Sorry for the long inaction but for me these days are among the most troubled dell'anno.
Normalmente infatti in questo periodo mi vengono commissionati da parenti ed amici chili su chili di cioccolatini, peccato che non abbia fatto le foto della mole di cioccolato lavorata nell'ultimo fine settimana, ma non avevo neanche la forza di reggere in mano la mia compattina.
Inoltre non sono mancati i lievitati ed un paio di torte, il tutto dovendo anche gestire la corrispondenza dei due corsi (forse addirittura tre!) di cioccolateria che terrò a Gennaio, la vita ordinaria fatta di lavoro, famiglia etc...etc...
Finita la produzione comunque da domani si passerà alla parte non meno impegnativa dei festeggiamenti, che per me sarà un tantino più lunga che per gli altri...
Domani is the fact that eve at home celebrating my birthday ... Meanwhile, I'll spare you all the considerations on the fact of being born on the eve and then the shadow of a major holiday, gifts 2x1 etc ... etc ...
I warn you, however, that from tomorrow for 3 days and then disconnect from the internet completely and then we find ourselves directly on Monday.
But I could not let pass without even the Christmas greeting and wish you the blog and so I'll tell you what will be my Christmas cake, ideally thereby closing the cycle of recurrence increased from a few weeks ago started with the Kranz.
To arrange a Christmas dinner at my house because I started from the bottom, or the sweet and to be sure I wanted to redo the last year that I personally was left out of the goodness in the heart really ...
This is the "Gubana" with "G" starting a traditional yeast typical of Friuli, then nothing to do with the large Caribbean island.
If you're ever in those areas (Friuli always mean), you can find some great variations, the recipe that I've done is that of Adriano which, even if its not from Friuli, in my opinion has been able to fully capture the ' soul of this sweet.
Compared to its original I have not changed anything but an ingredient of the filling ... ;-)
Where he wrote 120gr brioche bread or biscuits but I I put a slice of my pandoro order that had kept as a relic for a few days away from the mouths of the house (mine included!),-P
Some details: For molds I used paper cups for the coffee cake 750 gr.
If you can not find around, always in the original post Adriano find some useful guidance on how to build home by simply using the parchment paper and a stapler.
before consuming it is worth letting go at least 4-5 days to let it ripen the flavor of this leavened by filling particularly rich.
The yield was better last year, this year because I underestimated forming the correct and what is the outward appearance are not very satisfied, with regard to the taste but it seems to me even better!
I copy and paste it with both hands (photo included) from the post of Master :
For the pastry 600g flour
W 300 (I used the Manitoba Loconte)
200g whole milk
180gr sugar 110gr water
160g butter 1 egg + 2 egg yolks
14.5 gr
8g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon salt
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon
1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon of extract.
For the filling:
220g raisins or other sweet
90gr Picolit (although the former is worth buying it on purpose)
blanched almonds and toasted walnuts
80gr 80gr 50gr
toasted pine nuts tossed in a little butter 30g sugar 100g
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon 1 egg
40g butter 1 tablespoon honey
panbrioche 120gr (or biscuits)
1 tablespoon apricot jam
50g finely chopped candied orange
50g dark chocolate 50g chopped dried crushed amaretti
(these last 5 ingredients are not canonical and can be omitted, but they enrich the flavor)
Morning prior to cooking:
prepare a chariot with 150 grams of flour, 70g water and 1.5 g yeast
kneaded by hand and we set the minimum at 18 ° for 24 hours.
Prepare filling by mixing the dried fruit in small grains, raisins softened in the past 24 hours, the soaking liquid and the chopped panbrioche with the melted butter with the honey and all the ingredients except the egg. Cover and place ourselves in a cool place.
poolish prepare a spicy, slightly warmed milk with 200g, 100g of flour, grated zest of 1 lemon, 6gr yeast. Cover and refrigerate at 5 °.
pull out from the poolish refrigerator and give a stir.
melt the remaining 7 gr of yeast and malt in 40g water, 40g of mixed flour and leave to swell.
Bridging Preimpastato 2, we prepare 215gr of flour, versiamola all in the bowl, but a handful and we start the machine with the hook. When the dough has formed, add the chopped chariot, egg yolk, 60g of sugar, flour and remaining curvature. Insert 60g soft butter (which we will spread the seeds of the vanilla bean). We will not occur until the dough semigloss, elastic and well connected. We cover
and transferred to 28 ° until it triples (approx. 1 hour).
2 ° dough: We initiate
la macchina, serriamo l’incordatura, poi aggiungiamo un albume seguito da ca. metà della farina rimanente, alla ripresa dell’incordatura uniamo 1 tuorlo con metà dello zucchero ed uno spolvero di farina, riportiamo in corda ed inseriamo l’altro tuorlo con lo zucchero rimanente, il sale ed il resto della farina. Incordiamo, poi aggiungiamo il burro appena morbido, su cui avremo grattugiato le zeste dell’arancia. Lavoriamo ribaltando di tanto in tanto l’impasto nella ciotola, finchè non sarà incordato e farà il velo.
Copriamo e trasferiamo a 26° per 45’.
Rovesciamo la massa sulla spianatoia e diamo le pieghe del tipo 2 e mettiamo in frigo 8 ° in a covered container, until early afternoon or the next day but at 5 ° (I followed the second street).
We pull the container out of the refrigerator an hour break and after the dough into 2 parts.
Roll out each of these, with a rolling pin, often in an oval 5 - 6mm approx.
Spread the filling (to which we have combined the egg), leaving a finger-board, that brush with egg white.
Rovesciamo la massa sulla spianatoia e diamo le pieghe del tipo 2 e mettiamo in frigo 8 ° in a covered container, until early afternoon or the next day but at 5 ° (I followed the second street).
We pull the container out of the refrigerator an hour break and after the dough into 2 parts.
Roll out each of these, with a rolling pin, often in an oval 5 - 6mm approx.
Spread the filling (to which we have combined the egg), leaving a finger-board, that brush with egg white.

We arrange everything on a baking sheet, cover with plastic and we put at 28 ° until doubled (about 90 ')

Brush with egg white, sprinkle with plenty of sugar and bake at 180 for approx. 45 'or until cooked, where necessary, to protect the aluminum (I have covered after 15').
Let cool on a wire rack, wrapped in a cloth.
Picolit Enjoy with a glass of wine or other sweet wine.
PS: for the photo of the slice, unfortunately you have to wait until after Christmas ... during that period I did not end up under the eyes ... ;-)))
I embrace you and kiss you all and I offer my warmest wishes for a very good Christmas! :-DDD
Update 27/12 or the photo of the cake as it appears to 'internal

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