Today I devote my space to post information / advertising.
am happy to be contacted by Caffarel , Italian chocolate company in the history of quality, as a blogger to be part of their initiative Caffarel Christmas. "
Caffarel is one of the historic Italian brands of chocolate, do you think the invention of pasta Gianduia is due precisely to the intuition of the founders of Waldensian origin Isidore Caffarel and Michele Prochet, mixing chocolate with hazelnut paste.
The chocolate factory that was founded in Piemonte in Italy and one of the first was also an important reference point for the development that had chocolate all over Europe in the second half of 800.
The offer of our times of ancient origins of this company is aimed at professionals who use their shells to make their creations, directly to the consumer with a range of products ranging from chocolates, as well as tablets to gianduiotti Christmas parties and all products are widely scattered, for marketing choice, only in the best pastry shops.
sample products were delivered to me were contained in a glittering red tin box with decorations natalizi e consistevano in svariati soggetti natalizi di cioccolato al latte per addobbare l'albero, tavolette di cioccolato extra fondente ed un tubo di crema spalmabile.

Tra qualche giorno pubblicherò anche una ricetta, che parlerà di cioccolato e Natale, utilizzando parte dei suddetti prodotti, restate sintonizzati!!
La raccolta se volete è aperta anche a voi, se volete potete pubblicare una ricetta, nella pagina Caffarel su Facebook
Per il momento ho approfittato dei soggetti natalizi commestibili per integrare l'addobbo dell'albero di Natale che, caschi il mondo, a casa mia si fa l'8 Dicembre.

The little chef obviously could not resist, and once completed the work to which of course has contributed with enthusiasm, wanted to collect a tribute!

And so started the first little angel .... ,-DDD
nice weekend!
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