.

clogs clogs / that you gave every morning / good day, along with Nina. Clogs clogs / that only the noise and were doing the happy heart. Do not rejoice over my house / and only a sparrow chirps. / Why. who loved me left me / why did not understand my love / and I am left alone and in love. Account and recount, / tears cried over, / the world singing and listening more. I consumed one thousand handkerchiefs / and my tears I All wet / dreaming of you my face and zoccoletti.Ma where you are / what you do, for they do not return to my love più.Zoccoletti clogs / like a queen on a throne / flow every mattina.Zoccoletti clogs / I sang, she sang / and kiss me now donava.E not make more noise, / I still walk on the heart. / Perchè.Ho consumed one thousand handkerchiefs / and my tears I have bathed / dreaming of you my face and zoccoletti.Ma where you are / what you do, for they do not return to my love più.Zoccoletti clogs / that you gave every morning / good day, along with Nina.

The next meeting Feb. 19 2009 comment on the posthumous work of Oriana Fallaci
A hat full of cherries
Rizzoli Editore

by Lucia and Alberto

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Exercise Floor Wipers


A selection of titles among the most appreciated and most recently read by members of the group reading of Rozzano.

Alan Bennet - The ceremony of massage - Adelphi
Il massaggiatore è morto, al funerale intervengono tutti i suoi clienti: il fior fiore di Londra.
Con graffiante ironia ecco apparire sulla pagina personaggi e situazioni grottesche animate da un assolo di sax. La preziosa sfera intima di ognuno, che fino ad allora era stata protetta dalle abili mani del defunto, fa capolino tra i banchi della chiesa, sfiora i convenuti suscitando infiniti arabeschi narrativi.

G. Cappelli - La vedova, il Santo e il segreto del Pacchero estremo - Marsilio
L'autore definito il Philip Roth italiano ha vinto il premio John Fante con il romanzo Parenti lontani .
La ricerca della ricetta del Pacchera extreme, a typical product of southern Italy, is a journey that leads the reader to meet strange characters, art galleries, beautiful cities, broken dreams, saints and statues. Dario protagonist Villalta, Milan gallery deep admirer of Mantegna, and
rich young widows. The pages run faster in the intricate story full of twists.

Abdolah Kader - The house of the mosque - Hyperborea
The author is a political refugee living in Holland since 1988 and in an interview with the Express points out that he feels his son Persia, its gardens, arts and poetry. Even the name by which he signs his books is a tribute to two fellow fighters executed by the Khomeini regime.
One of the reasons for her writing we find him in the back cover: "
I wrote this book for Europe. I have drawn aside the veil to show Islam as a way of life ... a moderate Islam, domestic not radical. "
For centuries, the family of Aga Jan has tied his destiny to Senjan mosque in the heart of Persia, the house adjoining the mosque is filled with myths and traditions, but the arrival of the young imam Ghalghalporterà increasingly violent actions that will change the face of the country.

Yasmina Khadra - The bomber - Mondadori
Dr. Amin, an Israeli of Arab descent is called to work at a fast pace the victims of yet another attack. Man, so far has preferred to live without taking a position in the conflict he sees as the opposing sides and the native people of adoption. The call of his friend the police officer or middle of the night: "Your wife is dead, she was the bomber" will lead him to ask questions about who was really Donnacona where he lived for years.

Jodi Picoult - Nineteen minutes - Corbaccio
Peter Houghton is a boy of seventeen, one day makes a massacre in his own college and the police arrest him before he can kill himself. Ironically, among the wounded are Josie Cormier, a key witness, the daughter of the judge in charge of the process and nfanzia friend of the boy's father and one of the professors of the same Peter. Students model hide brutal captors, monsters turn out to desperate victims. Love, misunderstanding, insecurity and conformity that a massacre could have been avoided; inevitable for any person involving the exploration of the motivation of those aspects of the past that perhaps could have avoided what happened?

Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian - Einaudi

1850 on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, a band of scalp hunters left behind a trail of blood, that command the portly judge Holden: preacher and philosopher, seeding vilenza ferocity and with his band consisting of half-breeds, outcasts armed to the teeth and also a boy of fourteen years.
McCarthy investigates through his stories the mystery of evil and violence, including both producing works critical acclaim that the readers

Roberto Cotroneo - The wind of hate - Mondadori
Giulia Moresco bought the house where he lived Cristiano Costantini - now in hiding for decades - and doing renovation work is hidden in a partition, a shocking memoir that affects them both . Can it be a Christian, who understands that must return to face the past.
The drama of the years of lead, the focus of the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Aldo Moro, told through the voices of two young players that go over their past life we \u200b\u200breproduce the dramatic moments of our recent past.

Lapierre and Moro - Five Past Midnight in Bhopal - Mondadori
Nearly twenty years from happening Dominique Lapierre with his nephew Javier Moro reconstructs one of the most appalling industrial disasters of the last century. In an intense and touching book, which recalls the tone and sensitivity of the unforgettable City of Joy, tell her the events and background of the tragedy of Bhopal in December 1984 resulted in a few hours thousands of victims.
" There is nothing to fear. The plant in Bhopal be as innocuous as a chocolate factory " - assured the head of the project - " The multiple safety systems which are equipped with facilities of this kind make it possible to monitor all potentially dangerous reactions Mic . But the night between 2 and 3 December 1984, a toxic cloud rose from the Union Carbide plant. People were running like crazy from all over, his clothes ripped, torn veils, looking for a breath of fresh air to breathe. With polmoni che stavano per scoppiare, alcuni si rotolarono a terra in preda ad atroci convulsioni. " Dappertutto ci sono morti con la faccia verdastra accanto ad agonizzanti che vomitano un liquido giallastro, scossi dagli spasmi ".

Llosa Mario Vargas - Avventure della ragazza cattiva - Einaudi
Il lettore viene trascinato dalla capacità dell'autore di ritrarre, attraverso una storia d'amore, in modo vivo e palpitante il mondo europeo e latinoamericano dagli anni Sessanta a tutti gli anni Ottanta mescolando protagonisti ed eventi reali, come il capo guerrigliero Lobatòn, l'editore Muchnik e il Sessantotto parigino, con altri di fantasia, come il piccolo vietnamita adottato da a French couple, who regains his voice thanks to the friendship of niña mala
The real hero of the book but the writing is, in fact, Ricardo after the end of the affair with the mysterious niña mala will use its experience and find the courage to face what has always been his dream: writing.

Fethiye - Heranush, my grandmother. The fate of an Armenian woman - Alet Edizioni
Born in an Armenian village of Christianity Heranush age of ten Turks massacred his people deporting women and children. Adopted by a turkish army captain begins a new life as a Muslim with the name of Seher. The desire to once again review the family fled to America pushes the woman on the verge of death, to ask the niece to find his loved ones. Through the testimony of
Heranush, the fate of thousands of Armenian families.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross - Death is of vital importance - Armenia
Reflections on the transition from life to life after death through the experience of the author in contact with the terminally ill in the hospital ward. A faithful witness the last moments of patients: children, adults, seniors highlight the state of mind of the relatives at the bedside of the sick to help you understand what grace and peace with the human spirit is preparing to face up to life eternal.

Andrea Vitali - After long and painful illness - Garzanti books
" After long and painful illness" is written on the manifest as the funeral for the death of the notary Galimberti posted by the family.
Dr. Carlo Lonati and the deceased were friends, they came to Bella in the same period of forty years earlier, both suffer from angina, take the same medicine and follow the same diet ... why the notary's dead? was really a long and penosamalattia, what is behind Mrs. Claudia Galimberti? In this thriller, the author tries to unravel the tangle through the places, streets and roads near Lake Como. From Bella at Dongo, missteps and shots di scena per gli amanti del genere.

Aspettiamo le vostre segnalazioni, non esitate, con commenti e proposte !
A cura di Lucia e Alberto.