always sweet for the series of Christmas celebrations could not miss the classic of classics, one of the symbol of the Christmas table: Panettone.
And the bomb-proof recipe that could not be to Adriano, judging by the number of comments to that post I think this is one of his best-selling book, I've followed the recipe word for word, adapting it to only a small amount.
Says Adrian, the use of yeast to exclude from being considered traditional recipe, the result is still significantly interesting.
I thank him for having first made available a recipe for people like me who prefers not to venture into long aging of yeast mother, on "refreshments" and "binding", but he wants to have a still a good quality result.
The stimulus was given to me last week by Flavia my dear friend (and blogger in part because of me), which would like to start experimenting with some recipes of the Master.
Perhaps a bit 'intimidated by technical terminology and the professionalism shines through the recipes of this blog asked me a few tips here and there, so it was enough to make me want to immediately take the cake!
This recipe I had already tried a couple of times last year, back when I had neither a blog nor the mixer and (I swear!) Had completed all the dough by hand and with the full dose .
was a considerable effort, but the result amply rewarded by a truly beyond my expectations, so that at the time bissai more than willing to try to improve especially the cooking.
Even using the mixer, I noticed, however, that the time needed to process and pauses between them, to get it right well this cake, it takes almost three days: the first to start Preimpastato poolish of chariot and the second (and challenging) for the mixes real and stake, and finally to the third primer: dividing, shaping, baking and then for subsequent cooking and cooling upside down.
And if you are blogger you will also need a fourth day for photos on the third day since the final stages of cooking and cooling will continue easily beyond the sunset ... ;-))
Because I wanted to make a dose for two pounds of panettone (which turned out to be no more than the limit for my small mixer) while they were with the original recipe from 2 pound and 1 / 2 low I reduced the quantities of each ingredient to 1 / 5 in order to obtain a final heavy dough about 2400 g, corresponding to 2 pounds of panettone.
for eggs instead of simply re-calculate and re-weigh how many fractions of yolks and whole eggs off, I just used small-medium eggs weigh an average fortunately 1 / 5 less than the big ones (60 -> 48 gr)
For leavening and above all for the final one, I used the frequently turning the oven just warmed for a few seconds and the thermometer kept inside from chocolate to make sure there were always 30 ° required for the proceedings.
As for cooking instead I covered after 20 'aluminum with him not to darken too much "puff" that this time it came very pronounced.
Here is how I worked:
Ingredients 900 g strong flour (I used Loconte alone now produces a surprisingly Manitoba with 14.5% protein)
Yolks 5 (medium) eggs
6 ( small-medium)
Butter Sugar 290 gr 280 gr 14 gr
Salt 2 tablespoons Honey
Barley malt a cucchiaino (non indispensabile)
Lievito di birra 14,4 gr (non ridete)
Estratto di vaniglia 1 cucchiaino
Buccia grattugiata di 1 arancio e di 1 limone
Uvetta 240 gr
Canditi arancio e cedro 160 gr
1° giorno (venerdì nel mio caso)
Ore 8 Biga: 160 gr farina, 72 gr acqua 1,6 gr lievito, impastare brevemente, coprire con pellicola e tenere al riparo dalla luce a 18°
Ore 18-19 Poolish aromatizzato: 80 gr acqua, 40 gr farina, 3,2 gr lievito, la buccia grattugiata di 1/4 di arancio, mettere poi in conteniotre ermetico in frigo a 5°
2° giorno (sabato)
1° impasto: tirare fuori il poolish e riattivarlo tenendolo per 30' a 30° (ho usato il forno appena intiepidito)
Mescolare al poolish 80 gr di farina , 8 gr di zucchero ed un tuorlo, mettere poi al caldo per 1h fino al raddoppio.
2° impasto: Spezzettare la biga ed unirla con cura al primo impasto (usare una spatola se necessario), unire poi 1 uovo, 40gr di farina, 16 gr di zucchero ed impastare finché prende corda.
Dopo mezz'ora preparare un terzo lievitino (starter?) sciogliendo 9,6 gr di lievito in 24 gr di acqua tiepida da mescolare poi con 20 gr di farina.
Tenere al caldo per altri 30'.
3° impasto: unire il lievitino al secondo adding the malt mix, 1 egg and 1 egg.
Once absorbed add 120 grams of flour, 24 grams of sugar and honey.
If after 5 'of kneading the dough strung and clean the bowl, turn it over until curvature.
Putting the heat until tripled in volume.
4 ° dough (afternoon): deflate and return in string, then add 3 egg yolks 120 gr sugar, vanilla extract and 80 grams of flour, string and add 4 eggs, 120 grams of sugar (mixed together with grated rind of orange and lemon) 320 grams of flour and salt to proceed with the following method: Add 1 egg and 1 / 4 sugar, add salt absorption and 4 / 4 della farina incordare e ripartire da capo seguendo sempre la trafila uovo zucchero farina fino ad esaurimento.
Incordare e per ultimo aggiungere il burro morbido 1/3 alla volta.
Unire gli ultimi 40 gr di farina ed incordare capovolgendo più volte.
Unire l'uvetta (rinvenuta in acqua e Rhum) ed i canditi appena infarinati.
A questo punto si può scegliere se accorciare i tempi e dopo un ora formare direttamente e mettere a lievitare al caldo oppure sigillare l'impasto in un contenitore da tenere in frigo a puntare fino all'indomani, io ovviamente ho scelto la seconda strada.
Col riposo al freddo innegabilmente si ottengono miglioramenti sia nella struttura che nel sapore.
In the second case the next morning (Day 3 ) put at room temperature one hour before and then cut into 2 equal pieces of 1.2 kg each.
With buttered hands, form balls with the closing down (preferably by performing the movement of so-called "pirlatura" see in this video toward 5:00) to be placed later as they are in both paper panettone molds to rise.
Remember to move right away, on the plate with which you go in the oven, handle back at the end of the rising raw cake to move, in its thin paper mold, it could undermine all the work done so far ...

Cover with foil, place in warm (30 °) until the dough reaches the edge of swelling in my case it took them 6 hours and 30 'about to become so.

(Note that one is a bit 'lower: I was actually more tightly during the dough forming ...)
Remove the film and after 30' with wire a razor blade very lightly buttered affect cross the top of the panettone. Spread
just the 4 edges to the center and add a bit of butter.

Bake 15 'to 190 degrees and finish cooking for another 35-40' 160 °
Check with the toothpick test (I used a piece of spaghetti).
If necessary after the first 15-20 'quickly cover with two sheets of aluminum.
cooked, insert two skewers at the base of each cake and chill them hanging upside down, a couple of hours is enough.

(Here they are put away in the bedroom ;-) eheheheheheh)
stored unopened in plastic bags will retain approximately 15-20 days and in any case I think are better left to "mature" and eaten after 3-4 days.
It looks like this once "isolated" ;-)

Yet I swear I put the candy there!
nice day!
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