For today's post just shows you an advanced technique of chocolate, which is the procedure for obtaining the effective two-tone chocolate decorations like these over here.
Experience required with tempering with the times and the solidification of the chocolate once stretched has this procedure to enter the ranks of the techniques experts.
photos are those that are in the kitchen because it was dark as usual and doing everything by myself (tempering, photos etc ...) I used the self-timer and is already the manna that has come out of what you see ...
The ingredients of the recipe-no-recipe so I'm only two: chocolate and white chocolate, the conversation gets complicated, however, if we are to deepen the necessary materials and techniques.
in pastry and chocolate common raw material is easily available already melted and tempered by a tempering machine automatic faucet or properly preserved at the temperature range in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks.
Se però come me non disponete di attrezzature automatizzate professionali il discorso diventa difficile, in quanto le operazioni per sciogliere e temperare i due diversi cioccolati si sovrappongono e vanno oltretutto eseguite con attrezzi e piani diversi per evitare che si sporchino a vicenda compromettendo il risultato.
Va tenuto conto che al momento di andare a passare la spatola triangolare per arricciare i sigari, le striscie di cioccolato bianco non dovranno essere già solide rispetto al fondente altrimenti si sbriciolano, le fasi dei due temperaggi si sovrappongono quindi per questa ragione.
Ma vediamo nel dettaglio come si procede...
Un modo per lavorare bene, specialmente disponendo di un marmo solo, may be to temper white chocolate for inoculation (see qu ì an interesting post by Federica) and then leave it up to a warm water bath is maintained at 29 °
Meanwhile, the melt temperature and tablage it is left to a second water bath a bit 'warmer to maintain the required 32 °, the system as a complex machine for sure.
Once you have the white chocolate melted and tempered (29 °) lay a strip on the marble and spatula to a height of 1-2 mm.

With a comb decoration "groom" the strip to get the strips of white chocolate.

Check solidify gradually, opaque and just gets a little 'solid pour the tempered chocolate (32 °)

and spatula to cover completely and evenly the white stripes.

Check the solidification of the flux by touching with a finger on the edge of the strip where among other things harden before.
This is the most difficult to choose, say, the moment of truth ... When the chocolate has solidified and will not stain your finger but it is still perfectly solid is the time to get the rolls.
with Grip both hands firmly on the triangular spatula and the angle of incidence of usually simple and rolls from the top curl 4-5 cm strip at a time

proceed quickly because the chocolate is still workable few seconds.

If you fail the exact time and the chocolate is already cold instead of curling will crumble if the first did so do not despair, probably the center of the strip, the chocolate is still workable.
Conversely, if the chocolate is still warm (or even ill-tempered) will stick to the spatula and do not curl.

This week I'm not much on the web for various commitments that will culminate on Sunday with an important appointment with my courses ... By the way, hurry up that were the latest posts!!

PS: For sure not the only cigar smoker who admit they are and dedicate them to all of you who follow me:-D
great week everyone!
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