Sunday, April 26, 2009

Put On A Wedding Card

"The Curious Incident of Dog in the Night"
of Mark Haddon
publisher Einaudi

At the conclusion of the reading done almost in one breath of this "strange case," I realized that Mark Haddon is able to evaporate my age of seventy cumbersome for me to put herself in restless and very sensitive personality of Christopher Boone, a fifteen autistic lives and sees his world with all the complexities, idiosyncrasies and fears that the Asperger's put on him. Bella
the idea of \u200b\u200bliving near the incident of the dog killed with a pitchfork like a detective story with a murder and a dead man, even if this is just a dog. The murderess is davvero ed il ragazzo investigatore lo percepisce come tale: malfattore terribile e pericoloso, da cui bisogna difendersi, magari impugnando un coltellino svizzero. Ma costui è suo padre, per cui non gli resta che fuggire di casa ed in un viaggio avventuroso affrontare un mondo che la sua malattia gli aveva precluso, fatto di strade e luoghi sconosciuti, un treno sconosciuto, una Londra con la sua metropolitana sconosciuta, e con la forza della sua intelligenza acutissima raggiungere con successo la madre che lo aveva lasciato due anni prima.
Calati nell’esistenza del ragazzo vediamo ed interagiamo con la realtà in modo straordinariamente più intenso delle persone cosiddette normali. Le quali in confronto sono generalmente banali, spesso rozze if not trivial with very few exceptions.
not heal the boy but his parents are individually, acknowledging their mistakes, taking a healing finding a relationship with him genuinely and deeply true. There is a thread of hope for the boy who found protection in the family, he was able to capitalize on his extraordinary intellectual gifts to go to university. Here will be his revenge, because studying and working well with adults older than he will earn this recognition and the equality of human relationships which had prevented the disease.
One can not feel gratitude to the author with his seriousness , Depth and delicacy has found a way to get us into existence in the scenario of this disability. And let us understand the richness of life in many ways superior to what we, the so-called normal, we believe that they have presumptuously.
It does this with a writing style capable of determining a successful counterpoint adventure, humor and gentle sensitivity that ultimately make us feel deep sympathy for this kid that the routines of normal social life makes us feel like a different unknown.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sayings For Teeth Whitening

Sabato 21 marzo 2009

Daughters of Lilith
Valeria Palumbo ed. Odradek

Valeria Palumbo e Walter Colombo hanno animato il sabato pomeriggio alternandosi alla lettura di brani, alcuni tratti da vecchi manuali di bon ton, per aspiranti fidanzati e intraprendenti cavalieri altri dal testo: Le figlie di Lilith di Valeria Palumbo. Un fiume in piena di storie di donne che hanno sconvolto abitudini consolidate dando scandalo fino a che i loro modi sono diventati costume. Prostitute d’alto bordo, con tanto di salotto letterario, artiste, attrici, scrittrici, giornaliste che hanno trasformato i costumi dell’epoca dando nuova forza all’emancipazione femminile mentre venivano proiettate sullo schermo le loro immagini.

Ora un giochino per voi, cari lettori, Who wrote this sentence?

forgive him for giving me exploited, ruined and humiliated. I forgive him because I loved everything. Do not defend son because I did not accuse you. Do not talk to the empire of reason, the flesh of your life, your thirst for life joyful. I'm tired of these words. For years, I hear you say ... I start from here tomorrow.

In my there is no answer.

E 'dead woman who does not deserve.

A little help can be found in the book. The daughters of Lilith.

By Lucy and Albert