Saturday, May 30, 2009

Multiple Scerosis More Condition_symptoms



recurs in These days, the tenth anniversary of the opening of the headquarters of the Public Library of Rozzano, to celebrate the anniversary all employees with dignity, Director in head, are organized and each has spared no effort or resources to set up a series of appointments in the House involving all players and not.

29 has run began Friday with the performance of the company Bread and Mate, while Saturday saw 30 player in the note and good Italian writer Dacia Maraini by Valeria Palumbo, editor in chief European Championship.

Despite the unusual time, a conference room packed to hear the views of Dacia Maraini on the themes of his recently published book "The train last night" - Rizzoli Editore - triggered by questions raised by Valeria Palumbo, and at term, some members of the public, mostly women.

Dalla Shoa alla rivoluzione ungherese del '56, dal Nazismo al Comunismo, dalle deportazioni nei campi di sterminio, alla mafia. Tantissima materia e pochissimo tempo, nonostante le due ore piene dedicate dalle Signore ospiti.

Valeria Palumbo ha letto, con la consueta valente interpretazione, alcuni brani del libro e un paio di poesie - tratte dal volume "Io sono la vostra voce" - scritte da una fra i più importanti poeti del '900: la russa Anna Achmatova.

Al termine autografi e dediche poi tutti a festeggiare con stuzzichini e aperitivi.

a cura di Lucia e Alberto

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Genetal Warts More Condition_symptoms

"Embers" by Sandor Marai
publisher ADELPHI

Though published and probably written in 1942, is a book can be placed, for the air we breathe, that for the characters of the characters and their stories, traditional literature in the nineteenth-century romantic. A story with inflation - not the first nor last ever - love triangle, cut short by escaping to the tropics of the lover of the wife of a senior officer in the Habsburg Empire.

The story: after forty years, two men, that young people have been inseparable (one of those male friends no less intense relationship between two identical twins), they return to meet in a castle at the foot of the Carpathians. One has spent those decades in the Far East, the other has not moved from his property. But both have lived up to this moment. Nothing else mattered to them. Why? Because they share a secret that has a singular force, "" a force that burns the fabric of life as a malignant radiation, but at the same time gives warmth to life and keeps it in tension ". Everything converges on a 'duel swords' - and far more cruel. Among them, the shadow, the ghost of a woman.

The Author captivated the reader with a clear prose, pressing and sliding at the same time, capturing attention with a measured dose of suspense: it looks like a landscape invisible because all protected by a thick fog that slowly, with the passage of the pages, weakens and thins to dissolve and eventually uncover the truth. He discovers the past as it relates to the present. Magic chapter climax when the two are both hunting in thick woods, since before dawn, when Henrik perceived to have the barrel of Konrad bet on himself.
E 'work has suggested that everyone present in a series of questions which hath been tried, during the debate, to find objective answers, senza però raggiungere un'unità nell'esito, cosicchè ognuno ha conservato i rispettivi punti interrogativi suggeriti dalla lettura.
Eccone alcuni. Perchè mai Konrad ritorna dopo 41 anni dal giorno della sua fuga improvvisa e inaspettata? Perchè non risponde alle domande che gli vengono rivolte? Perchè non parla e non interviene nel lungo monologo del Generale? Ha davvero puntato il fucile contro l'amico? Erano d'accordo lui e Krisztina?
E il diario di quest'ultima, conservato per anni, rinvenuto alla sua morte e mai aperto dal marito nel momento in cui finalmente avrebbero potuto entrambi leggerlo e scoprire i pensieri della donna amata da entrambi, viene gettato nel fuoco del camino in cui viene lasciato burn up to become ashes.
's view that the General is the "bad" because he abandoned his wife, not forgive, retiring two hours by horse from the villa-castle where Krisztina let alone die without ever seeing her again, knowing of his illness . Krisztina has been left to die because she felt abandoned by both? Konrad is a coward, as in the indictment handed down by her as she was made aware that K. fled? But is not it - in his supposed cowardice - a man who wanted to - at the crucial moment - saving the life of one who had devoted friendship shown? Konrad himself lived with a difficult situation to the General when an adult, he realized that to him was not the most noble sentiments of friendship and affinity when the adolescent was transformed into the exact opposite, too many minds and ideals between the two. E 'Krisztina the only real victim? Be abandoned by the lover, escaped in the tropics, both by her husband? And yet Henrik is not at the same time he also a victim of circumstances as they had always had feelings of deep and sincere friendship for K. Krisztina and married for love and finds himself without a wife / love and no friends? Konrad fleeing the tropics does not renounce the pleasure of not only his intellectual aspirations (music, readings), but also the love of the beloved? They are prisoners of Henrik and Konrad, in their own way, the first prisoner of the memories (41 years of dark musings and reflections) and the second suite from his greatest aspirations (the presence of the lover and the possibility of making music and reading) this prevented the climate of the Tropics adverse and unhealthy for a European?
So many questions and a thousand doubts, all subjective, suggested by its sensitivity and mediated by their personal experiences of life and culture and agreed by all, with one exception, which is a great novel since it has aroused so many emotions .
The next June 25 - at 20.45 - we will find ourselves for the evening before the summer break to comment on two novels of another great exponent of Hungarian literature.
Magda Szabó: " THE DOOR" and " THE BALLAD OF IZA"
both published in Italy by EINAUDI
by Lucy and Albert

Friday, May 1, 2009

I-cather Console-street Monitor

The Curious Incident of Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon - Einaudi
approach to the novel, because the title and the fact that the protagonist is a fifteen year leads us to believe belongs to the genre of children's literature. Nothing further. It 's a story with a serious subject, told with an air of light striking delicacy and humor - but we know how to shine MH this quality - with the counterpoint of some scientific and philosophical reflections.
All this and more hath been heatedly discussed between the increasingly large representation of WG rozzanese. As
are far from each other by gender and form of expression, jumped to the eye of many as the last read - "The Road" - even in this we can find a parallel in the behavior of mothers. Both defeatist and defeats, but for Christopher's mother, however, there is redemption in the end because they fail to regain its role, doing away with herself, finding a balance in relations with the very difficult emotional manifestations caused by the syndrome suffered by the child. The mother had collapsed from too much love that had prevented her from accepting the disease and its consequences. The father, more pragmatic, it was riuscito a sopportare e a mantenere un discreto vantaggio fino a quando, confessando di avere ucciso lui il cane, si aliena del tutto la fiducia di C. La situazione si capovolge al punto che diventa il nemico pericoloso da cui guardarsi e fuggire. Le lettere scritte al figlio e lette da questi in condizioni fortuite sono il salvagente che lo porteranno alla madre.
Ci si è chiesto se il libro sia politicamente scorretto: non è indelicato divulgare al mondo dei lettori le intime sensazioni di una persona malata? Non è sconveniente conoscere attraverso la penna dell’A. e i pensieri di C. come si relaziona con il mondo chi è colpito dalla sindrome di Asperger? Chi ci assicura che non sia solo fantasia di M. H. ?
Se queste e altre domande arise after reading a book means that the A. was able to involve, not a banal story told, has reached at least one of the goals that we imagine the writers put it: to awaken an interest that continues even after leaving the reader with a trace of his work.
Next meeting May 21, 2009
protagonist Sandor Marai, "Embers"

by Lucy and Albert