New Year Cake Washers Sologne
This recipe I got it in an old book from the Ecole Lenotre, the famous French cooking school, a book which I have already spoken on other occasions, full of interesting recipes, and in some cases somewhat complicated.
It seems that this is a typical trick of the French region called Sologne (authentic natural paradise and region of origin of the Tatin sisters and their famous upside down apple cake ...), data on which, however, not knowing the name of the specialty in French, I could not find confirmation anywhere.
The pastries are pretty good that you will get ... in fact I was expecting something much better because I think the nut, although it is predominant in the dough, as a whole is not much valued.
But since it's not even a recipe just to throw (and I also need a place to salutarvi ed augurarvi una buona fine per quest'anno ed un miglior principio per il prossimo!), la pubblico ugualmente! ;-DDD
Io ho fatto mezza dose e buona parte dei biscottini ottenuti è andata "persa" nel cercare la cottura ottimale, ovvero quella per ottenere dei biscottini croccanti ma non bruciati...
Per le rondelle
Nocciole tritate in farina 250 gr
Zucchero 250 gr
Uova 4 (piccole)
Tuorli 4
Burro nocciola* 150 gr
Farina 30 gr
Bicarbonato di sodio 3 gr
Albumi 120 gr
Per la ganache
Panna 100 gr
Cioccolato 150 gr
Burro morbido (a temperatura ambiente) 25 gr
* The hazelnut butter is obtained by cooking butter to the point of the municipality in which the bottom Comino to take a brown color.
Then immediately pour into another container and allow to cool before mixing with the rest.
The preparation is optional, however, even with the butter melted and cooled normally you get a good result and much healthier.
fact, there are contraindications to the use of healthy brown butter, as many good things to the palate in the long run may be harmful to your health: read here for more details.
Procedure Mix together the hazelnut flour, 150 grams of sugar, eggs, egg yolks, butter, hazelnut, flour and baking soda, then beat the egg whites with the remaining 100 grams of sugar and gently add the rest.
Spread with a spoon, or better yet-a-sac with few, well spaced and regular amount of mixture on a plate covered with parchment paper and bake at 170 degrees for 8-10 'making sure to drain well but do not burn.
Let cool and then gently detach.
Meanwhile, prepare a cream ganache normal boiling the cream and pour a shot of the finely chopped chocolate, stirring to melt the chocolate and mix well, and finally incorporate the soft butter and cool.
Col-sac a few or a spoon to distribute small amounts of ganache over half of the funds, stack and decorate their own half with another sprig of ganache.
If not consumed immediately, keep refrigerated.
I embrace and I wish to celebrate the end of the year in good company ... I recommend it!
To all my best wishes for an amazing 2011! :-DDD
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Vespa Granturismo Helmet
Cake Grandma's
I am back safe and sound from this first session and Related Areas dinner parties, dinners, lunches and pranzoni.
birthday is always a time of financial statements and reflections, one of the things I've done these days is that I no longer have neither the appetite nor the ability to recupero da un abbuffata che avevo venti anni fa... ;-)
In pratica i giorni di festa, per abbondanza e varietà di portate, finisco per mangiare di fatto una sola volta al giorno... e meno male!
Ultimamente poi mi capita oltretutto di cucinare cose che poi non posso neanche assaggiare perché mi sono state commissionate... poi può anche capitare, che chi me l'ha commissionata non si faccia più vivo e viceversa a chi ho dovuto precedentemente dire di no, possa così offrire una soluzione insperata ed inaspettata per il cenone, proprio quando non sapeva più dove sbattere la testa... strano periodo davvero questo quì!
Intorno a questa torta infatti è successo tutto questo... e sapete qual'è la cosa che mi scoccia di più? Il non averla potuta assaggiare ovviamente!
A Firenze la Torta della Nonna è un grande classico, praticamente tutte le pasticcerie e diversi forni la preparano giornalmente anche in monoporzione.
Gli ingredienti principali infatti sono due delle preparazioni di base della pasticceria presenti in ogni laboratorio: la pasta frolla e la crema pasticcera.
Alcune versioni, come ad esempio quella attribuita ad Annie Féolde del ristorante Enoteca Pinchiorri di Firenze, pubblicata anche anni fa da Sigrid sul suo celeberrimo blog , prevede una crema più ricca, con l'aggiunta delle mandorle... altre versioni invece aggiungono le mandorle o anche i pinoli nella frolla, insomma giratela come vi pare rimane sempre una torta di notevole interesse.
La torta è così semplicemente strutturata: un disco di pasta frolla sul quale si fa uno strato o una cupoletta schiacciata di crema, coperta da un altro disco di pasta frolla e cosparsa di pinoli tostati.
Nota: per comodità si può stendere la pasta in una tortiera bassa e toglierla dallo stampo quando è ben fredda, io invece molto macchinosamente l'ho stretta in un cerchio di quelli regolabili dopo aver sigillato i bordi della pasta....
Infine, una spolverata di zucchero a velo per completare e celare le eventuali crepature dovute alla cottura.
For the pastry flour
300 g Sugar 100 g Egg yolks 3
Butter 100 gr
Baking powder 5 gr
For the custard
500 ml milk 150 g sugar 4 egg yolks
flour 40 g
flavor vanilla 1 egg yolk
20 g icing sugar 1 tablespoon
Procedure Prepare the cream, heat milk to boiling bringing it closer. If
flavored with whole vanilla pod, put it directly into the milk, with an open incision. Then filter the milk before use.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla if you prefer to use instead aggiungetecela at this time.
Once you have a frothy mixture, dissolve the flour.
add the hot milk, stirring with a wire whip.
Place over low heat until it is well thickened, then remove from heat and let cool, stirring occasionally so as not to make the film darker and dry on the surface, until it is cold.
meanwhile Prepare the pastry by sifting the flour with baking, place a fountain in the center and add the other ingredients including cold butter cut into cubes.
Mix with your fingertips without working too much to get yourself a mixture of crumbs, if the end is too dry, add cold water with a little spoon.
Obtain a ball and divide dough in half.
Wrap each half in plastic wrap and put them in 30 'in the fridge to rest. Spread
after two disks of 26-28 cm in diameter.
I used two sheets of parchment paper for each disc and the rolling pin.
Take the first drive installed directly on the plate with which bake in the center and spread cream very cold.
distribution, and leaving a crown of a free two-fingers from the edge.
If the cream looks too, lasciatene da parte qualche cucchiaiata, valutate comunque voi al momento se è il caso.
Successivamente avvolgendo il secondo disco di pasta attorno al mattarello, spostarlo e posarlo accuratamente sulla torta facendolo perfettamente combaciare col disco sottostante.
Sigillare il bordo ripiegandolo poi verso l'alto e stringendo leggermente verso il centro.
Spennellare la superficie con un tuorlo sbattuto con un cucchiaino di acqua e cospargerla di pinoli.
Mettere in forno preriscaldato a 170° per 30' circa o fino a doratura.
Lasciar raffreddare completamente, spoverizzare di zucchero a velo e trasferire sul vassoio di portata.
Consumare Day or later than the next two days, keeping it in the fridge.
PS: in these days of celebration have been away from the internet, I thank all those who have written to me to reciprocate the good wishes for the new year! :-DDD
I am back safe and sound from this first session and Related Areas dinner parties, dinners, lunches and pranzoni.
birthday is always a time of financial statements and reflections, one of the things I've done these days is that I no longer have neither the appetite nor the ability to recupero da un abbuffata che avevo venti anni fa... ;-)
In pratica i giorni di festa, per abbondanza e varietà di portate, finisco per mangiare di fatto una sola volta al giorno... e meno male!
Ultimamente poi mi capita oltretutto di cucinare cose che poi non posso neanche assaggiare perché mi sono state commissionate... poi può anche capitare, che chi me l'ha commissionata non si faccia più vivo e viceversa a chi ho dovuto precedentemente dire di no, possa così offrire una soluzione insperata ed inaspettata per il cenone, proprio quando non sapeva più dove sbattere la testa... strano periodo davvero questo quì!
Intorno a questa torta infatti è successo tutto questo... e sapete qual'è la cosa che mi scoccia di più? Il non averla potuta assaggiare ovviamente!
A Firenze la Torta della Nonna è un grande classico, praticamente tutte le pasticcerie e diversi forni la preparano giornalmente anche in monoporzione.
Gli ingredienti principali infatti sono due delle preparazioni di base della pasticceria presenti in ogni laboratorio: la pasta frolla e la crema pasticcera.
Alcune versioni, come ad esempio quella attribuita ad Annie Féolde del ristorante Enoteca Pinchiorri di Firenze, pubblicata anche anni fa da Sigrid sul suo celeberrimo blog , prevede una crema più ricca, con l'aggiunta delle mandorle... altre versioni invece aggiungono le mandorle o anche i pinoli nella frolla, insomma giratela come vi pare rimane sempre una torta di notevole interesse.
La torta è così semplicemente strutturata: un disco di pasta frolla sul quale si fa uno strato o una cupoletta schiacciata di crema, coperta da un altro disco di pasta frolla e cosparsa di pinoli tostati.
Nota: per comodità si può stendere la pasta in una tortiera bassa e toglierla dallo stampo quando è ben fredda, io invece molto macchinosamente l'ho stretta in un cerchio di quelli regolabili dopo aver sigillato i bordi della pasta....
Infine, una spolverata di zucchero a velo per completare e celare le eventuali crepature dovute alla cottura.
For the pastry flour
300 g Sugar 100 g Egg yolks 3
Butter 100 gr
Baking powder 5 gr
For the custard
500 ml milk 150 g sugar 4 egg yolks
flour 40 g
flavor vanilla 1 egg yolk
20 g icing sugar 1 tablespoon
Procedure Prepare the cream, heat milk to boiling bringing it closer. If
flavored with whole vanilla pod, put it directly into the milk, with an open incision. Then filter the milk before use.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla if you prefer to use instead aggiungetecela at this time.
Once you have a frothy mixture, dissolve the flour.
add the hot milk, stirring with a wire whip.
Place over low heat until it is well thickened, then remove from heat and let cool, stirring occasionally so as not to make the film darker and dry on the surface, until it is cold.
meanwhile Prepare the pastry by sifting the flour with baking, place a fountain in the center and add the other ingredients including cold butter cut into cubes.
Mix with your fingertips without working too much to get yourself a mixture of crumbs, if the end is too dry, add cold water with a little spoon.
Obtain a ball and divide dough in half.
Wrap each half in plastic wrap and put them in 30 'in the fridge to rest. Spread
after two disks of 26-28 cm in diameter.
I used two sheets of parchment paper for each disc and the rolling pin.
Take the first drive installed directly on the plate with which bake in the center and spread cream very cold.
distribution, and leaving a crown of a free two-fingers from the edge.
If the cream looks too, lasciatene da parte qualche cucchiaiata, valutate comunque voi al momento se è il caso.
Successivamente avvolgendo il secondo disco di pasta attorno al mattarello, spostarlo e posarlo accuratamente sulla torta facendolo perfettamente combaciare col disco sottostante.
Sigillare il bordo ripiegandolo poi verso l'alto e stringendo leggermente verso il centro.
Spennellare la superficie con un tuorlo sbattuto con un cucchiaino di acqua e cospargerla di pinoli.
Mettere in forno preriscaldato a 170° per 30' circa o fino a doratura.
Lasciar raffreddare completamente, spoverizzare di zucchero a velo e trasferire sul vassoio di portata.
Consumare Day or later than the next two days, keeping it in the fridge.
PS: in these days of celebration have been away from the internet, I thank all those who have written to me to reciprocate the good wishes for the new year! :-DDD
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Custom Brooks Running Shirts
Sorry for the long inaction but for me these days are among the most troubled dell'anno.
Normalmente infatti in questo periodo mi vengono commissionati da parenti ed amici chili su chili di cioccolatini, peccato che non abbia fatto le foto della mole di cioccolato lavorata nell'ultimo fine settimana, ma non avevo neanche la forza di reggere in mano la mia compattina.
Inoltre non sono mancati i lievitati ed un paio di torte, il tutto dovendo anche gestire la corrispondenza dei due corsi (forse addirittura tre!) di cioccolateria che terrò a Gennaio, la vita ordinaria fatta di lavoro, famiglia etc...etc...
Finita la produzione comunque da domani si passerà alla parte non meno impegnativa dei festeggiamenti, che per me sarà un tantino più lunga che per gli altri...
Domani is the fact that eve at home celebrating my birthday ... Meanwhile, I'll spare you all the considerations on the fact of being born on the eve and then the shadow of a major holiday, gifts 2x1 etc ... etc ...
I warn you, however, that from tomorrow for 3 days and then disconnect from the internet completely and then we find ourselves directly on Monday.
But I could not let pass without even the Christmas greeting and wish you the blog and so I'll tell you what will be my Christmas cake, ideally thereby closing the cycle of recurrence increased from a few weeks ago started with the Kranz.
To arrange a Christmas dinner at my house because I started from the bottom, or the sweet and to be sure I wanted to redo the last year that I personally was left out of the goodness in the heart really ...
This is the "Gubana" with "G" starting a traditional yeast typical of Friuli, then nothing to do with the large Caribbean island.
If you're ever in those areas (Friuli always mean), you can find some great variations, the recipe that I've done is that of Adriano which, even if its not from Friuli, in my opinion has been able to fully capture the ' soul of this sweet.
Compared to its original I have not changed anything but an ingredient of the filling ... ;-)
Where he wrote 120gr brioche bread or biscuits but I I put a slice of my pandoro order that had kept as a relic for a few days away from the mouths of the house (mine included!),-P
Some details: For molds I used paper cups for the coffee cake 750 gr.
If you can not find around, always in the original post Adriano find some useful guidance on how to build home by simply using the parchment paper and a stapler.
before consuming it is worth letting go at least 4-5 days to let it ripen the flavor of this leavened by filling particularly rich.
The yield was better last year, this year because I underestimated forming the correct and what is the outward appearance are not very satisfied, with regard to the taste but it seems to me even better!
I copy and paste it with both hands (photo included) from the post of Master :
For the pastry 600g flour
W 300 (I used the Manitoba Loconte)
200g whole milk
180gr sugar 110gr water
160g butter 1 egg + 2 egg yolks
14.5 gr
8g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon salt malt
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon
1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon of extract.
For the filling:
220g raisins or other sweet
90gr Picolit (although the former is worth buying it on purpose)
blanched almonds and toasted walnuts
80gr 80gr 50gr
toasted pine nuts tossed in a little butter 30g sugar 100g
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon 1 egg
40g butter 1 tablespoon honey
panbrioche 120gr (or biscuits)
1 tablespoon apricot jam
50g finely chopped candied orange
50g dark chocolate 50g chopped dried crushed amaretti
(these last 5 ingredients are not canonical and can be omitted, but they enrich the flavor)
Morning prior to cooking:
prepare a chariot with 150 grams of flour, 70g water and 1.5 g yeast
kneaded by hand and we set the minimum at 18 ° for 24 hours.
Prepare filling by mixing the dried fruit in small grains, raisins softened in the past 24 hours, the soaking liquid and the chopped panbrioche with the melted butter with the honey and all the ingredients except the egg. Cover and place ourselves in a cool place.
poolish prepare a spicy, slightly warmed milk with 200g, 100g of flour, grated zest of 1 lemon, 6gr yeast. Cover and refrigerate at 5 °.
pull out from the poolish refrigerator and give a stir.
melt the remaining 7 gr of yeast and malt in 40g water, 40g of mixed flour and leave to swell.
Bridging Preimpastato 2, we prepare 215gr of flour, versiamola all in the bowl, but a handful and we start the machine with the hook. When the dough has formed, add the chopped chariot, egg yolk, 60g of sugar, flour and remaining curvature. Insert 60g soft butter (which we will spread the seeds of the vanilla bean). We will not occur until the dough semigloss, elastic and well connected. We cover
and transferred to 28 ° until it triples (approx. 1 hour).
2 ° dough: We initiate
la macchina, serriamo l’incordatura, poi aggiungiamo un albume seguito da ca. metà della farina rimanente, alla ripresa dell’incordatura uniamo 1 tuorlo con metà dello zucchero ed uno spolvero di farina, riportiamo in corda ed inseriamo l’altro tuorlo con lo zucchero rimanente, il sale ed il resto della farina. Incordiamo, poi aggiungiamo il burro appena morbido, su cui avremo grattugiato le zeste dell’arancia. Lavoriamo ribaltando di tanto in tanto l’impasto nella ciotola, finchè non sarà incordato e farà il velo.
rolled in diagonal, as tightening, stretch gently roll as we would with a baguette, wrap gently roll in on itself (like wringing a wet towel)
and rolled, putting his head under terminal nut (or nearly so in my case ...) .
We arrange everything on a baking sheet, cover with plastic and we put at 28 ° until doubled (about 90 ')
Brush with egg white, sprinkle with plenty of sugar and bake at 180 for approx. 45 'or until cooked, where necessary, to protect the aluminum (I have covered after 15').
Let cool on a wire rack, wrapped in a cloth.
Picolit Enjoy with a glass of wine or other sweet wine.
PS: for the photo of the slice, unfortunately you have to wait until after Christmas ... during that period I did not end up under the eyes ... ;-)))
I embrace you and kiss you all and I offer my warmest wishes for a very good Christmas! :-DDD
Update 27/12 or the photo of the cake as it appears to 'internal
Sorry for the long inaction but for me these days are among the most troubled dell'anno.
Normalmente infatti in questo periodo mi vengono commissionati da parenti ed amici chili su chili di cioccolatini, peccato che non abbia fatto le foto della mole di cioccolato lavorata nell'ultimo fine settimana, ma non avevo neanche la forza di reggere in mano la mia compattina.
Inoltre non sono mancati i lievitati ed un paio di torte, il tutto dovendo anche gestire la corrispondenza dei due corsi (forse addirittura tre!) di cioccolateria che terrò a Gennaio, la vita ordinaria fatta di lavoro, famiglia etc...etc...
Finita la produzione comunque da domani si passerà alla parte non meno impegnativa dei festeggiamenti, che per me sarà un tantino più lunga che per gli altri...
Domani is the fact that eve at home celebrating my birthday ... Meanwhile, I'll spare you all the considerations on the fact of being born on the eve and then the shadow of a major holiday, gifts 2x1 etc ... etc ...
I warn you, however, that from tomorrow for 3 days and then disconnect from the internet completely and then we find ourselves directly on Monday.
But I could not let pass without even the Christmas greeting and wish you the blog and so I'll tell you what will be my Christmas cake, ideally thereby closing the cycle of recurrence increased from a few weeks ago started with the Kranz.
To arrange a Christmas dinner at my house because I started from the bottom, or the sweet and to be sure I wanted to redo the last year that I personally was left out of the goodness in the heart really ...
This is the "Gubana" with "G" starting a traditional yeast typical of Friuli, then nothing to do with the large Caribbean island.
If you're ever in those areas (Friuli always mean), you can find some great variations, the recipe that I've done is that of Adriano which, even if its not from Friuli, in my opinion has been able to fully capture the ' soul of this sweet.
Compared to its original I have not changed anything but an ingredient of the filling ... ;-)
Where he wrote 120gr brioche bread or biscuits but I I put a slice of my pandoro order that had kept as a relic for a few days away from the mouths of the house (mine included!),-P
Some details: For molds I used paper cups for the coffee cake 750 gr.
If you can not find around, always in the original post Adriano find some useful guidance on how to build home by simply using the parchment paper and a stapler.
before consuming it is worth letting go at least 4-5 days to let it ripen the flavor of this leavened by filling particularly rich.
The yield was better last year, this year because I underestimated forming the correct and what is the outward appearance are not very satisfied, with regard to the taste but it seems to me even better!
I copy and paste it with both hands (photo included) from the post of Master :
For the pastry 600g flour
W 300 (I used the Manitoba Loconte)
200g whole milk
180gr sugar 110gr water
160g butter 1 egg + 2 egg yolks
14.5 gr
8g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon salt
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon
1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon of extract.
For the filling:
220g raisins or other sweet
90gr Picolit (although the former is worth buying it on purpose)
blanched almonds and toasted walnuts
80gr 80gr 50gr
toasted pine nuts tossed in a little butter 30g sugar 100g
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon 1 egg
40g butter 1 tablespoon honey
panbrioche 120gr (or biscuits)
1 tablespoon apricot jam
50g finely chopped candied orange
50g dark chocolate 50g chopped dried crushed amaretti
(these last 5 ingredients are not canonical and can be omitted, but they enrich the flavor)
Morning prior to cooking:
prepare a chariot with 150 grams of flour, 70g water and 1.5 g yeast
kneaded by hand and we set the minimum at 18 ° for 24 hours.
Prepare filling by mixing the dried fruit in small grains, raisins softened in the past 24 hours, the soaking liquid and the chopped panbrioche with the melted butter with the honey and all the ingredients except the egg. Cover and place ourselves in a cool place.
poolish prepare a spicy, slightly warmed milk with 200g, 100g of flour, grated zest of 1 lemon, 6gr yeast. Cover and refrigerate at 5 °.
pull out from the poolish refrigerator and give a stir.
melt the remaining 7 gr of yeast and malt in 40g water, 40g of mixed flour and leave to swell.
Bridging Preimpastato 2, we prepare 215gr of flour, versiamola all in the bowl, but a handful and we start the machine with the hook. When the dough has formed, add the chopped chariot, egg yolk, 60g of sugar, flour and remaining curvature. Insert 60g soft butter (which we will spread the seeds of the vanilla bean). We will not occur until the dough semigloss, elastic and well connected. We cover
and transferred to 28 ° until it triples (approx. 1 hour).
2 ° dough: We initiate
la macchina, serriamo l’incordatura, poi aggiungiamo un albume seguito da ca. metà della farina rimanente, alla ripresa dell’incordatura uniamo 1 tuorlo con metà dello zucchero ed uno spolvero di farina, riportiamo in corda ed inseriamo l’altro tuorlo con lo zucchero rimanente, il sale ed il resto della farina. Incordiamo, poi aggiungiamo il burro appena morbido, su cui avremo grattugiato le zeste dell’arancia. Lavoriamo ribaltando di tanto in tanto l’impasto nella ciotola, finchè non sarà incordato e farà il velo.
Copriamo e trasferiamo a 26° per 45’.
Rovesciamo la massa sulla spianatoia e diamo le pieghe del tipo 2 e mettiamo in frigo 8 ° in a covered container, until early afternoon or the next day but at 5 ° (I followed the second street).
We pull the container out of the refrigerator an hour break and after the dough into 2 parts.
Roll out each of these, with a rolling pin, often in an oval 5 - 6mm approx.
Spread the filling (to which we have combined the egg), leaving a finger-board, that brush with egg white.
Rovesciamo la massa sulla spianatoia e diamo le pieghe del tipo 2 e mettiamo in frigo 8 ° in a covered container, until early afternoon or the next day but at 5 ° (I followed the second street).
We pull the container out of the refrigerator an hour break and after the dough into 2 parts.
Roll out each of these, with a rolling pin, often in an oval 5 - 6mm approx.
Spread the filling (to which we have combined the egg), leaving a finger-board, that brush with egg white.
rolled in diagonal, as tightening, stretch gently roll as we would with a baguette, wrap gently roll in on itself (like wringing a wet towel)
and rolled, putting his head under terminal nut (or nearly so in my case ...) .
We arrange everything on a baking sheet, cover with plastic and we put at 28 ° until doubled (about 90 ')
Brush with egg white, sprinkle with plenty of sugar and bake at 180 for approx. 45 'or until cooked, where necessary, to protect the aluminum (I have covered after 15').
Let cool on a wire rack, wrapped in a cloth.
Picolit Enjoy with a glass of wine or other sweet wine.
PS: for the photo of the slice, unfortunately you have to wait until after Christmas ... during that period I did not end up under the eyes ... ;-)))
I embrace you and kiss you all and I offer my warmest wishes for a very good Christmas! :-DDD
Update 27/12 or the photo of the cake as it appears to 'internal
Friday, December 17, 2010
Rocco Wear Big And Tall
In ascolto
interrupt the long silence due to reasons not dependent on my will (as they say in these cases) but by acts of God, to say that I intend to return more frequently and I wrote little but listened to a lot recently and I realized that the last cd purchased are strictly Italian. Two, South Africa and the United sound system, I just report that if you do not feel like you have heard and peaceful even when the sky is gray, it is worthwhile to have them on hand. Of many, Massimo Volume ("Bad habits") and Marlene Kuntz ("Admissions and sexy virtual solitude), the first is beautiful, sometimes thrilling, and quickly moves (to have), the second get to fourth to fifth listening and then grows every time you put it on.
interrupt the long silence due to reasons not dependent on my will (as they say in these cases) but by acts of God, to say that I intend to return more frequently and I wrote little but listened to a lot recently and I realized that the last cd purchased are strictly Italian. Two, South Africa and the United sound system, I just report that if you do not feel like you have heard and peaceful even when the sky is gray, it is worthwhile to have them on hand. Of many, Massimo Volume ("Bad habits") and Marlene Kuntz ("Admissions and sexy virtual solitude), the first is beautiful, sometimes thrilling, and quickly moves (to have), the second get to fourth to fifth listening and then grows every time you put it on.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shiny Pokemon Games For Sale
Black Forest Cake
Black Forest Cake "Schwarzwaelderkirschtorte" is perhaps the cake that I made and remade several times in my life ... I would describe it as "my classic for the big events." Indeed
However, every opportunity is good for me if they ask, say that Christmas without this cake in my house would not be the same, we can also swear that the various family members to turn us off over the candles ...
:-) This time I've redone to bring it to our farewell dinner with some friends for Christmas, the same of which I spoke here .
The recipe then I fell to the bean to complete participation in the Christmas Caffarel which I had already mentioned in previous post theme, since we're talking at length about Christmas and chocolate (in Caffarel this case). Indeed
for decoration col cioccolato, ho sciolto assieme e ritemperato le tavolette di cioccolato extra-fondente a diversa percentuale che mi hanno mandato ed ottenuto un cioccolato con una gradazione di cacao intermedia.
Già dal nome si intuisce che la ricetta ha indubbie origini tedesche, mi è capitato spesso però di notarla anche in taluni ricettari regionali del trentino, che (come molte regioni di confine) per ragioni storiche, ha un identità fortemente trans-nazionale.
La ricetta originale prevederebbe l'utilizzo di ciliegie fresche da cuocere successivamente, in realtà poi una ricetta che mette assieme le ciliegie che si raccolgono intorno a Giugno con il cioccolato che si lavora in inverno a me sembra un po' paradossale e così, as recommended in many cookbooks, I used cherries in syrup.
The cake looks like this: 3 layers of pasta GENOISE almonds soaked in a wet Kirsch, alternating with as many layers of sweetened whipped cream mixed with cherries in syrup.
The decoration is done with chips and chocolate cigars thus suggest that somehow the color and appearance, the bark of trees that in contrast to the whiteness of the cream vaguely reminiscent of a snowy forest. There also would be well
few leaves of chocolate, but I did not have a "healthy" to achieve them.
Introducing characters and performers:
Ingredients for 8 servings
For the pastry flour
80 g Cocoa powder 30 grams ground almonds 50 g
Eggs 4 Sugar 125 g butter 40 g
Baking powder 1 / 2 teaspoon
For the filling 500 ml Fresh cream
Sugar 2 tablespoons icing
cherries in syrup (drained) 200 gr
For wet
Sugar 60 g Water 125 ml 100 ml
To decorate
extra-dark chocolate Caffarel 60-70% 200 gr
Fit Procedure to froth the egg yolks with the sugar, slowly add flour, almonds and cocoa sifted together.
Combine melted butter, cold and finally the yeast. The compound
will be pretty hard, slowly add the egg whites whip very hard, using a silicone spatula without turning but do not cut apart.
Once incorporated all put the dough in a pan with removable ring of 22 cm in diameter greased and floured baking in the oven at 170 degrees for 40 'or so.
Remove from the mold and let cool on a wire rack.
Cut the cake into 3 discs of the same height, I used the bow with wire and I have come layers of 1 cm in height.
Prepare the syrup to the syrup by boiling sugar and water for 5 ', then let cool and add the kirsch. Whip cream
very cold with icing sugar, cut in half the cherries may be leaving some aside for the whole decoration.
Assembly: Take a disc of dough, place on serving platter and using a brush, soak with 1 / 3 of the wet.
Straight With a spatula spread 1 / 3 of whipped cream on the hard wet and evenly distribute half of the cherries sinking into the cream.
Cover with second pastry disk sprinkle with 1 / 3 of the wet, cover again with cream (1 / 3) and cherries (the second half)
Cover with the last disk of dough, sprinkle with the syrup remaining
spread the cake with the remaining cream and spread evenly layer above and on the outer perimeter.
decoration: line the perimeter with chocolate chips and the center of the cake with a few other chips, some chocolate and cigar whole cherries aside.
Keep in refrigerator at least an hour before serving.
Note: To find the elements of decoration I made like this: I have spread the tempered chocolate in an even layer about 2 mm and I left a few minutes to thicken. Then I got the spatula triangular of chocolate cigars as described in the bottom of this post .
For chips I used a pastry rings instead of 5 cm in diameter and at times I crawled slowly on chocolate is not yet completely cured, always with the right inclination to curl the chocolate.
Unfortunately I have the photo of the slice, first because I had dinner with friends where I forgot to bring your camera, because in the second round of 5 'from the cut has not been even a single bit of chocolate ... :-P
Black Forest Cake "Schwarzwaelderkirschtorte" is perhaps the cake that I made and remade several times in my life ... I would describe it as "my classic for the big events." Indeed
However, every opportunity is good for me if they ask, say that Christmas without this cake in my house would not be the same, we can also swear that the various family members to turn us off over the candles ...
:-) This time I've redone to bring it to our farewell dinner with some friends for Christmas, the same of which I spoke here .
The recipe then I fell to the bean to complete participation in the Christmas Caffarel which I had already mentioned in previous post theme, since we're talking at length about Christmas and chocolate (in Caffarel this case). Indeed
for decoration col cioccolato, ho sciolto assieme e ritemperato le tavolette di cioccolato extra-fondente a diversa percentuale che mi hanno mandato ed ottenuto un cioccolato con una gradazione di cacao intermedia.
Già dal nome si intuisce che la ricetta ha indubbie origini tedesche, mi è capitato spesso però di notarla anche in taluni ricettari regionali del trentino, che (come molte regioni di confine) per ragioni storiche, ha un identità fortemente trans-nazionale.
La ricetta originale prevederebbe l'utilizzo di ciliegie fresche da cuocere successivamente, in realtà poi una ricetta che mette assieme le ciliegie che si raccolgono intorno a Giugno con il cioccolato che si lavora in inverno a me sembra un po' paradossale e così, as recommended in many cookbooks, I used cherries in syrup.
The cake looks like this: 3 layers of pasta GENOISE almonds soaked in a wet Kirsch, alternating with as many layers of sweetened whipped cream mixed with cherries in syrup.
The decoration is done with chips and chocolate cigars thus suggest that somehow the color and appearance, the bark of trees that in contrast to the whiteness of the cream vaguely reminiscent of a snowy forest. There also would be well
few leaves of chocolate, but I did not have a "healthy" to achieve them.
Introducing characters and performers:
Ingredients for 8 servings
For the pastry flour
80 g Cocoa powder 30 grams ground almonds 50 g
Eggs 4 Sugar 125 g butter 40 g
Baking powder 1 / 2 teaspoon
For the filling 500 ml Fresh cream
Sugar 2 tablespoons icing
cherries in syrup (drained) 200 gr
For wet
Sugar 60 g Water 125 ml 100 ml
To decorate
extra-dark chocolate Caffarel 60-70% 200 gr
Fit Procedure to froth the egg yolks with the sugar, slowly add flour, almonds and cocoa sifted together.
Combine melted butter, cold and finally the yeast. The compound
will be pretty hard, slowly add the egg whites whip very hard, using a silicone spatula without turning but do not cut apart.
Once incorporated all put the dough in a pan with removable ring of 22 cm in diameter greased and floured baking in the oven at 170 degrees for 40 'or so.
Remove from the mold and let cool on a wire rack.
Cut the cake into 3 discs of the same height, I used the bow with wire and I have come layers of 1 cm in height.
Prepare the syrup to the syrup by boiling sugar and water for 5 ', then let cool and add the kirsch. Whip cream
very cold with icing sugar, cut in half the cherries may be leaving some aside for the whole decoration.
Assembly: Take a disc of dough, place on serving platter and using a brush, soak with 1 / 3 of the wet.
Straight With a spatula spread 1 / 3 of whipped cream on the hard wet and evenly distribute half of the cherries sinking into the cream.
Cover with second pastry disk sprinkle with 1 / 3 of the wet, cover again with cream (1 / 3) and cherries (the second half)
Cover with the last disk of dough, sprinkle with the syrup remaining
spread the cake with the remaining cream and spread evenly layer above and on the outer perimeter.
decoration: line the perimeter with chocolate chips and the center of the cake with a few other chips, some chocolate and cigar whole cherries aside.
Keep in refrigerator at least an hour before serving.
Note: To find the elements of decoration I made like this: I have spread the tempered chocolate in an even layer about 2 mm and I left a few minutes to thicken. Then I got the spatula triangular of chocolate cigars as described in the bottom of this post .
For chips I used a pastry rings instead of 5 cm in diameter and at times I crawled slowly on chocolate is not yet completely cured, always with the right inclination to curl the chocolate.
Unfortunately I have the photo of the slice, first because I had dinner with friends where I forgot to bring your camera, because in the second round of 5 'from the cut has not been even a single bit of chocolate ... :-P
A brief reference / guide the course of chocolate I held on Sunday.
Again the right ingredients were all there and everything went more or less smooth ... apart from a wasp that has suddenly decided that I was bitten on the neck ... and thank goodness it is almost winter!
Still I am very grateful to Raffaella be promptly intervened with ammonia ... This
instead the battlefield at the height of operations ...
this time I also had the fortune to know and work with wonderful people that I'm going to thank one by one (in alphabetical order):
- Carlo: a sympathetic one, although he does not go crazy for sweets , was booked for weeks and I was not able by a hair to fit it in the previous course participants ... Thanks for your patience!
- Carolina: a warm, sunny lady bell ... think, came specially from Salerno to follow my progress! To you be the primacy of the longest distance traveled to participate in my course! ;-))) ... And of course a big thank you!
- Elena, a girl with a passion and curiosity about food and cooking that has made her job. Thank you dear and I hope there will soon be other opportunities to collaborate ... ;-)
- Federica: Well you are right, the author of the blog notes of chocolate and accompanied by her boyfriend who lived during the wait and the same with a thrill and an incredible enthusiasm! Read here
the beautiful story of the course as she has lived.
Thank you so much for everything darling!
- Gaia (it's almost a rule that each my course there must be one that is so called ahahahaha) : my partner in the course of Hadrian's bread and Paoletti, not seen that for the time riincontrare mess with ... but this time with chocolate!
Thank you for your participation!
Last but not least a special thanks to Raffaella home to my classes always at home with a smile and a very warm welcome.
I embrace you tight e. .. see you soon!
Again the right ingredients were all there and everything went more or less smooth ... apart from a wasp that has suddenly decided that I was bitten on the neck ... and thank goodness it is almost winter!
Still I am very grateful to Raffaella be promptly intervened with ammonia ... This
instead the battlefield at the height of operations ...
this time I also had the fortune to know and work with wonderful people that I'm going to thank one by one (in alphabetical order):
- Carlo: a sympathetic one, although he does not go crazy for sweets , was booked for weeks and I was not able by a hair to fit it in the previous course participants ... Thanks for your patience!
- Carolina: a warm, sunny lady bell ... think, came specially from Salerno to follow my progress! To you be the primacy of the longest distance traveled to participate in my course! ;-))) ... And of course a big thank you!
- Elena, a girl with a passion and curiosity about food and cooking that has made her job. Thank you dear and I hope there will soon be other opportunities to collaborate ... ;-)
- Federica: Well you are right, the author of the blog notes of chocolate and accompanied by her boyfriend who lived during the wait and the same with a thrill and an incredible enthusiasm! Read here
the beautiful story of the course as she has lived.
Thank you so much for everything darling!
- Gaia (it's almost a rule that each my course there must be one that is so called ahahahaha) : my partner in the course of Hadrian's bread and Paoletti, not seen that for the time riincontrare mess with ... but this time with chocolate!
Thank you for your participation!
Last but not least a special thanks to Raffaella home to my classes always at home with a smile and a very warm welcome.
I embrace you tight e. .. see you soon!
Last but not least, I want to tell the contest Saretta an appetite for reading my dear and esteemed friend.
The theme is the "finger-food" sweet or salty, the deadline is January 31, 2011 and at the end the winners will be a 4! (+4 Reserve) and can participate who has a blog.
What I like about this contest is that you must develop an original recipe and what and how you have carte blanche in short, a clear invitation to apply with creativity!
But you're still here?! Click on the image and go directly read from her!
The theme is the "finger-food" sweet or salty, the deadline is January 31, 2011 and at the end the winners will be a 4! (+4 Reserve) and can participate who has a blog.
What I like about this contest is that you must develop an original recipe and what and how you have carte blanche in short, a clear invitation to apply with creativity!
But you're still here?! Click on the image and go directly read from her!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Do You Want Somebody To Love Mp3
Pandora (peeled)
Continuing the trend of increased from Christmas celebration, this time I have tried a recipe to me quite complex, or pandoro peeled.
The main difficulty of this yeast is to give the necessary rounds of carefully peeling the execution of which I still have much to learn ...
However despite the technical implementation imperfect I was very pleased with the result :-)
Taking cues are here and there by the inevitable Adriano, Roberto from and not least from the book "Bread and sweet stuff," the legendary Similar sisters I tried to jot down a recipe of my pandoro peeled.
The Pandora is a leavened exceptionally good and reproducible effect and satisfaction at home as long as you choose quality ingredients, in this case just butter, fresh eggs and a hint of vanilla and not of genuine synthesis.
In fact, if you use poor ingredients, the result can only be poor and at that point might as well buy one at the supermarket so you also save the time and effort ... !
theory tradition it would be prepared with natural yeast, but for those like me who eschew laziness that approach, the yeast is a solution rather than honorable.
The other thing required for this yeast is the star in a special mold that I recommend you get strictly metal.
Attending shops home I heard frequently tell the sad tales of silicone molds for pandoro "belly flop" to the last rise and then need to be contained in one of panettone to remedy (for those who have both !)...
The only foresight to follow the mold with metal, because of the numerous folds of the sheets is to finish to dry in oven at 60-70 ° warmth, advice should promptly bestow the same seller at the time of purchase and which applies to all metal cake molds to prevent the unwanted oxidation.
Ingredients Flour 450 gr (350 gr flour Manitoba + 100 00)
Water 75 gr yeast 15 gr sugar 150 gr
2 whole eggs + 4 egg yolks 220 gr
Butter Salt 6 oz Honey spoon
( recommend a type acacia honey or orange)
vanilla extract
20 hours of the day prior to the mix: prepare the chariot fat: 2 grams
Dissolve yeast in 45 g of water, mescolarla a 100 gr di farina manitoba impastando brevemente fino ad ottenere un panetto al quale incorporerete sempre impastando 30 gr di burro.
Ore 7 del giorno successivo: preparare un lievitino sciogliendo i 13 gr residui di lievito in 30 gr di acqua col miele anch'esso disciolto.
Mescolarci con una frusta 30 gr di farina ed un tuorlo d'uovo fino ad ottener una pastella fluida da lasciar riposare un ora al caldo.
Ore 8: impastamento.
Mescolare biga e lievitino con 50 gr di farina.
Successivamente aggiungere gli altri ingredienti seguendo uno schema abbastanza classico: aggiungere un uovo leggermente battuto con 40 gr di zucchero.
Quando è incorporato aggiungere 50 gr presi from all of the remaining two flours together and stir and stir in sifted.
Repeat the above pattern with the second egg and its ingredients.
Then add one egg yolk with 20 grams of sugar, stir well and then add 30 grams of flour and tie.
Repeat the pattern with the other two yolks.
Finally incorporate the salt and 80 grams of flour.
reversing string if necessary and then add each time bringing in rope butter into pieces and then the vanilla extract.
Place in a large buttered bowl, cover and let rise in warm place (28-30 degrees) until doubled (about 3h)
In the meantime, take the remaining 160 grams of butter and prepare for the stripping.
Put it between two sheets of plastic wrap and taps with small rolling pin to soften it and then flatten it into a strip of roughly 20x15 high about 2-3 mm.
then keep in the fridge at the top until use.
Peeling: Invert the dough to deflate the dough on a work surface well and gently flatten with a rolling pin in the shape of a rectangle about 28x18. Put the butter
sull'impasto stretched so that it covers the 2 / 3,
then fold the side flaps in the middle: the first free and then the one with butter.
Appiattire col mattarello avendo cura che il burro non fuoriesca da nessuna parte e piegare di nuovo i lembi laterali al centro.
Avvolgere di pellicola e porre in frigo a riposare per 40' circa.
Riprendere l'impasto e dare altri due "giri" come quello sopra intervallati sempre da 40' di riposo in frigo.
Al termine del terzo giro avvolgere l'impasto a palla con la chiusura sotto senza serrare troppo e mettere accuratamente nello stampo da pandoro imburrato.
Mettere a lievitare al riparo da correnti d'aria a 26° e non di più per evitare lo scioglimento del burro della sfogliatura. Far
exceed the level of the mixture of two fingers around the edge.
Note: To get to this point has put us 8-9 hours
Bake at 160 ° for about 40-50 'and still do the toothpick test, which must be perfectly dry.
Note: My real black beast with this yeast is always cooking and having to cook in an oven "horizontal" yeast that develops only in a "vertical" does not help!
still recall my first pandoro a year ago that once appeared unexpectedly cut a hole in it and a pile of uncooked dough, I tend to keep him 10 'more rather than 10 'less ... perhaps the result tends to be a bit 'too dark, although covering the "puff" with aluminum after 10' from the beginning of cooking .
Cool one hour in the mold and unmold.
Allow to cool completely and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
closed in a bag keeps well for several days, you should still riintiepidirlo to withdraw at the time of consumption out the fragrance of butter.
Needless to say, one of the most pandori good that has ever passed through my house ... ;-)
Updating your chocolate courses: end of January I will be in Rome!
Continuing the trend of increased from Christmas celebration, this time I have tried a recipe to me quite complex, or pandoro peeled.
The main difficulty of this yeast is to give the necessary rounds of carefully peeling the execution of which I still have much to learn ...
However despite the technical implementation imperfect I was very pleased with the result :-)
Taking cues are here and there by the inevitable Adriano, Roberto from and not least from the book "Bread and sweet stuff," the legendary Similar sisters I tried to jot down a recipe of my pandoro peeled.
The Pandora is a leavened exceptionally good and reproducible effect and satisfaction at home as long as you choose quality ingredients, in this case just butter, fresh eggs and a hint of vanilla and not of genuine synthesis.
In fact, if you use poor ingredients, the result can only be poor and at that point might as well buy one at the supermarket so you also save the time and effort ... !
theory tradition it would be prepared with natural yeast, but for those like me who eschew laziness that approach, the yeast is a solution rather than honorable.
The other thing required for this yeast is the star in a special mold that I recommend you get strictly metal.
Attending shops home I heard frequently tell the sad tales of silicone molds for pandoro "belly flop" to the last rise and then need to be contained in one of panettone to remedy (for those who have both !)...
The only foresight to follow the mold with metal, because of the numerous folds of the sheets is to finish to dry in oven at 60-70 ° warmth, advice should promptly bestow the same seller at the time of purchase and which applies to all metal cake molds to prevent the unwanted oxidation.
Ingredients Flour 450 gr (350 gr flour Manitoba + 100 00)
Water 75 gr yeast 15 gr sugar 150 gr
2 whole eggs + 4 egg yolks 220 gr
Butter Salt 6 oz Honey spoon
( recommend a type acacia honey or orange)
vanilla extract
20 hours of the day prior to the mix: prepare the chariot fat: 2 grams
Dissolve yeast in 45 g of water, mescolarla a 100 gr di farina manitoba impastando brevemente fino ad ottenere un panetto al quale incorporerete sempre impastando 30 gr di burro.
Ore 7 del giorno successivo: preparare un lievitino sciogliendo i 13 gr residui di lievito in 30 gr di acqua col miele anch'esso disciolto.
Mescolarci con una frusta 30 gr di farina ed un tuorlo d'uovo fino ad ottener una pastella fluida da lasciar riposare un ora al caldo.
Ore 8: impastamento.
Mescolare biga e lievitino con 50 gr di farina.
Successivamente aggiungere gli altri ingredienti seguendo uno schema abbastanza classico: aggiungere un uovo leggermente battuto con 40 gr di zucchero.
Quando è incorporato aggiungere 50 gr presi from all of the remaining two flours together and stir and stir in sifted.
Repeat the above pattern with the second egg and its ingredients.
Then add one egg yolk with 20 grams of sugar, stir well and then add 30 grams of flour and tie.
Repeat the pattern with the other two yolks.
Finally incorporate the salt and 80 grams of flour.
reversing string if necessary and then add each time bringing in rope butter into pieces and then the vanilla extract.
Place in a large buttered bowl, cover and let rise in warm place (28-30 degrees) until doubled (about 3h)
In the meantime, take the remaining 160 grams of butter and prepare for the stripping.
Put it between two sheets of plastic wrap and taps with small rolling pin to soften it and then flatten it into a strip of roughly 20x15 high about 2-3 mm.
then keep in the fridge at the top until use.
Peeling: Invert the dough to deflate the dough on a work surface well and gently flatten with a rolling pin in the shape of a rectangle about 28x18. Put the butter
sull'impasto stretched so that it covers the 2 / 3,
then fold the side flaps in the middle: the first free and then the one with butter.
Appiattire col mattarello avendo cura che il burro non fuoriesca da nessuna parte e piegare di nuovo i lembi laterali al centro.
Avvolgere di pellicola e porre in frigo a riposare per 40' circa.
Riprendere l'impasto e dare altri due "giri" come quello sopra intervallati sempre da 40' di riposo in frigo.
Al termine del terzo giro avvolgere l'impasto a palla con la chiusura sotto senza serrare troppo e mettere accuratamente nello stampo da pandoro imburrato.
Mettere a lievitare al riparo da correnti d'aria a 26° e non di più per evitare lo scioglimento del burro della sfogliatura. Far
exceed the level of the mixture of two fingers around the edge.
Note: To get to this point has put us 8-9 hours
Bake at 160 ° for about 40-50 'and still do the toothpick test, which must be perfectly dry.
Note: My real black beast with this yeast is always cooking and having to cook in an oven "horizontal" yeast that develops only in a "vertical" does not help!
still recall my first pandoro a year ago that once appeared unexpectedly cut a hole in it and a pile of uncooked dough, I tend to keep him 10 'more rather than 10 'less ... perhaps the result tends to be a bit 'too dark, although covering the "puff" with aluminum after 10' from the beginning of cooking .
Cool one hour in the mold and unmold.
Allow to cool completely and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
closed in a bag keeps well for several days, you should still riintiepidirlo to withdraw at the time of consumption out the fragrance of butter.
Needless to say, one of the most pandori good that has ever passed through my house ... ;-)
Updating your chocolate courses: end of January I will be in Rome!
Friday, December 10, 2010
City Clerk Queens Building
Christmas Caffarel
Today I devote my space to post information / advertising.
am happy to be contacted by Caffarel , Italian chocolate company in the history of quality, as a blogger to be part of their initiative Caffarel Christmas. "
Caffarel is one of the historic Italian brands of chocolate, do you think the invention of pasta Gianduia is due precisely to the intuition of the founders of Waldensian origin Isidore Caffarel and Michele Prochet, mixing chocolate with hazelnut paste.
The chocolate factory that was founded in Piemonte in Italy and one of the first was also an important reference point for the development that had chocolate all over Europe in the second half of 800.
The offer of our times of ancient origins of this company is aimed at professionals who use their shells to make their creations, directly to the consumer with a range of products ranging from chocolates, as well as tablets to gianduiotti Christmas parties and all products are widely scattered, for marketing choice, only in the best pastry shops.
sample products were delivered to me were contained in a glittering red tin box with decorations natalizi e consistevano in svariati soggetti natalizi di cioccolato al latte per addobbare l'albero, tavolette di cioccolato extra fondente ed un tubo di crema spalmabile.
Tra qualche giorno pubblicherò anche una ricetta, che parlerà di cioccolato e Natale, utilizzando parte dei suddetti prodotti, restate sintonizzati!!
La raccolta se volete è aperta anche a voi, se volete potete pubblicare una ricetta, nella pagina Caffarel su Facebook
Per il momento ho approfittato dei soggetti natalizi commestibili per integrare l'addobbo dell'albero di Natale che, caschi il mondo, a casa mia si fa l'8 Dicembre.
The little chef obviously could not resist, and once completed the work to which of course has contributed with enthusiasm, wanted to collect a tribute!
And so started the first little angel .... ,-DDD
nice weekend!
Today I devote my space to post information / advertising.
am happy to be contacted by Caffarel , Italian chocolate company in the history of quality, as a blogger to be part of their initiative Caffarel Christmas. "
Caffarel is one of the historic Italian brands of chocolate, do you think the invention of pasta Gianduia is due precisely to the intuition of the founders of Waldensian origin Isidore Caffarel and Michele Prochet, mixing chocolate with hazelnut paste.
The chocolate factory that was founded in Piemonte in Italy and one of the first was also an important reference point for the development that had chocolate all over Europe in the second half of 800.
The offer of our times of ancient origins of this company is aimed at professionals who use their shells to make their creations, directly to the consumer with a range of products ranging from chocolates, as well as tablets to gianduiotti Christmas parties and all products are widely scattered, for marketing choice, only in the best pastry shops.
sample products were delivered to me were contained in a glittering red tin box with decorations natalizi e consistevano in svariati soggetti natalizi di cioccolato al latte per addobbare l'albero, tavolette di cioccolato extra fondente ed un tubo di crema spalmabile.
Tra qualche giorno pubblicherò anche una ricetta, che parlerà di cioccolato e Natale, utilizzando parte dei suddetti prodotti, restate sintonizzati!!
La raccolta se volete è aperta anche a voi, se volete potete pubblicare una ricetta, nella pagina Caffarel su Facebook
Per il momento ho approfittato dei soggetti natalizi commestibili per integrare l'addobbo dell'albero di Natale che, caschi il mondo, a casa mia si fa l'8 Dicembre.
The little chef obviously could not resist, and once completed the work to which of course has contributed with enthusiasm, wanted to collect a tribute!
And so started the first little angel .... ,-DDD
nice weekend!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Check-by-phone Enter Check Number Autoscribe
S. Christmas 2010
How about
Lord if
this Christmas
make a beautiful tree
inside my heart, and there
attack, instead of gifts,
the names of all my friends:
distant friends and close friends, those
old and new, the ones I see every day-
not and the ones I see often, those who remember
always those sometimes forgotten, those constants
and alternative, those who, unwittingly, I did suffer
and those who unwittingly made me suffer, those who
deeply and know I know just those that I
have little and those to whom I owe a lot, my friends just and my
important friends, the names of all those who have passed in my life.
A tree with roots
very deep, because
their names do not come
never from my heart, a
tree branches very
large, because the new
nomi venuti da tutto il
mondo si uniscano ai già
esistenti, un albero con
un’ombra molto gradevole
affinché la nostra amicizia,
sia un momento di riposo
durante le lotte della vita
A warm greeting to you all for a very good first!
crib And now a very special
is a crib for children, I did the pope when I was still small
and I called: THE NATIVITY IN CASE !
In fact, this funny holy family is enclosed in a small suitcase,
but has it nothing is STAR, the ox (well, without horns ..) and the donkey!
"The ox and the ' donkeys were happy,
Bimbo's Magic were the best friends!
With their warm breath warmed him,
and meanwhile listening to the sweet songs of Maria! "
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dora The Explorer Audio Clips
For today's post just shows you an advanced technique of chocolate, which is the procedure for obtaining the effective two-tone chocolate decorations like these over here.
Experience required with tempering with the times and the solidification of the chocolate once stretched has this procedure to enter the ranks of the techniques experts.
photos are those that are in the kitchen because it was dark as usual and doing everything by myself (tempering, photos etc ...) I used the self-timer and is already the manna that has come out of what you see ...
The ingredients of the recipe-no-recipe so I'm only two: chocolate and white chocolate, the conversation gets complicated, however, if we are to deepen the necessary materials and techniques.
in pastry and chocolate common raw material is easily available already melted and tempered by a tempering machine automatic faucet or properly preserved at the temperature range in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks.
Se però come me non disponete di attrezzature automatizzate professionali il discorso diventa difficile, in quanto le operazioni per sciogliere e temperare i due diversi cioccolati si sovrappongono e vanno oltretutto eseguite con attrezzi e piani diversi per evitare che si sporchino a vicenda compromettendo il risultato.
Va tenuto conto che al momento di andare a passare la spatola triangolare per arricciare i sigari, le striscie di cioccolato bianco non dovranno essere già solide rispetto al fondente altrimenti si sbriciolano, le fasi dei due temperaggi si sovrappongono quindi per questa ragione.
Ma vediamo nel dettaglio come si procede...
Un modo per lavorare bene, specialmente disponendo di un marmo solo, may be to temper white chocolate for inoculation (see qu ì an interesting post by Federica) and then leave it up to a warm water bath is maintained at 29 °
Meanwhile, the melt temperature and tablage it is left to a second water bath a bit 'warmer to maintain the required 32 °, the system as a complex machine for sure.
Once you have the white chocolate melted and tempered (29 °) lay a strip on the marble and spatula to a height of 1-2 mm.
With a comb decoration "groom" the strip to get the strips of white chocolate.
Check solidify gradually, opaque and just gets a little 'solid pour the tempered chocolate (32 °)
and spatula to cover completely and evenly the white stripes.
Check the solidification of the flux by touching with a finger on the edge of the strip where among other things harden before.
This is the most difficult to choose, say, the moment of truth ... When the chocolate has solidified and will not stain your finger but it is still perfectly solid is the time to get the rolls.
with Grip both hands firmly on the triangular spatula and the angle of incidence of usually simple and rolls from the top curl 4-5 cm strip at a time
proceed quickly because the chocolate is still workable few seconds.
If you fail the exact time and the chocolate is already cold instead of curling will crumble if the first did so do not despair, probably the center of the strip, the chocolate is still workable.
Conversely, if the chocolate is still warm (or even ill-tempered) will stick to the spatula and do not curl.
This week I'm not much on the web for various commitments that will culminate on Sunday with an important appointment with my courses ... By the way, hurry up that were the latest posts!!
PS: For sure not the only cigar smoker who admit they are and dedicate them to all of you who follow me:-D
great week everyone!
For today's post just shows you an advanced technique of chocolate, which is the procedure for obtaining the effective two-tone chocolate decorations like these over here.
Experience required with tempering with the times and the solidification of the chocolate once stretched has this procedure to enter the ranks of the techniques experts.
photos are those that are in the kitchen because it was dark as usual and doing everything by myself (tempering, photos etc ...) I used the self-timer and is already the manna that has come out of what you see ...
The ingredients of the recipe-no-recipe so I'm only two: chocolate and white chocolate, the conversation gets complicated, however, if we are to deepen the necessary materials and techniques.
in pastry and chocolate common raw material is easily available already melted and tempered by a tempering machine automatic faucet or properly preserved at the temperature range in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks.
Se però come me non disponete di attrezzature automatizzate professionali il discorso diventa difficile, in quanto le operazioni per sciogliere e temperare i due diversi cioccolati si sovrappongono e vanno oltretutto eseguite con attrezzi e piani diversi per evitare che si sporchino a vicenda compromettendo il risultato.
Va tenuto conto che al momento di andare a passare la spatola triangolare per arricciare i sigari, le striscie di cioccolato bianco non dovranno essere già solide rispetto al fondente altrimenti si sbriciolano, le fasi dei due temperaggi si sovrappongono quindi per questa ragione.
Ma vediamo nel dettaglio come si procede...
Un modo per lavorare bene, specialmente disponendo di un marmo solo, may be to temper white chocolate for inoculation (see qu ì an interesting post by Federica) and then leave it up to a warm water bath is maintained at 29 °
Meanwhile, the melt temperature and tablage it is left to a second water bath a bit 'warmer to maintain the required 32 °, the system as a complex machine for sure.
Once you have the white chocolate melted and tempered (29 °) lay a strip on the marble and spatula to a height of 1-2 mm.
With a comb decoration "groom" the strip to get the strips of white chocolate.
Check solidify gradually, opaque and just gets a little 'solid pour the tempered chocolate (32 °)
and spatula to cover completely and evenly the white stripes.
Check the solidification of the flux by touching with a finger on the edge of the strip where among other things harden before.
This is the most difficult to choose, say, the moment of truth ... When the chocolate has solidified and will not stain your finger but it is still perfectly solid is the time to get the rolls.
with Grip both hands firmly on the triangular spatula and the angle of incidence of usually simple and rolls from the top curl 4-5 cm strip at a time
proceed quickly because the chocolate is still workable few seconds.
If you fail the exact time and the chocolate is already cold instead of curling will crumble if the first did so do not despair, probably the center of the strip, the chocolate is still workable.
Conversely, if the chocolate is still warm (or even ill-tempered) will stick to the spatula and do not curl.
This week I'm not much on the web for various commitments that will culminate on Sunday with an important appointment with my courses ... By the way, hurry up that were the latest posts!!
PS: For sure not the only cigar smoker who admit they are and dedicate them to all of you who follow me:-D
great week everyone!
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